Hello... I am not sure what you are meaning about a "Premium". But to edit your content. Click the three dots as I have shown below... Then click "edit". I would do this in the second post. Remove all of the content; photos, words, etc. Then explain what happened... IE "Accidentally posted twice", or whatever the issue was. When done, simply hit "Update".

All images were created with OperaGX snapshot
Good morning sir , I opened the three dots and saw edit history can I edit all I saw there, please help me achieve it, I really want to edit it, or do I clean up every thing in there, please help me
Good day sir, I've tried my possible best to message you on discord, but the reply I got from the server is that you do not accept friend's request except if you add the person. Please, add me. My username is @ijebest.
Nevertheless, I have deleted one of the posts, please sir, am so sorry. Please pardon me because it wasn't an intentional act.
Thank you for forgiving me in advance.