Hello a big greeting to all the Hive community, it is a pleasure to be part of this great team, which I must confess it was difficult for me to express myself in letters due to the emotion and complexity of seeing yourself in different stages of your life, I hope to learn through you through your stories, experiences and wide variety of knowledge in different areas of interest. I also hope to contribute with knowledge and ideas that will be useful to all of you and that you will know a little more about me and my story.

My name is Alba Narvaez, I am 31 years old, I was born in the city of Maturin where I currently reside. Maturin is a Venezuelan city in the northeastern region, capital of the state of Monagas.I grew up in El Tejero, Municipality Ezequiel Zamora, a town to which belongs all my childhood, next to my mother Carmen Amundaray, a fighter, strong and tireless woman, which despite the difficult that we had to go through in life always fought to get us ahead, I also grew up next to my only younger sister Ana Narvaez, who has always been my advisor and friend, with whom I shared, played and learned every day without selfishness..

Aunque mis padres estaban separados debido a circunstancias trágicas, su amor siempre fue verdadero hasta el último momento. Mi padre falleció cuando apenas tenía 2 años de edad, en un accidente automovilístico, del cual no tengo vivo un recuerdo junto a él en mi memoria, pero vive en mi corazón gracias a las historias contadas siempre por mi madre.
Al hablar de mí, siempre es necesario a hablar de mi familia, ya que soy una persona muy familiar y le gracias a Dios por tenerlos, aunque tengo una sola hermana Dios me regalo unos primos que son como mis hermanos, con los que compartí, crecí, conocí lugares, y nos proyectamos hacia un futuro donde la vida siempre nos volviera a reunir.
Although my parents were separated due to tragic circumstances, their love was always true until the last moment. My father passed away when I was only 2 years old, in a car accident, of which I do not have a living memory with him in my memory, but he lives in my heart thanks to the stories always told by my mother.
When talking about me, it is always necessary to talk about my family, since I am a very familiar person and I thank God for having them, although I have only one sister, God gave me some cousins who are like my brothers, with whom I shared, I grew up, I knew places, and we project ourselves towards a future where life will always bring us together again.

Although I grew up without a father figure, God rewarded me with an angel on earth, who is like a father, YES! I am talking about an uncle named Angel Ventura, whose profession is Agronomist Engineer, which was very useful to him, since he dedicated his life to the field and his land, to whom I owe much of what I am today, and thanks to him I was as he always told us "a happy girl".

I attended elementary school at the "Lisandro Rivero" Basic School, this school is very important to me, I grew up there, I learned, I met the one who is now my best friend and also gave me the love of my life "the man who is now my life partner". Yes! We studied together since 3rd grade and even without knowing each other life after being children we are together 21 years later (that's why I think that love is where you least imagine).
Mi secundaria fue en la Unidad Educativa “Creación El Tejero”, casa de estudios que me formo, de la cual adquirí mucho aprendizaje y en la que puse en marcha luego la profesión docente (Educación media) resaltando que mi profesión y/o Especialidad es LCDA en Educación Especial Mención Cumlaude.
Dicha carrera estudie en el instituto pedagógico de Maturín, motivada por el apego que tengo hacia los niños, decidí profesionalmente prepararme para ayudarlos en su educación, condición y necesidades, ya que como sabemos hay mucha discriminación a los niños y adultos con condición especial.
My high school was in the Educational Unit "Creation El Tejero", house of studies that formed me, from which I acquired a lot of learning and in which I then launched the teaching profession (secondary education) highlighting that my profession and / or Specialty is LCDA in Special Education Cumlaude Mention.
I studied this career at the Pedagogical Institute of Maturin, motivated by the attachment I have towards children, I decided to prepare myself professionally to help them in their education, condition and needs, because as we know there is much discrimination against children and adults with special conditions.

Con mi profesión espero aportar temas y estrategias que sean de utilidad a todos en la comunidad de hive.
With my profession I hope to contribute topics and strategies that are useful to everyone in the hive community.
Por problemas económicos del País, actualmente no pude seguir ejerciendo mi profesión, debido a la mala valoración salarial a los docentes y tuve que dedicarme a trabajar en un supermercado llamado HIPERLIDER, en el cual empecé siendo cajera y hoy en día desempeño el cargo de supervisora de caja. Dicho trabajo ha marcado en mi experiencias positivas y otras negativas que me han hecho dudar de continuar, pero aun así sigo dando lo mejor de mí.
Due to the economic problems of the country, I could not continue practicing my profession, due to the poor salary valuation to teachers and I had to dedicate myself to work in a supermarket called HIPERLIDER, where I started as a cashier and today I work as a cashier supervisor. This job has marked in my positive experiences and other negative ones that have made me hesitate to continue, but even so I continue to give the best of me.

