This Samhain, Embrace The Dark

in ThoughtfulDailyPost2 years ago (edited)

The dark is something that many of us have been conditioned to fear. A place where danger lurks, where we are made vulnerable and more at risk. In horror movies, all the terrors happen during the night. But the darkness is really a place of renewal and rejuvenation. Seeds need the dark, so that they can germinate and continue the next stage of their life.

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As we celebrate Samhain, we are entering the dark phase of the year. A precious time, where we should begin to rest, where we should be sending down our roots, strengthening ourselves, so that we are ready for the next stage of our lives.

Everything in nature is cyclic, life, death, rebirth. It is important that we recognize this cycle within ourselves, that we connect with this natural cycle. We can look to the natural world for guidance, observe what is happening in nature right now.

The leaves have fallen from the trees. The strength and energy of the trees , has travelled down to the roots. Some animals are in hibernation. It is the time of death, but with the knowledge that rebirth will follow.

Take this time to pause, to plant the seeds of your intentions, nurture them in the dark, within your fertile imaginations. So that when we enter the next cycle, we can bring them to life.

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Samhain is the end of the Celtic year, it calls on us to let go of our old selves, to let go of whatever may have been holding us back. As I write this, my body continues to ache, but I am ready to let the old me die. I am ready to embrace this transformation and grow into the new me.

To take these next few months to really listen to and nurture myself. To welcome change, change that is both healthy and necessary. That brings with it more awareness and understanding. That brings with it the opportunity to honor what we have been through, so that we are ready to honor the many new beginnings that will come our way.

This fear of the dark, that we have been conditioned with, also extends to a fear of our inner self. Which has led us to distrust our own inner knowing, our intuition. Now is time to reconnect with our inner wisdom, to listen to that inner voice, as we embrace the darkness.


Samhain is also the time to honour our loved ones that have passed on from this world. To honor our grief and loss. We can celebrate our loved ones,by sharing our favorite stories of them, by listening to their favorite songs, by remembering how much light they brought into our lives. We continue to celebrate them, by keeping our love alive for them.

I honour my sister, sharing memories, such as the one up above, at my middle daughters naming ceremony, which was held by the sea in West Cork. We had the ceremony on a cliff overlooking the Atlantic Ocean and then carried on the festivities with food and music around a fire. That's me and my two sisters in the photo, I have my daughter n my arms, wrapped in a blanket.

Wishing you all a beautiful Samhain, may you all embrace the dark and take this time to nurture yourself.


This brought me to tears that while the veil is so thin, you can have that moment being close to and remembering your sister, honouring her for the beautiful life that she lived and the person that she was. 🦋

Thank you @emma-h, it was beautiful to celebrate her, it always is xxx

Nice photos!🥰🥰


Sometimes, we don´t realize how powerful the dark is to us. In the dark, we have time for ourselves, to reminisce and introspect our lives more, finding purpose for our lives and working on new changes. All these can be possible in the dark. Happy Samhain to you and your family.

Yes exactly @princessbusayo, thank you xxxx

We had the ceremony on a cliff overlooking the Atlantic Ocean and then carried on the festivities with food and mushroom around a fire

Food and mushrooms? So the mushroom wasn't the food type? 😁

Beautiful reminder this post, about all sort of shit that have been boiling through my vein throughout the year, a little bit of rooting couldn't hurt dear friend, you might be right.

You know I meant to write music, but mushrooms have been on my mind of late. lol Thanks for pointing that out lol xxx

 2 years ago  
