Vamos a disfrutar el paisaje en este camino llamado Vida... (ESP-ENG)

in Alientolast year

Feliz día, espero se encuentren genial, estaré por acá para que me conozcan y disfrutemos el camino de la vida a través de nuestras vivencias, mi nombre es Janeira, un nombre nada común y me ha traído como resultado que las personas tienden a cambiarlo .

Happy day, I hope you are feeling great, I'll be around so you can meet me and enjoy the journey of life through our experiences, my name is Janeira, a name that is not common and has brought me as a result that people tend to change it.

Nací en la ciudad de Caracas Venezuela, acogida por la ciudad de Cumaná Venezuela desde muy pequeña, ciudad que me conquistó por el hermoso color de sus atardeceres, sus bellas playas ,la calidez de las personas que habitan en esta ciudad.

I was born in the city of Caracas Venezuela, welcomed by the city of Cumana Venezuela since I was a child, a city that conquered me by the beautiful color of its sunsets, its beautiful beaches, the warmth of the people who live in this city.

Aquí en Cumana, estudié, me casé , me divorcié y en todo ese proceso tuve dos hermosos hijos, Genesis y Daniel , los cuales son mi cable a tierra y mi fortaleza. Los cuales ya son adultos dedicados a sus actividades.

Here in Cumana, I studied, I got married, I got divorced and in all this process I had two beautiful children, Genesis and Daniel, who are my grounding cable and my strength. They are now adults dedicated to their activities.

Soy abuela de 6 perritos que son bellísimos y tremendo se llaman Boss, Sophy, Cookie y tres cachorros que son hijos de Boss y Sophy se llaman Simba, Yuya y Buda ( vive con Genesis y conmigo, es la más consentida de todos).

I am the grandmother of 6 beautiful and tremendous dogs named Boss, Sophy, Cookie and three puppies that are Boss and Sophy's children named Simba, Yuya and Buda (she lives with Genesis and me, she is the most spoiled of them all).

Durante todos estos años he laborado en distintos ramos (recepcionista, auxiliar de farmacia, auxiliar administrativo, agente de pólizas de salud, vendedora , casi todos con atención al cliente),en la actualidad soy la gerente de operaciones en Venezuela de una empresa de envío de Miami, labor que disfruto mucho y la cual realizo desde mi hogar.

During all these years I have worked in different areas (receptionist, pharmacy assistant, administrative assistant, health insurance agent, saleswoman, almost all with customer service), currently I am the operations manager in Venezuela of a shipping company in Miami, work that I enjoy very much and which I do from my home.

Me encanta leer, las conversaciones amenas acompañadas por un café y personas que me aporten bienestar y me regalen sonrisas, pasear. Me encanta reunirme con mis hijos y mi hermano que vive acá y mis amistades .

I love reading, pleasant conversations accompanied by a coffee and people who bring me well-being and give me smiles, walking. I love to meet my children and my brother who lives here, my friends.

El resto de mi familia vive en Caracas Venezuela y fuera del país y no los visito a menudo, pero si conversamos constantemente.

The rest of my family lives in Caracas and outside the country and I don't visit them often, but we talk constantly.

En el camino que estoy recorriendo tengo a mi lado personas que han llegado a formar parte de mi familia, porque hemos estado unidos desde el corazón tanto en los momentos buenos como los no tan buenos han sido una bendición para mi vida y mi familia.

In the road I am traveling I have by my side people who have become part of my family, because we have been united from the heart both in good times and not so good have been a blessing to my life and my family.

Desde hace unos años estoy estudiando y recorriendo el camino de la espiritualidad, el conocerme, reconocerme a mí misma, y aprender a domesticar mi Ego a liberar esas creencias limitantes con las que crecí y agradeciendo todo lo que ha llegado a mi vida. Cada día alimento más mi alma con esos conocimientos sobre el sendero de la espiritualidad .

During all these years I have worked in different areas (receptionist, pharmacy assistant, administrative assistant, health insurance agent, saleswoman, almost all with customer service), currently I am the operations manager in Venezuela of a shipping company in Miami, work that I enjoy very much and which I do from my home.

He realizado varios cursos de los que alimento mi alma y mi espíritu, ahorita estoy en uno del péndulo, mas adelante les contaré.

I have taken several courses that nourish my soul and my spirit, now I am in one of the pendulum, later I will tell you.

Cuento con ustedes para vernos pronto y poder conversar sobre muchos otros temas de este camino llamado Vida.

I count on you to see us soon and to be able to talk about many other topics of this path called Life.

Cuídense , los espero por acá.

Take care, I'll be waiting for you here


Fotos: algunas fotos fueron tomadas desde google fotos y otras tomadas por mi Redmi 8
Banners: realizado por mi desde canva
Separadores de párrafo: realizado por mi desde canva
Traducción: Deepl


Photos: some photos were taken from google photos and others taken by my Redmi 8
Banners: made by me from canva
Paragraph dividers: made by me from canva
Translation: Deepl


Bienvenida por aquí.

Feliz Día ,muchas Gracias 💫☺️

Welcome to Hive @janeco68 ! This is @chillwithshanna from @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) team. Congratulations on making your first post on Hive and welcome to this amazing community!

Lovely introduction and photos! We can't wait to hear about your life experiences and lessons. Share your blogs in the different Communities based on your interest or topics or you can check out the Communities Incubation Program.

Please be aware that plagiarizing posts by using other people’s ideas or images is a major offense. If you need more information about hive, you can check this Newbie guide and useful collection of resources. Join us also on Discord and meet fellow hivers there.

Happy Blogging!

