To begin my Hive day, I have to admit something to you. I miss travelling, I miss it badly. Today I went on Booking.com and cruise through the offer a bit. Just to get my “dose”. It was just for fun, as I am already 99% certain, that I won’t go on any big travel in year which is coming. Kids are still too small to have anything from that and Covid is still playing its part unfortunately. Especially in my beloved African region with this newly discovered mutation. So yes, I was watching Namibia again…
After watching some hotel offers and thinking in my mind where would I go, where would I stay, what would I visit, where have I already been, etc; I came up with an idea…
So I decided to do a Curated Content Collection post today from one of my favourite if not the favourite destination – Namibia!
Hey, I already shared my travel experience from there on Hive and it would be awesome to bring back memories. After taking a look at first two or three posts, I remembered that @jarvie some time ago presented new feature on @PeakD which is actually not new anymore and is called Curated Content Collection. This for of the post did not completely overtake Hive and we see this kind of posts quite rarely, at least in communities that I am following the most. But I think it is a great feature and it gives you another possibility to express yourself on our blockchain.
In this post, you can find my travel blog in 11 parts. First one that I published was quick after Hive forked, in the middle of April 2020. How much has changed in between… In my real life and also in Hive world. Reward pay out number is completely different with the recent price pump and it is true that I also have a lot more of loyal followers than at my beginnings. It is interesting to compare my way of authoring than and now as well. Enough of writing for the intro, lets jump to the first post!
To begin with, you will be able to read a short presentation of Namibia and what type of destination it actually is. You will learn also how did we travel and how did we prepare on our travel. There will also be a story about our travel agent who helped us a lot and our opinion about him and his work. Another story, which is fun now, but it wasn’t fun at the present time about cash withdrawal is also included. I am talking about my serious sickness at the beginning of our travel and how the healthcare system works there. There were many stories at the start, but also some beautiful sights, first animals encountered and beautiful accommodation which I highly recommend.
I still remember how second part was the most successful post, I ever wrote, and it probably still is if you consider fan base, price and overall popularity of hive. I won’t say it is a bad one, but I did some better ones on my way to current age too. You will find first native people in this part. It was an awesome experience and can’t be described if you didn’t visit Africa. But first things, first…
You will get a tip where to stop for a pastry and to see some interesting vehicles. Close to that vehicles in sand, there is also ship in sand. I hope it is still there as it is interesting to see and there is more of them in this so called Skeleton Coast. To conclude, I am sharing before mentioned experience with the locals. That will never be forgotten and still warms my heart and this kind of stories continue to next parts as well…
Like I said in part two, awesome stories will continue here as well and cover photo says it all. Could never tell that one item can mean someone so much. You will find out more about Damara people in this part and my opinion about the living museum. Next day we returned for more and went on another tour with different content. Later it was a time for some history, just like you see from TV. Another awesome accommodation in the middle of nowhere is presented. To end that part, I show another thing that proves how amazing our Mother Nature is.
In this part, I am sharing another awesome experience with people. This time we visited Himba tribe and actually went to their village, where they live. Interesting to see how different life we live. Would love to come back and see that kids with which I played that day and see how big they grow over all these years. We were about half way to our travel and at this point, we came more to animals part of it. Probably first association of what to see for most are animals when someone says Africa. But believe me, their culture and just people like they are is just as interesting.
Did I already used expression best experience of my life in this post? Well if I did or not, I have to use it for this cheetah encounter. It is the best to see it yourself and I would be happy to see your reply in the comment section below if you would like to go enjoying in cats company, or you would rather skip…
Finally we came to first National Park in Namibia and that one was the most known there. There is a good reason for that as Etosha offers everything you need for a good safari experience. When you see a lion in the wild for the first time, you again get this special feeling of which I am talking a lot today, right? Who do you think I met on the “hotel’s” door? Well it all says in the original post, where is also a lot of photos included.
I could stay in Etosha for weeks, but in reality, I was there one full day and two half days. So this post is intended as a full Etosha day. What can you expect from it? Mainly photos as this is the best way to present beautiful wildlife there. If you plan a visit to Etosha, you can sneak peak and see my waterhole list. We were extremely lucky with a special sight that day as well; cutest thing ever! My African experience offered awesome lodging and Mokuti that day, was one of the best.
Last morning near Etosha, had to be exploit for another visit and few extra photos. It was well worth! After departure from Etosha we went to accommodation near the city of Rundu, which is again interesting to see as how different it is from the cities we know. Let me just say, that you need to walk kilometres just to get water, that we actually would never drink. That day I also did a felony. Thanks God I get away with it :) There was another example of how skilled people there can be. I was amazed and I am sure you will be too. First sunset photos were taken there as well, before the delicious local dinner.
If you thought there won’t be anymore National Parks from Namibia, you are wrong. We did a quick visit of Mahango NP, but earlier we visited local village and get another impression of how they live. One of the biggest things on my wish list came true that day as well, with visiting local school. Ohhhhh how kids are different there. Much less to worry about, even though they should probably worry a lot more than we are. Fantastic experience!
We did another self drive as I already mentioned and there were quite some game during our visit. I would recommend do a drive in Mahango if you are in vicinity and if you have time. But even better than driving was boat cruising on Mahango river. You could spot a lot of animals from different perspective and we had a very special guests for our sundowner, which was stunning by the way. More you will find in the gallery, like always.
