Casi pago una novatada en el mundo de las criptomonedas [ESP/ENG]

in Aliento3 years ago

¡Hola hivers! Por aqui Olu, hoy les quiero contar como casi pago “la novatada” en el mundo de las criptomonedas.

Hello hivers! for here Olu, today I want to tell you how I almost paid "the hazing" in the world of cryptocurrencies.


A penas llevo unos meses en este gran mundo de las criptomonedas, y me he dado cuenta del sin fin de formas y posibilidades, que existe para conseguir casi cualquier tipo de ingresos, como una de las mas famosas que es jugando. Dure un buen tiempo investigando y viendo que tenia que hacer para poder genera ingresos a través de los juegos como Plants vs Undead, Axie Infinity, Mobox y muchos mas, hasta que por fin decidí apostar por Block Farm Club que básicamente es una copia de Plants vs Undead pero que apenas lleva unos meses en la red y me pareció que era un buen momento para entrar.

I have only been a few months in this great world of cryptocurrencies, and I have realized the endless ways and possibilities that exist to get almost any type of income, as one of the most famous is playing. I spent a long time researching and seeing what I had to do to generate income through games like Plants vs Undead, Axie Infinity, Mobox and many more, until I finally decided to bet on Block Farm Club which is basically a copy of Plants vs Undead but has only been online for a few months and I thought it was a good time to enter.

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Como para la mayoría de los juegos, para este también era necesarios tener un cuenta en Binance y una wallet de metamask(las cuales ya tenia desde hace un par de semanas) y comprar el Token del juego a travez de paginas Poocoin o Pancakeswap(mi caso elegí Poocoin).

As for most of the games, for this one it was also necessary to have a Binance account and a metamask wallet (which I already had for a couple of weeks) and buy the token of the game through Poocoin or Pancakeswap pages (I chose Poocoin).

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Todo iba bien, hasta que por fin decidí comprar mis 5 BFC(tonken) con los BNB que tenia en mi metamask. Cuando intente realizar la comprar me salio el anuncio de SALDO INSUFICIENTE en metamask, y pensé “Bueno y ¿cuanto me están cobrando vale?” luego creí que quizá no lo podía comprar con BNB asi que intente usar BUSD como lo había visto en el tutorial.

Everything was going well, until I finally decided to buy my 5 BFC(tonken) with the BNB I had in my metamask. When I tried to make the purchase, I got an INSUFFICIENT BALANCE message in metamask, and I thought "Well, how much are they charging me?" then I thought that maybe I couldn't buy it with BNB so I tried to use BUSD as I had seen in the tutorial.

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Busque el contrato de BUSD en coinmarketcop para poder agregar esta moneda a mi metamask y aqui fue donde cometí el error de usar el contrato de la red equivocada, coloque el contrato de la red de etherum(ETR), en vez de la de Binance Smart Chain(BSC) y cuando pase mis BUSD a metamask no se veian reflejados en mi cuenta porque mi cuenta porque esta, estaba recibiendo los BUSD en la en otra red la red de ETR y no en la que las había enviado.

I looked for the BUSD contract in coinmarketcop to be able to add this coin to my metamask and here was where I made the mistake of using the contract of the wrong network, I put the contract of the etherum network (ETR), instead of the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and when I passed my BUSD to metamask they were not reflected in my account because my account was receiving the BUSD in another network, the ETR network and not in the one I had sent them to.

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En mi ignorancia di por perdido ese dinero y intente nuevamente comprar los token con BNB. Y esta vez vi que no había tomado en cuenta la comicion de Poocoin y esta enviando los BNB exactos para mi transacción y por eso no podía comprar antes... “Que idiota soy”. Luego de que compre mis BFC(token) ingrese de forma normal al juego y compre mi primera planta, pero que de con la mala experiencia de perder mis BUSD.

In my ignorance I wrote off that money and tried again to buy the tokens with BNB. And this time I saw that I had not taken into account the Poocoin commission and was sending the exact BNB for my transaction and that's why I could not buy before.... "What an idiot I am". After I bought my BFC(token) I entered the game normally and bought my first plant, but what a bad experience to lose my BUSD.

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Al día siguiente me levante pensando “¡ESTO A MI NO ME VUELVA A PASAR! y me dique un rato a buscar los contratos de la red correcta, para los posibles token o criptomonedas que fuera a usar en metamask. Despues de ver con atencion en Coinmarketcop encontre un el boton en donde se desplegaban los contrato de las diferentes redes en la que podio tener mis tokens, y como medida de precaución decidí agregar el BUSD a mis lista pero esta vez en la red correcta de Binance Smart Chain y para mi sorpresa ¡ESTABAN TODOS MIS BUSD!. Pude verlos una vez conectado a la red correcta y utilice algunos para invertir en otro juego.

The next day I woke up thinking "THIS WILL NOT HAPPEN TO ME AGAIN! and I spent some time looking for the right network contracts for the possible tokens or cryptocurrencies that I was going to use in metamask. After looking carefully in Coinmarketcop I found a button where the contracts of the different networks where I could have my tokens were displayed, and as a precaution I decided to add the BUSD to my list but this time in the correct network of Binance Smart Chain and to my surprise there were all my BUSD! I was able to see them once connected to the correct network and used some to invest in another game.

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Y esta es la moraleja del “cuento” siempre, siempre,¡SIEMPRE! Hay que estar muy pendiente y mira bien dos veces antes de hacer cualquier cosas, en este caso mi perdida hubiera sido mínima pero y imaginate ¿y si fuera mas?. Es mejor aprender de mis errores ahora, que cuando por fin este haciendo grandes inversión y gracias a dios no perdí nada esta vez.

Ah y por cierto quizás les cuente despues como me va con Block Farm Clup solo acabo de empezar en esto ¿a ver que tal?.

And this is the moral of the "story" always, always, ALWAYS! You have to be very attentive and look twice before doing anything, in this case my loss would have been minimal but imagine what if it was more? It is better to learn from my mistakes now, than when I am finally making a big investment and thank God I didn't lose anything this time.

Oh and by the way maybe I'll tell you later how I'm doing with Block Farm Clup, I'm just getting started in this, let's see how it goes?
Olu se va...

  • Utilice esta pagina para traducir el post/ Use this page to translate the post

  • El juego es Block Farm Clup. Por si quieren echar un vistazo./ The game is Block Farm Clup. If you want to have a look.

  • Aqui puedes encontrar todas mis redes. /Here you can find all my networks.


Yeah you must be very careful with these, cause these time it happens with a low quantity of money but imagine if you are transferring more.. So you may take into consideration that each token have its differente contract on each network and the only way to find it even if you don't find in coinmarketcap (sometimes it happens), you may go to the network blockchain you are using and find it, always make sure is original one because there are a lot of scammers. Have a good day mate, take care!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you very much for your advice, and as I said this will not happen to me again! I will be more attentive and careful with my cryptos and my transactions.

you're welcome mate, keep it doing!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta