Últimamente le he agarro mucho gusto a viajar y conocer nuevos lugares, es mi manera de drenar el estrés y todas mis preocupaciones. Para mí, es una forma de hacer terapia.
Lately I have really enjoyed traveling and seeing new places, it is my way of draining stress and all my worries. For me, it is a form of therapy.
Muchas personas colocan como excusa el factor "dinero" y aunque si bien es cierto que es necesario para poder viajar, no es necesario tener en gran cantidad, sólo si sabes organizarte, y preferiblemente si lo haces en grupo, así se dividen los gastos y no sale tan costoso.
Many people put the "money" factor as an excuse and although it is true that it is necessary to be able to travel, it is not necessary to have a large quantity, only if you know how to organize yourself, and preferably if you do it in a group, thus dividing the expenses and it's not that expensive.
Más que por placer, pienso que es una inversión a tu felicidad, generando lindos recuerdos; porque al final de todo, lo que realmente nos llevamos es todo lo que vivimos, las cosas materiales se deja y con el tiempo se desvanecen. Los recuerdos son para siempre.
More than for pleasure, I think it is an investment in your happiness, generating beautiful memories; because at the end of everything, what we really take with us is everything that we live, material things are left behind and with time they vanish. The memories are forever.
Los lugares que he podido visitar este año, han sido en mi país, Venezuela. He conocido algunas playas de Aragua, que pueden conseguir en mis post anteriores: Tuja, Cepe, Choroní y Chuao; además de La ciudad de Caracas, Maracay y San Juan de Los Morros. Estas fotos que ven en este post, me las regaló un amigo muy especial, y fueron tomadas en Grecia; me gustaron tanto que decidí publicarlas.
The places I have been able to visit this year have been in my country, Venezuela. I have known some beaches of Aragua, which you can find in my previous posts: Tuja, Cepe, Choroní and Chuao; in addition to the city of Caracas, Maracay and San Juan de Los Morros. These photos that you see in this post, were given to me by a very special friend, and they were taken in Greece; I liked them so much that I decided to publish them.
Estamos a 3 meses de terminar este año; así que toca aprovecharlo al máximo, conociendo lugares nuevos y personas excepcionales. Espero poder cerrarlo con broche de oro, en la playa y con mi familia.
We are 3 months away from finishing this year; so it's time to make the most of it, getting to know new places and exceptional people. I hope to close it with a flourish, on the beach and with my family
The Hivebuzz proposal already got important support from the community. However, it lost its funding a few days ago and only needs a few more HP to get funded again.
May we ask you to support it so our team can continue its work this year?
You can do it on Peakd, ecency, or using HiveSigner.
Your support would be really appreciated.
Thank you!Dear @emperatriz1503, we need your help!