For this weeks Show Us Your California contest by @thesocalhive I head up into the eastern Sierra Nevada mountains for a fun skiing/snowboarding trip to...
Mammoth Mountain!!

My mom, my uncle, and I all headed up route 395 for our annual ski trip to Mammoth mountain. We drove up on a sunday, got unpacked and settled into the condo, and then on monday we headed up to the mountain for our first day of skiing. The day started out nice and we got in quite a few runs, but as the day went on a storm started blowing in. The high winds made for lift closures and we ended up calling it a day just before the snow started to fall.

First day getting ready to start at Canyon lodge

Freshly groomed runs

Mom at the top of "Swell" before our first run

Overlooking Canyon lodge

Riding the newly upgraded chair 16

At the top of "Roller Coaster"

In line at chair 2

Losing visibility as the storm blew in
The next day the weather was beautiful. The storm had dropped a little bit of fresh snow, but unfortunately the storm was more wind than snow and the high winds had blown the little bit of fresh stuff around creating both patches of ice and small piles of fresh snow. Making the terrain fairly unpredictable. Despite that the day was lots of fun and we ended up skiing all over the mountain.

Getting on chair 22

Riding chair 22

Looking at the upper mountain

Riding chair 5

Views of the upper mountain

Views from "Center Bowl"

Looking at the upper mountain from the top of chair 3

Views from "Terry's run"

On the top looking off "Climax"

Views from the top

Riding chair 23

Chair 14 on the backside of the mountain

Riding chair 12

Selfie on chair 12

Overlooking Main lodge from "Fascination"

Skiing "Downhill" on our way back to Canyon lodge for lunch
Wednesday was another beautiful day and once again we skied all over the mountain. Thursday another storm was blowing in and it snowed on us, but it wasn't heavy and we were still able to get quite a few runs in despite the snow. We had originally planned to ski on friday, but with the storm getting heavier and the predictions calling for multiple feet of snow we decided to leave a day early to avoid any dangerous driving conditions and/or road closures. Despite leaving a day early it was a great week of skiing and I'm really glad I was able to go.

Riding chair 8 in the morning

Views of the upper mountain

Views from "Haven't the Foggiest"

At the base of chair 9

Riding chair 9

Views from the top of chair 9

Views from "Ricochet"

The base of chair 10

On the top

Selfie on chair 23 with me, my mom, and the Hulk(can you see him?)

Views looking to the west off the backside of the mountain

Views from the top of chair 23
At Main lodge for a quick break

Views from Chair 1

Thursday morning watching the storm roll in

Riding chair 4 in the snow

Looking up "Roller Coaster"

Overlooking Canyon lodge

Views on the drive home

Views on the drive home
And so until next time...
I hope you have enjoyed this glimpse into
My California!!

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Awesome Mammoth trip! Thanks for sharing and great pics! 😎
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Congratulations @derekrichardson, your post won 1st prize in this weeks