bolle38 cross-posted this post in Introduce Yourself 3 years ago

U svestranosti su cari bogastva i lepote - Versatility is the king of wealth and beauty

in BANAT3 years ago (edited)

Pozdrav svim Hive-rima,
Pošto sam skroz nov u ovom svetu kripto valuta, i ovo je sve za mene nova priča i nov naslov mog života, da vam se ukratko predstavim, a da uz to upoznate i moje neke hobije.
Od svoje 9 te godine se bavim ribolovom, a nekih zadnjih 2 godine je više saranski ribolov zastupljen.
Nekom deluje sedis i cekas šarana, ali on je vodena lisica, i sa njim se treba nadmudrivati da bi ga upecao.

Greetings to all Hivers,
Since I am completely new in this world of cryptocurrency, and this is all a new story for me and a new title of my life, let me introduce myself to you briefly, and also get to know some of my hobbies.
Since my 9th year, I have been fishing, and for the last 2 years, more and more Saracen fishing has been represented.
Someone seems to be sitting and waiting for a carp, but he is a water fox, and you have to outwit him to catch him.


Pored predstavljanja svog hobija, da vam se i ja predstavim, dolazim iz Vršca, male varoši pod kulom, koja u svom podnožiju Vršackih brda ima prostrane vinograde.

In addition to presenting my hobby, let me introduce myself to you, I come from Vršac, a small town under the tower, which has spacious vineyards at its foot of the Vršac hills.


Po struci sam Muski Frizer Berber, i toga ce ovde biti kao tema oko stilova frizura, kreacijama preparatima i jos mnogo toga...

I am a Berber Men's Hairdresser by profession, and that will be a topic here about hairstyles, creations, preparations and much more ...


Inace imam 38 godina ne ozenjen i bez dece. Nadam se ugodnom druzenju zaradi i uopšte pozitivnoj energiji na ovom za mene novom sajtu.

By the way, I am 38 years old, unmarried and without children. I hope for pleasant company and positive energy on this new site for me.

Pozdrav od Boleta, i vidimo se u sledećem postu.
Greetings from Bole, and see you in the next post.