Even In Death, Live Forever: Rest On


Life is short and we must act fast. These were the thoughts that came to mind when I remember my friend who died few days ago at 22 in her final year, 3-4 months away from her graduation. It was painful to see, the thoughts are painful to bear. I spoke to her brother and I could feel the tears in my guts, he said this will be with him for the rest of his life, and I know how that feels.

My friend had so many plans and dreams and things she really wanted to accomplish, so many ways she wanted to impact the lives of many young people positively. I could remember when she told me she would love to empower young ladies to learn digital skills early in life (motion graphics). She was a motion graphics designer. When I heard of her death, I asked myself why she didn't wait to fulfill her dreams. But it wasn't in her power, just as it is not in any of our power to say when we will finally depart this world.

If we all could control it, we would hold time till we have accomplished all that our heart desires, we would cheat death till we are completely tired of life then surrender to it but death is thief, and thieves never announce to you when they will come. Unawares, it visits with a sting of sorrow.

This has taught me alot. And by extension, sharing my deep thoughts here is like my memoirs or journals which i want people to read and relate with. What do we have to learn from this? Life is really short and we must act fast! Got a dream, a vision, and a plan? There is no right time to act, find as many useful resources and start the ruthless execution immediately. You find someone you love? Don't hold back, let them know as soon as you are convinced of what you feel, you miss your parents, call them and tell them how much you miss them, you have a beef with a friend, settle it as soon as you can.

My deep thoughts also travelled down the impacts made on people outside our circles of friends and families. How much do we help others elevate their miseries. Do you have an opportunities to give alms, do it bountifully (that kind that makes the receiver shock in surprise), do you have an opportunity to give support in form of effort, advises or encouragement, do it dearly as though there won't be an opportunity to do it again.

The problem is, we think there is enough time and we wish we can believe this lie. You have very little time to get out of poverty and change the world in your own little way. For every action taken, create great memories in a little way too. Create memories with the people you meet, with the work that you do, so that when you finally leave, the world will have something to remember, we will look back to all the ways our beautiful acts touched people's lives, and even in death, we will still be grateful. Living should be intentional, and that way we can live forver and possibly cheat death.


Image by Geralt on Pixabay
On a relief, My friend's brothers are building a foundation in honor of their sister. A way to help her fulfil all her golden thoughts and plans for the society. No such thoughts and plans should be left to die because of the lives It's capable of touching and changing. And I am happy that I get to work with them to write the recommendations for this foundation. It is my own way of supporting and contributing to helping to get her golden plans and thoughts fulfilled, by extension, contributing to the world too.

You'll sure live forever Susan! Rest on.

 3 years ago  
