My pregnancy skincare routine


Hello there, Hiver. How is your day going today? Do you have anything planned for today? Or is it just like another ordinary day? Whatever the case may be, I hope everyone has a great day today.

My Face Skincare Journey
One of my favorite leisure activities is skincare. My skin is quite sensitive, and it is easy for me to break out when I use skin care products unsuitable for my skin. As a result, I carefully select my skincare products.

When it comes to skincare, I usually study my favorite beauty blogger's reviews and select the finest products for me. I sometimes chose the incorrect things, but I also chose many of the right ones.

I've tried a lot of skincare routines, but after a lot of them, I've decided that what works best for me is to clean my face first and then apply the skincare product. Because my face isn't suited to oil, I picked makeup remover water rather than makeup remover oil.

I didn’t have a complicated routine but I just had a simple routine. That is: cleaning => toner => moisturizing + BHA (Beta Hydroxy Acid) (or retinol) and getting sleep before 11 p.m, If you don't sleep early, no matter how good a product is, it's useless, that is routine for the night. Cleaning => toner => moisturizing => suncream is my morning routine.

My pregnancy skincare routine
When I found out I was pregnant, the first thing I did was stop using BHA and retinol creams. Then I look up which products are safe for pregnant ladies to use. Then I removed the goods that pregnant women are not permitted to use while keeping the products that are permitted.

I eliminated products containing retinol, BHA, and chemical composition. Instead, I utilize products that include natural ingredients.

Makeup remover waterCotton padsCleanser

And my nighttime procedure remains the same: cleansing => toner => moisturizing
And cleaning => toner => moisturizing => suncream for the morning.

That is all my pregnant skincare routine, Thank you for taking the time to read my post, if you have any different skincare routine for sensitive skin to recommend, let’s comment below. I’ll appreciate it. See you in the next post.


Eso está muy bien, durante el embarazo es bueno consultar al ginecólogo para estar segura de cuales productos se pueden o no utilizar en nuestra piel. El médico es la persona idónea para leer la etiqueta y determinar si los componentes le pueden hacer daño al bebé. Saludos.

that's right, I will seek more medical advice, Thank you.

I love that you are taking your pregnancy into account to modify your skincare routine. I would just tell you to touch up that sunscreen very often, remember that pregnant women tend to suffer from melasma.

I use an app called skin bliss, and it tells you if a product is suitable or not to apply during pregnancy, I highly recommend it, it's very good.

By the way, that micellar water is my favourite, I love it.

wow, thank you for recommending the app to me, I definitely use it. and I'm happy to hear that you also love the micellar water.