It is always good to return to this place and to be able to share with people as special as you part of my life, I hope you are well and that these words that I write through this medium can bring hope to many.
This time I will write about my mother. A few years ago, to be more specific in 2013 after 5 months of my husband's death, my dad also passed away in October of that year. She lived a bit far away from me and my son, and I was working all day so it was hard for me to go help her with her things and bring her groceries and my 9 year old son at that time spent most of the day alone at home. The best decision was to tell her to come and live with us. And since then she has been living in our house. In truth she has always been pretty healthy but in early 2020 she started with discomfort in her left foot and I took her to a chiropractor. They removed a hardness that bothered her when she walked on the sole of her foot, but when she arrived she was complaining now but of something that hurt in her heel as if she had a pulla. I took her again to the chiropodist, they opened her up and put her on antibiotics, but that went on... and from there began what would be our life for the rest of the year until today.
, and I could only clean and see how she kept eating it, and how she stopped walking, getting thinner so fast, it was like watching her die day by day and without much I could do. The days and months went by, and spending the last savings I began to sell everything I found at home, thank God we never lacked food or my mother's medicines. As she got worse, the doctor who saw her once a week told us that they had to do a surgical cure, and I began my search for a place where they could put her in the operating room and do this. In January of this year we were sent to a place where they treat people with diabetic feet, and even though my mom is not diabetic they accepted us. We met two wonderful people and excellent professionals; Doctor Gregory Gaetani and nurse Yelitza, they were willing to heal my mom's foot, and to be by our side throughout this process, they told us to do tests and we discovered a serious arterial insufficiency, at this point 2 more bacteria joined, and I tell you it took us a few months, and a large number of very expensive antibiotics to stop them, at this time my son's life, my mom's and mine were 24 hours of doctors, medicines, treatments. I became almost a nurse, my son had to help my mother carrying her everywhere she went, she could no longer walk.
El diagnostico no era nada bueno, amigos y familiares llegaron a apoyarnos tanto con medicinas, como con dinero, oraciones, alimentos, esa fue una de las más bellas etapas de mi vida ver como Dios nos respaldó en cada pequeño detalle, nos cuidó, sustento y nos llevó al lado de personas maravillosas, ángeles que estuvieron con nosotros.
The diagnosis was not good at all, friends and family came to support us with medicine, money, prayers, food, that was one of the most beautiful stages of my life to see how God supported us in every little detail, he took care of us, sustained us and took us to the side of wonderful people, angels who were with us.
But this did not make the situation of my mother's foot any less serious, she already had gangrene in the big toe (there was almost nothing left of it), the next one (the bacteria ate so much that the bone was exposed) and was already grabbing the third toe, plus the part of the side of the foot where the bunion comes out. It was at that moment when we were told to consult with a traumatologist, she was already seeing an angiologist, both after many tests agreed that they should amputate above the knee ... my mom fell into denial, she preferred to die rather than live like that and be even more burden for us, she cried a lot, I prayed with her and told her well mommy the only one who has not given us his diagnosis is God, let's have confidence and hope in him. Here everything started to be crazy, we had to operate very fast, so little by little we managed to have what was needed to be able to operate, but at the last moment when it was time for the anesthesiologist to give her approval, she said no, that her hemoglobin was 9 and that she would not allow them to operate. The cardiologist knew this and just said have a little extra blood for anything, but he approved the operation, the traumatologist also, but this doctor said no and no, he told us to look for donors and put her in when we raised her hemoglobin to 10 we did it. Well it was not that difficult, we just did not remember that my mom is a blood type that is not easy to get A-, not even paying for it. We could not get it and the foot became more gangrenous, and you can not imagine the pain that my mother lived for more than a year and a half, we had to go 3 times a week to the hospital for the doctor to make cures, and the other days a nurse had to come home to take care of the wounds, We managed to get rid of the 3 bacteria, one day when we went for a normal cure, Doctor Gregory decided to amputate the big toe and the other one, he told us that while the operation was being solved, this could reduce the pain a little and nothing more could be done for these two, the bacteria reached the bones. And that same day without having planned it, they put the area to sleep, and the doctor began to amputate and suddenly the scalpel flew out... and that was the end of it; he cooked it so that everything would heal, cleaned it well and sent us home. And he said let's give that foot a chance, we don't have many options.
They still had to operate, but it was impossible to find the blood. And here is the greatness of when it is God who gives the last word and says the diagnosis. Miraculously the wound began to heal so fast that everyone was amazed. (My mother had a medical diagnosis with tests where from the heel to the toes there was absolutely no circulation, that's why they would amputate up to that point, according to the doctors there was no way that wound could heal, it had to bleed even more). In less than a month the foot took on the color of life and almost all the wounds were closed, and recently we were discharged and my mother began to take her first steps, she almost had to learn to walk, but there she is as a walking testimony of what our God does. She started to eat better, she is already gaining weight and now she has to enjoy her best years, we saw the glory of God, his power, his miracle, we saw what is the immense love and care even in the smallest thing, we saw so many people joining us and now we celebrate together. I always told God that I only wanted his perfect will, I did not ask him for anything specific, he knew how many needs we had.
Y es en medio de tantas cosas que uno puede ver lo grandemente bendecido que somos, no es la falta de problemas o situaciones, como humanos siempre las tendremos, es como en medio de todo esto podemos crecer y ver el perfecto amor de Dios y de otras personas, aun algunas que no conocíamos. Es poder creer, es vivir la fe, es respirar, sonreír, es caminar, es sentirse amado, son tantas cosas pequeñas que es lo que hace amar y disfrutar la vida, Es la esperanza.
And it is in the midst of so many things that one can see how greatly blessed we are, it is not the lack of problems or situations, as humans we will always have them, it is how in the midst of all this we can grow and see the perfect love of God and other people, even some we did not know. It is being able to believe, it is living faith, it is breathing, smiling, walking, feeling loved, it is so many little things that make us love and enjoy life, it is hope.

Cumpleaños marzo 2021
Birthday march 2021
Vivir, solo tenemos esta vida, es dar amor, es acompañar, escuchar, brindar apoyo…. Solo queda en mi corazón un gran agradecimiento y mi petición es que cada uno de nosotros podamos vivir este gran amor, y darlo a otros.
To live..., we only have this life, is to give love, is to accompany, to listen, to give support..... It only remains in my heart a great gratitude and my request is that each one of us can live this great love, and give it to others.

Mi mamá con nuevas ganas de vivir,disfrutando de poder caminar
My mom with a new zest for life, enjoying being able to walk, living heaven here on earth.
En medio de toda situación dificil encontramos el cielo aquí en la tierra
In the midst of every difficult situation we find heaven here on earth.
I remain of you, for what there is to read, to write and the miracles to live.
The photos and designs that do not specify the source are of my authorship.