In Pursuit of Passion... the tug of war prevails.

in ThoughtfulDailyPost3 years ago (edited)


So, I was reading an article today by @kenechukwu97 called The Dilemma of Job Hunters. If you haven't read it, do yourself a favour, and go and check it out. He discusses the dilemma between choosing a job that pays well but doesn't align with one's career goals, and one that aligns but doesn't pay nearly enough as the former. It's an interesting read. His example that he used was in describing people who were:

okay working as an Accountant instead of practising as a lawyer

as the money being earned was more.

Oh my goodness. I had to lol ... I studied Law and English Lit at University, and ended up am currently an accountant!!!🤣 The former two were my academic passions, the latter...meh...where I ended up ...a long and winding story...

Long story short...I graduated in South Africa after 5 years at University with two degrees: Bachelor of Arts (Law and English Lit majors) followed by an Honours Degree in Law (LLB). At the time, only 5% of law graduates were getting articles (internships). One of my best friends at Uni told me, after one interview I had with a law firm, when we were discussing the questions they had asked and the answers I had given,

You are way too ethical to be a lawyer, