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RE: Sometime life kicks your butt and its hard to get back up.

in ThoughtfulDailyPost3 years ago

Some years ago, the first time I went to therapy I was advised to “write down notes” about my deepest, darkest feelings so it can help me make them go away, at the time I didn't believe much in the power of doing so but I've come to realize later on that 'sharing' is really effective, whether it be random thoughts on a piece of paper (notes) just like I'm doing right now or maybe, music? Writing about music? Talking to Chrissy? Talking about talking to Chrissy? What I'm trying to say is... I understand, and I appreciate you taking the time to share a little bit about what you're going through (..God it started to feel like Group-Therapy..) — I mean, sometimes life kicks you in the butt, but at least we have a Chrissy! I wish you feel better soon, buddy, and I hope I didn't cause you a headache with all this, lol...

• Stayten
Proud friend of yours :)

!discovery 15


Thank you brother! As always I appreciate your support!!! Its wonderful to have friends that understand.