Sin embargo, que no haya estado presente no quiere decir que las cosas negativas no ocurran, pero creo que he podido tener la oportunidad de encontrar nuevas formas de liberar los pensamientos negativos y soltarlos muy lejos de mi mente y de mi corazón.
Esta vez, quiero hablar de cosas buenas. Primero, partamos de lo que he mencionado muchísimo acerca mis problemas para relacionarme con las personas y el mundo que me rodea, aquella introversión tan asfixiante que me hacía comprender por qué hay personas que deciden no salir de su casa nunca más… Pero, ¿realmente es sano aislarse tanto en una burbuja? Yo creo que no.
Entonces, hace poco escribí un post que, aunque siento que es un poco torpe mi forma de escribir, le tengo mucho cariño por lo que representó para mí: es el día que decidí cambiar. Desde entonces, siento que dejé ir un gran peso fuera de mis hombros. Imaginen la liberación que sentí cuando me dije a mí misma “¿ves?, no era tan difícil.” Cuando por fin hablé con una persona desconocida, cuando por fin intenté hacer algo que me daba demasiada vergüenza, cuando me vi al espejo… Y por fin pude decir “soy esa persona”, con una sonrisa. Escribir todo esto me pone muy sentimental, siento que a veces soy demasiado cursi, pero creo que siempre existirá alguien que entienda como me siento, al fin y al cabo.
A menudo también solía cometer otro error, y era pensar que el mundo se debía adaptar a mí, y no debía yo cambiar, pues esa fue la manera en la que yo nací, es mi personalidad, mi esencia, lo que soy… Pero aquí es donde nuevamente pregunto: ¿realmente es sano aislarse tanto en una burbuja?
Pude entonces aprender lo bonito que es cambiar, porque yo considero que cambiar es un acto de amor propio. Uno no debería cambiar solo cuando no le gusta algo de sí mismo, sino también cuando ese cambio te abre más oportunidades para vivir. He estado haciendo tantas cosas de una manera distinta últimamente, que siento como si estuviera a punto de comenzar a vivir una nueva vida.
Principalmente, los aspectos inevitables de mi vida, que me traían tristezas, frustraciones y rabia, aprendí a gestionarlos de una forma distinta, respirando y soltando todo de otra forma que no sea reactiva. Las cosas que normalmente me incomodaban hacer, intento hacerlas con todo mi esfuerzo, hasta que por fin las haya superado, después de todo solamente se requieren dos segundos de valentía para hacer las cosas. Otra cosa: ¿de qué manera te hablas a ti mismo?, ¿qué palabras usas?, o más aún… ¿Qué piensas de ti? Son cosas que he intentado cambiar radicalmente, pues las palabras importan, y quien debería amarnos antes que a nadie, deberíamos ser nosotros mismos. Creo que nosotros deberíamos ser nuestro propio consuelo, apoyo, ánimo y motivación, pues solo nosotros sabemos lo mucho que nos esforzamos. Eso no significa que no vayan a existir personas que también nos ofrezcan eso, pero debes recordar que la primera persona en hacerlo debes ser tú mismo. Por último, lo que descubrí hace poco (quizá ya debería haberlo sabido, pero uno solo aprende tropezando), es a darme mi propio lugar…
Verán, yo siempre he sido una chica bastante solitaria, y no por cuenta propia. Supongo que a veces los niños son crueles con otros niños, y siempre terminaba yo excluida. Desde que tengo memoria, siempre me gustan las esquinas, siempre camino sola, siempre hago silencio…. Bueno, siempre solía hacerlas. ¿Alguna vez llegaron a sentir que no pertenecían a ningún lugar? Para mí era lo común que algún grupo de personas me “adoptara” y luego ellos me excluían o yo era quien lo hacía, pues me sentía tan incompatible que parecía que naturalmente me repelía. Y yo lloraba tanto por eso, siempre tan sola… Tenía amigos, quizá sí, uno o dos, pero siempre estaba cada persona tan inmersa en su vida que ni siquiera conversábamos, a menos que casualmente nos topáramos. Cuando veía grupos de amigos, sentía tanto anhelo por tener personas con quien reír, con quién ser yo misma y que realmente me comprendieran.
