Hola, amigos, la amistad es el más bonito regalo que podemos tener, les contaré como sin planificarlo tuve una excelente noche de juegos y muchas risas, con mis amigos.
Hello, friends, friendship is the most beautiful gift we can have, I will tell you how without planning it I had an excellent night of games and lots of laughter, with my friends.
Español | English |
Este fin de semana salí a visitar a uno de mis amigos más cercanos, junto a otros amigos, con la clara intención de regresar a mi casa temprano, sin embargo esos planes se vieron alterados porque la persona de confianza que nos iba a buscar para devolvernos a nuestras casas no puedo hacerlo, por lo que al ser un trayecto de retorno largo y solo decimos no inventar y quedarnos. | This weekend I went out to visit one of my closest friends, along with other friends, with the clear intention of returning home early, however those plans were altered because the trusted person who was going to look for us to return us I can't do it to our houses, so since it is a long return journey and we just say not to invent and stay. |
Nos quedamos | We stayed |
Ya era la hora de cenar y no teníamos ganas de cocinar, por lo que decidimos utilizar la vieja confiable, salimos a comer unos deliciosos perros calientes, cerca de la casa de mi amigo, junto a su familia disfrutamos de amena cena, barriguita llena corazón contento. | It was already dinner time and we didn't feel like cooking, so we decided to use the old reliable one, we went out to eat some delicious hot dogs, near my friend's house, together with his family we enjoyed a pleasant dinner, belly full of heart glad. |
Me convertí en la mejor inversora | I became the best investor |
Al regresar a casa de mi amigo, luego de tanta conversa, decidimos jugar Monopoly, sinceramente no sabíamos que nos esperaban, dos horas y media de intensas negociaciones, compra y venta de propiedades, como si de propiedades reales se tratase, al final, luego de una ardua jornada debo admitir, resulte ganadora. | Upon returning to my friend's house, after so much conversation, we decided to play Monopoly, honestly we did not know what awaited us, two and a half hours of intense negotiations, buying and selling properties, as if they were real properties, in the end, then After an arduous day I must admit, I was the winner. |
A veces solo debemos dejar que las cosas fluyan y disfrutar de cada momento que la vida nos regala con nuestros seres queridos, estos encuentros que sin mucha planificación resultan simplemente perfectos y llenan el alma de alegría.
Nos seguimos leyendo😊
Sometimes we just have to let things flow and enjoy every moment that life gives us with our loved ones, these encounters that without much planning are simply perfect and fill the soul with joy.
We keep reading 😊