Photo by Chang Duong on Unsplash
Primero que todo recordar que todos fuimos adolescentes antes de ser padres y sería muy injusto cometer los mismo errores que nuestros padres cometieron con nosotros.
Ser padres no es convertirnos en la persona que nos ha educado es convertirnos en mejores personas que los que lo han hecho con nosotros.
La adolescencia es una edad difícil y no es secreto para nadie porque queremos independencia, pero imponer nuestro carácter en nuestros hijos es ir directo al rechazo.
Un adolescente solo quiere ser comprendido y no manipulado. Un adolescente quiere compartir las experiencias que está viviendo y entender lo que esta sucediendo no quiere ser regañado por su actitud.
Un adolescente quiere padres que se conviertan en sus amigos y ser entendido y solo así escuchara y se dejara aconsejar.
No dejemos de intentar nunca ser la persona comprensiva que necesitan nuestros hijos. Ellos lo agradecerán toda la vida y hablaran con orgullo cuando mencionen nuestro nombre porque no fuimos aquellos que estropeamos sus pasiones, sueños, objetivos, más bien fuimos ese gran apoyo que nadie dio cuando estaban a punto de dar los primeros pasos hacia la realización personal.
Gracias, Gracias, Gracias.
How to take care of our teenage children.
First of all remember that we were all teenagers before we were parents and it would be very unfair to make the same mistakes that our parents made with us.
Being parents isn't becoming the person who has educated us, it's becoming better people than those who have done it with us.
Adolescence is a difficult age and it's no secret to anyone because we want independence, but to impose our character on our children is to go straight to rejection.
A teenager just wants to be understood and not manipulated. A teenager wants to share the experiences he is living and understand what is happening, he doesn't want to be scolded for her attitude.
A teenager wants parents who become his friends and be understood and only then will listen and be advised.
Let's never stop trying to be the understanding person our children need. They will appreciate it all their lives and will speak with pride when they mention our name because we were not the ones who spoiled their passions, dreams, goals, rather we were that great support that no one gave when they were about to take the first steps towards personal fulfillment.
Thank you thank you thank you.