Mencionaba lo de darse su lugar por una anécdota en concreto, y es que hubo una vez que yo “estaba” en un grupo de amigos, y esas personas iban a hacer una reunión. A mí se me ocurrió preguntarles si podía ir, pero simplemente me dijeron que no, y así quedó la cosa. No creo que tuvieran la culpa de algo, ni tampoco son los malos por decirme que no, pues al final es cuestión de no congeniar. Pero saber eso no hizo inevitable esa punzada en el pecho, seguido de ese susurro en mi cabeza diciéndome que no encajaba en ningún lugar. No era crueldad conmigo misma decirme eso, era una sensación de certeza tan triste como dolorosa.
Entonces, años después, luego de una serie de casualidades, me encuentro a mí misma rodeada de un grupo agradable de personas a las que realmente les agrado por lo que soy, por como soy, que no me juzgan y que me entienden realmente, quienes no dudaron en incluirme sin que yo se los pidiera. Al final, eso solamente me hizo pensar en que, cuando realmente es ahí donde debes estar, las cosas ocurren naturalmente, cuando uno no se da ni cuenta. Por eso digo, hay que darse su lugar, no hay que forzar a los demás a que nos quieran cuando no les nace, porque no solo resultará más doloroso para nosotros, sino que también es un dolor autoinfligido.
Un detalle importante más en todo esto, es que pienso que tampoco quiero decir que la felicidad deba depender de un tercero, ni mucho menos. La felicidad no viene de nadie, ni de nada. Uno puede ser feliz, siendo acompañado por alguien, pero nunca es algo que otra persona pueda darte. Creo que es algo que no solo suena ambiguo, sino también trillado; y tampoco es que yo considere que soy alguien plenamente feliz, pero creo que con todos estos pequeños descubrimientos, quizá me he encaminado un poco hacia la felicidad, un camino que solo se puede recorrer en el interior de uno mismo.
Por cierto, en esta reunión que tuve hace poco, realmente me divertí, aunque tenía pensado hablar de la experiencia que viví ese día, siendo prácticamente la primera salida que compartía con amigos y me divertía, prefiero que sea algo que viva atesorado en mi corazón (y en algunas fotos), quizá en unos años solo sea eso: un recuerdo, pero me alegra saber que sea uno que me haya hecho reflexionar y sanar.
Al final, creo que aprendí que en la vida no es necesario buscar encajar en ningún sentido. Quizá es cuestión de vivir lo mejor que uno pueda, porque al final todo pasa. No les diría que intenten ser felices, les diría que abracen sus sentimientos, pues más vale haber sentido que nunca haber conocido, ¿verdad? Los recuerdos prevalecerán.
Sin nada más que añadir, doy gracias a la comunidad de Catarsis por permitirme un espacio para expresarme. Y para los que me leen, y los que no, les mando un abrazo y mis mejores deseos. ¡Nos vemos! Besos.
However, just because I have not been around doesn't mean that negative things don't happen, but I think I have been able to have the opportunity to find new ways to release negative thoughts and let them far away from my mind and heart.
This time, I want to talk about good things. First, let's start from what I have mentioned a lot about my problems to relate to people and the world around me, that suffocating introversion that made me understand why there are people who decide not to leave their house anymore... But is it really healthy to isolate yourself so much in a bubble? I don't think so.
So, I recently wrote a post that, although I feel it's a bit clumsy my way of writing, I'm very fond of it because of what it represented for me: it's the day I decided to change. Since then, I feel like I let go of a huge weight off my shoulders. Imagine the liberation I felt when I said to myself “see, it wasn't that hard.” When I finally talked to an unknown person, when I finally tried to do something I was too embarrassed to do, when I saw myself in the mirror... And I could finally say “I am that person,” with a smile. Writing all this makes me very sentimental, I feel that sometimes I'm too corny, but I think there will always be someone who understands how I feel, after all.
I also often used to make another mistake, and that was to think that the world should adapt to me, and I shouldn't change, because that was the way I was born, it's my personality, my essence, what I am... But this is where I ask again: is it really healthy to isolate myself so much in a bubble?
I was then able to learn how beautiful it is to change, because I consider that changing is an act of self-love. One should not only change when one doesn't like something about oneself, but also when that change opens up more opportunities for you to live. I have been doing so many things in a different way lately, that I feel like I am about to start living a new life.
