Allow me to introduce myself: Matt the poet

in Introduce Yourself3 years ago (edited)


Many of mankind have seen the changes of the world. A world we fight to protect, and a world some wish to deceive. These are the faces of humanity we often mistake for the ones we wish to believe in. We stand united, if not separated to become the fallen. This is soul-subject, speaking with you from the other side of the spectrum. It’s a pleasure to meet you.

Hello, this is Matt, a small town Iowa boy here to drop some food for thought on humanity's greatest strengths and weaknesses. As a deep thinking and open-minded person, I am most interested in writing philosophy and poetry based on human psychology. I am on a search to better understand the psychology behind the thoughts and emotions of people witnessing the best and worst qualities of humanity.

I love to spend my free time metal detecting in search of forgotten history or simply sitting before a blank page reflecting about historical wonders. I enjoy reading the works of the legendary Edgar Allen Poe, my biggest literary inspiration. Other interests that spark my intuitive mind are cryptocurrency, politics, religions, and music.

A family member introduced me to Hive and suggested I seek answers from genuine artists, such as yourselves, to further inspire and teach me more about life and writing. I am brand new to cryptocurrency and blockchain in general, so I am more than willing to take advice and guidance as graciously as it is offered. I would like to learn more about you and your interests. Who is your favorite musician? Breaking Benjamin is mine but my favorite song is Hurt by Johnny Cash. Do you believe in ghosts? I believe in spirits but am unsure about ghosts. If you are a poet what style of poetry do you use and what inspires you most? I look forward to getting to know you. God bless you and stay safe. Thank you for listening.


Welcome to Hive! I'm looking forward to reading your poetry. The Man Comes Around is my favorite Johnny Cash song. Ghosts do not exist - but demons are real and walk amongst us.