But on that point, I have to disappoint you as that was our final day of Namibia. I believe that you can find something good in every bad action and that was the case there as well, since it was time for Botswana which did not disappoint!
Like I announced in the previous section, we are going to Botswana for two days now and in this part you will find out that crossing the boarder is not easy there and I can say big thank you to our agent as he done an amazing job in organising that self drive travel. While speaking, I still don’t know how he managed to include all these fantastic lodges for the price we paid. We went on a boat cruise that day and sunset was the most stunning one I saw, ever! But before that our route was blocked due to a horde of an animals which you wouldn’t think to meet them in the water. If I would have to choose one photo which would be hanging in my home would be from that day…
After Chobe National Park from the river it was time to say goodbye to safari experience in guided game drive. We had half day left and saw some nice animals including one just a few days old, but already almost as big as me. Well the best sight was something else as for the first time we get to experience some action. Yes, it was a lion involved so better check it out how that one worked out!
To conclude I describe this expensive lodge a bit and if crocodile on the plate is tasty or not. What do you think?
The last post from this series and also for this Namibian collection, was actually the first one created as I didn’t have strategy in posting back then. But that doesn’t change a lot. You will still get to see some nice photos of a different nature, If I didn’t see much water through first 10 days, I get to see it a lot at the end of my travel as I am speaking of Victoria Falls. It was a dry season, so there wasn’t that much of a water that I would like to, but sight of one of the greatest waterfalls is still spectacular.
You will also see in this part how our agent left the best for the end, speaking of accommodation. I am still dreaming of that lodge. Never been in a better one and probably never again will be, but certainly hope I do. I shared the room rate in Hive at that time and it is a funny number, especially if you consider current price. This is backed up with the Boma dinner as well.
Some negotiation skills were needed on the marketplace as well and I think I did quite well.
Last but not least is some water activities. You have plenty of choice there, but rafting on mighty Zambezi river is one of a kind experience. Simply wow! You could tell that by the photos already and try to live into it like you were there. Ohhh why I can’t go back there, just one more ride…
Well guys if you stayed with me till the end, I have to thank you big time and say congratulations. That was quite a journey, right? I am so happy that I shared all these posts on Hive, so I was abele to relive it again now doing the collection out of it. Ohhh what the feeling will be in a couple of ten years when memories won’t be that fresh anymore and I will be looking at this collection and photos from separate posts. Thank you in advance, Hive, for giving me that opportunity.
I will be happy for any feedback I will get for this collection and also feel free to ask any questions you might have!
Enjoy your life and dream on!
all of your travel collections clearly look very pleasant friends, as usual my greetings @deltasteem from Indonesia I hope you and your family are always healthy there.
Thank you for your nice wishes.
Wow, this is an excellent collection of posts about your trip to Namibia. There are so many photos and they are excellent. These are the highlights of your journey that will remain on the hive blockchain. I was especially impressed by the photographs of the first days of the trip and the sixth day. All posts are emotional and filled with the colors of a distant (for me) country. A wonderful vitrural journey to Namibia. Thanks.
I hope the covid will soon be defeated and people will be able to travel freely again. I wish health to you and your family.
It was such an awesome travel that photos has to be good too...
It is interesting how we all have different taste for photography. But in 395 photos, I am sure there is something for everyone :)
I have to admit that a lot of emotions came up while I was doing that collection post. I really wish things will go back to normal and some of you will be able to travel to Namibia and experience it on your own...
Thanls for stopping by and wish you all the best!
Hello dear friend @ crazy-andy good afternoon
It's a shame to know about this new strain that was created in your town, stay safe my friend.
It is a valid reason not to take trips too far with young children.
It is a great idea to do this presentation.
You are the owner of a beautiful collection of photographs, I imagine what it would have been like today for you to relive every moment of these images
When you visit Argentina, you should visit the Iguazu Falls, you must know the Devil's Fall.
Have a nice afternoon
Thankfully new strain has not yet been detected in Ljubljana, but it is expanding from Africa. At least they say so...
It was an awesome travl and doing that collection was just as awesome.
Ohhh actually I have already beem to Iguazu Falls... I will do a post about them shortly :) Thanks for the idea...
Have a great one!
You are the best, you have visited many places in the world. Congratulations
Without a doubt it will be an incredible post
What a great idea to gather in one post all your blogs on your travel in Namibia....! 😍
I am glad you like it :)
If you will ever plan a trip there, you know where to look at...
Hola saludos desde Venezuela solo lei una parte de tu blog es muy extenso y me disfrute mucho las fotografías, cuando tenga mas tiempo lo leere completo, veo que te apasiona viajar y tomar fotografías y tienes mucha razón ambas van de la mano, no conocía nada de Namibia y tampoco sabia que se podía hacer un blog de coleccion, gracias por compartir, Saludos.
Namibia!! It is such a beautiful country! I would love to get to Etosha but what I have experienced of that striking wilderness is unforgettable. My first trip there was to hike the Fish River Canyon. WOW! I look forward to seeing your photos of Namibia @crazy-andy
Awesome! Fish River Canyon is huge. People don't acutally know it is that huge. I haven't been there as I went the other way and was limited with time, but that is just another reason to return :)
Thank you for stopping by!