Mainly, the unavoidable aspects of my life, which brought me sadness, frustrations and anger, I learned to manage them in a different way, breathing and letting go of everything in a way that is not reactive. The things that normally made me uncomfortable to do, I try to do them with all my effort, until I have finally overcome them, after all it only takes two seconds of courage to do things. Another thing: how do you talk to yourself, what words do you use, or even more... What do you think of yourself? These are things that I have tried to change radically, because words matter, and the one who should love us before anyone else, should be ourselves. I believe that we should be our own comfort, support, encouragement and motivation, because only we know how hard we try. That doesn't mean that there won't be people who also offer us that, but you must remember that the first person to do that should be yourself. Finally, what I recently discovered (maybe I should have known this already, but you only learn by stumbling), is to give myself my own place....
You see, I've always been a pretty lonely girl, and not on my own. I guess sometimes kids are cruel to other kids, and I always ended up left out. For as long as I can remember, I always liked corners, always walked alone, always made silence... Well, I always did. Did you ever feel like you didn't belong anywhere? For me it was the common thing that some group of people would “adopt” me and then they would exclude me or I would be the one to do it, because I felt so incompatible that I seemed to naturally repel. And I cried so much because of that, always so alone... I had friends, maybe yes, one or two, but each person was always so immersed in his or her life that we didn't even talk, unless we happened to bump into each other. When I saw groups of friends, I longed so much to have people to laugh with, to be myself with and really understand me.
I was mentioning about giving your place because of a specific anecdote, and that is that there was a time when I “was” in a group of friends, and those people were going to have a meeting. It occurred to me to ask them if I could go, but they simply said no, and that's how it was. I don't think they were to blame for anything, nor are they the bad guys for saying no to me, because in the end it's a matter of not getting along. But knowing that didn't make that pang in my chest inevitable, followed by that whisper in my head telling me that I didn't fit in anywhere. It wasn't cruelty to myself to tell me that, it was a sense of certainty that was as sad as it was painful.
Then, years later, after a series of coincidences, I find myself surrounded by a nice group of people who really like me for who I am, how I am, who don't judge me and really understand me, who didn't hesitate to include me without my asking them to. In the end, that just made me think that when that's really where you're supposed to be, things happen naturally, when you don't even realize it. That's why I say, you have to give yourself your place, you don't have to force others to love us when they don't want to, because not only will it be more painful for us, but it is also a self-inflicted pain.
One more important detail in all this, is that I don't think I want to say that happiness should depend on a third party, far from it. Happiness does not come from anyone, or anything. One can be happy, being accompanied by someone, but it is never something that another person can give you. I think it is something that not only sounds ambiguous, but also trite; and it is not that I consider that I am someone fully happy, but I think that with all these small discoveries, perhaps I have headed a little towards happiness, a path that can only be traveled within oneself.
By the way, in this meeting I had recently, I really had fun, although I had planned to talk about the experience I lived that day, being practically the first outing that I shared with friends and had fun, I prefer it to be something that I live treasured in my heart (and in some photos), maybe in a few years it will only be that: a memory, but I am glad to know that it is one that has made me reflect and heal.
In the end, I think I learned that in life it is not necessary to seek to fit in any way. Maybe it's a matter of living the best you can, because in the end everything passes. I wouldn't tell them to try to be happy, I would tell them to embrace their feelings, because it's better to have felt than never to have known, right? Memories will prevail.
Without anything else to add, I thank the Catharsis community for allowing me a space to express myself. And for those who read me, and those who don't, I send you a hug and my best wishes, see you next time! Kisses.
Créditos | Credits
- Cover and banners created in Canva.
- Las fotos utilizadas en el post fueron tomadas por mí, utilizando un Samsung Galaxy J6.
- The photos used in the post were taken by me, using a Samsung Galaxy J6.
- Separadores dibujados por mí, usando Sketchbook App.
I remember the last time I wrote here in #Catharsis, I promised myself that, the next time I did it, it should be a positive catharsis... For at that time so much had happened in my life, there was so much pain: several unfortunate events happening one after the other, really make me think a lot about life, just like that. One feels that it is almost like an obligation to pick up one's head and move on, for it is always said that when one falls down, one should shake it off.
- Dividers drawn by me, using Sketchbook App.