Hello @chillwithshanna, a pleasure to greet you.
Thank you for your welcome, I am very happy to be part of this space.🙂

 last year  

¡Hola @janeco68! Te saluda Ajolote, un integrante del Proyecto Aliento👋🏼.

Nos complace leer que has escogido Aliento para hacer tu presentación, de parte de todo el Team te damos la más cordial bienvenida a #hive y los más sinceros deseos de crecimiento dentro del ecosistema.

Estas son guías de recursos muy útiles para nuevos usuarios, por favor, leelas con detenimiento:


¡Gracias por publicar en Aliento!.png

Gracias por apoyar a Aliento como proyecto. Si tienes dudas puedes escribir en nuestro servidor, en el canal #dudasypreguntas, donde con gusto te atenderemos.

Síguenos en Hive @alientoNuestra Página Web Aliento.blogSíguenos en Twitter
Nuestro Servidor de Discord AlientoVota por Aliento como testigo¿Qué es un testigo? - Haz Clic aquí

Congratulations @janeco68! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain And have been rewarded with New badge(s)

You received more than 100 upvotes.
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That's great @janeco68! We're excited to see your commitment to Hive! Keep it up!

Bienvenida mami💜 espero disfrutes está nueva aventura✨


Hi janeco68, so great to see a fellow traveler joining Hive! We've been around for over 5 years, building a community of travelers on Hive. I see that you are posting from peakd which is awesome, but the beauty of the Hive blockchain is that there are several websites available to use Hive! brings together all the benefits of Hive decentralized blogging with features that you as a travel blogger will love: Photo galleries, Instagram embeds, custom maps, post scheduling and more. And if you want, you can even use our easy site builder to set up your own travel blog on your own domain which can be a great way to generate a passive income from your blog!

You can log in with your Hive account on to publish your next travel post, and it will be posted to Hive automatically! Every day, we select the best posts and reward them with an upvote and added visibility.

See you around!

Hello, a pleasure to greet you. I hope you are very well.
Thank you for your welcome, I am very happy to be part of this space.
I will take into account your suggestions, and I will apply them, 👋

Bienvenida @janeco68, hermosa presentación
Comparto tus temas de interés siendo el de bienestar con los senderos de la espiritualidad, hive posee diversas comunidades que serán de tu agrado una de ellas es @holos-lotus , te invito a conocerla y te encantara, hive nos permite ampliar conocimientos que nos deja en reflexión y avance, sin dejar de lado las infinitas comunidades creativas de acuerdo a los gustos de cada creador de contenido.
Te deseo éxitos en este camino.
Un gusto leerte.

Un gusto en saludarte emily22.
Gracias por tu bienvenida, con gusto revisaré lo que indicas.
Nos estaremos viendo .
Que tengas una excelente tarde 😊

Welcome to hive blockchain a new world in web3 where your content has value ,There are some information that you need to know as you navigate this new world:

  • Exploring communities on hive Ours is @airhawk-project index for supporting authors and investment.
  • Explore other communities with for all communities on hive
  • Another tips and information a Hive newbie needs can be found by, click here: newbie guide.
    One important aspect to note is Hive is not like your conventional other social media platforms since your contents are monetized . You can't include content that you don't own without sources (plagiarism). For Guildlines, check this post: Why and How People Abuse and Plagiarise.
  • Another area you should be aware of to monitize your account is Hive-engie. Hive-Engine is a smart contract platform on top of the Hive blockchain. It allows communities and businesses to build their own tokens, which are then built on top of the technology provided by Hive. This is the ultimate layer 2 solution. The token created on Hive-Engine is then immediately tradable with Hive on hive engine exchange. Learn how to use Hive-engine dex Here
    You can Trade our token !AIRHAWK on tribaldex with the link Here

Hash Tagging on hive : Hashtags is an integral part of social media platforms and web3 project like hive is configure for monitizing hashtag system , serving various purposes and providing several benefits.

Categorization: Hashtags help categorize and organize content. Users can search for specific hashtags and find relevant posts, making it easier to discover content related to their interests there are General hashtags and communities hashtags which are second layer tokens on smart contract built in hive-engine ecosystem. Some popular tags:
#ocd #ecency #neoxian #palnet #gems #alive

#leofinance #proofofbrain #hive-engine #airhawk #splinterland e.t.c.
If you have questions or concerns, you can hop into our Whatsapp Group Here

You also receive upvote on your content when you stake #airhawk coin on hive-engine which benefits you through upvote and curation reward when your upvote other authors using our tag #airhawk-project on their content, enjoying support upvote from being a token holder of our token.

You can Check your reward using this link below

Happy blogging.

Thank you very much for your welcome.
I am writing down all your recommendations, I will take them into account for the next publication.

Hello. Nice to meet you. I have recently staked 8700 airhawk.

Welcome aboard! I'll delegate some resource credits to help you comment and post more often while you get started. The best way to build a good audience is to be a good audience for others, so create conversations!

Be sure to write down your keys and keep them somewhere safe. Here is another writer's overview of which keys do what. Beware of scammers who promise quick riches or mystery airdrops, and don't enter your keys anywhere carelessly.

The HIVE community tends to be welcoming, but rewards may drop off after your introduction. Persevere! The path to success is not always fast and easy. Avoid plagiarism and spam in your posts. You'll make progress in due time. Here's a great post from another blogger with some helpful advice, too.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask! I don't have all the answers, but I am glad to help if I can.

dizzy d20 128.png
HIVE | PeakD | Ecency

Thank you very much for your welcome.
I am writing down all your recommendations, I will take them into account for the next publication.