Un día mi mejor amiga me comento que su primo hacia publicación de su vida, gustos y habilidades en una página llamada Hive.blog, con la intención de darse a conocer y a su vez generar criptomonedas.
También fue de ayuda compartir ideas con mi hermana que también se está involucrando en este amplio mundo.
Por esa razón agradezco a todos ellos que sin ningún tipo de egoísmo, sirvieron de orientación y asesoría para lograr formar parte esta comunidad, a la cual es un placer pertenecer e intercambiar conocimientos mutuos a través de este medio.
Como ella sabe que soy una persona a la cual le gusta aprender cosas nuevas y generar experiencias, me hizo el comentario, eso despertó en mí entusiasmo sobre el tema, me llevo a investigar más a fondo, por medio de canales de youtube, pertenecientes a: @nerdvana y @lorenaconversa, que tienen buen contenido informativo en dicha plataforma y algunos otros grupos en las redes sociales creados para la ayuda en Hive.
One day my best friend told me that her cousin was publishing his life, likes and skills on a page called Hive.blog, with the intention of making himself known and in turn generate cryptocurrencies.
It was also helpful to share ideas with my sister who is also getting involved in this wide world.
For that reason I thank all of them that without any kind of selfishness, served as guidance and advice to become part of this community, to which it is a pleasure to belong and exchange mutual knowledge through this medium. As she knows that I am a person who likes to learn new things and generate experiences, she made me the comment, that awakened in me enthusiasm on the subject, led me to investigate further, through youtube channels, belonging to: @nerdvana and @lorenaconversa, who have good informative content on that platform and some other groups on social networks created for help in Hive.
Soy una persona apasionada y entregada en todo lo que hago.
Llena de empatía, sentimental y expresiva.
Soy creativa y voy más allá de lo tangible, con visión a futuro y capaz de asumir riesgos con valentía.
Me gustan los animales y la naturaleza, su protección y su cuidado lo considero algo importante.
Me gusta valorar el tiempo y los buenos momentos.
Me gusta aconsejar y motivar a otros, así yo este atravesando por un mal momento, si necesitan de mi allí estaré, porque en muchos casos somos instrumentos de Dios para ayudar a los demás.
Me gusta viajar, la fotografía, el maquillaje, la música, la creación de videos, el diseño gráfico, escribir, leer, cocinar e innovar recetas, postres.
Me gusta la historia, el estudio bíblico, ya que soy creyente de Dios y de lo sagrado.
Soy una persona muy detallista, atenta, sociable y a su vez respeto mucho el silencio conmigo misma (ese ruido que solo es mental).
Soy capaz de reconocer con humildad errores propios con la intención de mejorar como persona y siempre fiel a mí misma.
Aunque siento que me extendí un poco, aún queda mucho por contar y compartir en futuras publicaciones sobre mí, lo que soy, y lo que deseo dar.
I am a passionate and dedicated person in everything I do.
Full of empathy, sentimental and expressive.
I am creative and go beyond the tangible, with a vision for the future and able to take risks with courage.
I like animals and nature, I consider their protection and care as something important.
I like to value time and good moments.
I like to advise and motivate others, even if I am going through a bad time, if they need me I will be there, because in many cases we are instruments of God to help others.
I like photography, makeup, music, video creation, graphic design, writing, reading, cooking and innovating recipes, desserts.
I like history, biblical study, as I am a believer in God and the sacred.
I am a very detailed person, attentive, sociable and at the same time I respect silence with myself (that noise that is only mental).
I am capable of humbly recognizing my own mistakes with the intention of improving as a person and always true to myself.
Although I feel that I extended a little, there is still much to tell and share in future publications about me, what I am, and what I want to give.

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hello, due to problems with the internet at home, I was absent, but I have returned with more desire and I am taking notes of all your advice and opinions, grateful for your help and hope to grow with you in hive, and be of help to many people.
Good luck with your journey on hive @belena2128
~ @macchiata
¡Hola!¡Bienvenido a Hive! Mi mejor consejo para usted aquí es que dedique su tiempo a mezclarse con otros, conocer gente y ser activo dentro de las comunidades. Esa es la mejor manera de crecer.
Bienvenida a hive @belena2128 has llegado a lo máximo de la web3.0 por acá encontrarás de todo un poquito, no dudes en consultar siempre cuando tengas dudas, aquí todos estamos para ayudarnos ☺️, recibe la bienvenida de cocina creativa 🤗