This is a powerful, and moving post. Adding to the energy is the fact that you were indeed talking about your father.
I am not tolerating such action.
Yes, he abuses substances but he is still a friend. More than that, he is a father.
All of the topics of substance abuse, mental health issues, and even abuse. Are sometimes hard to see (read). But as you said... staying silent fixes nothing. I commend you for sharing this with us. I am sure it was not an easy thing to do. But your words, and mindset, can, and will, help others to know they are not alone. Now then... moving along to your images...
All images are mine. Credits to the artist of the gallery I visited.
You have shared the sources, but I would like to give you perhaps... a different/better way to do so. As you may or may not know. Plagiarism is a big no-no. In life... and especially on the blockchain. So to make sure no one can accuse you of doing so, I will show you how I would give credit. After spending some time, searching for the images you shared. I was able to find the "actual" artist/creator; Belle Maurice.

What I can gather from your sourcing statement, is that you visited this artist's gallery and took photos of her works. So to provide your readers with a better example of this. Consider a statement like the following... (pretending that you had the stated type of smartphone).
"Photos were taken with Samsung Galaxy S9 | Art created by Belle Maurice".
And here would be the markdown code to do this:
**"Photos were taken with Samsung Galaxy S9 | Art created by [Belle Maurice](".**
Now... you have authentic links for your sources. Your readers can click the link, and are taken "directly" to the artist's information! Winner-Winner!! Again... I am only spending time sharing this with you, out of love, and respect. Creating posts here on the blockchain has the incentive of monetization (getting funds for our work). The artist above is selling these works and should be given proper credit. I hope you see where I am coming from here. If you have any further questions... please don't hesitate to reach out. Also... thank you again for posting in my community!
Hi, @wesphilbin thank you so much for appreciating my post. And also for teaching me how to properly give credit to the artists. I truly appreciate the time and effort you gave to search for the actual artist. I am very grateful. Once again. Thank you. 😊
You are most welcome! Again... it's my wish, that all of us are able to succeed on the Blockchain. You can go back and edit your post. To reflect the suggestions I have given you; why not give it a try?
😊 I already edit my post. A thousand thanks @wesphilbin .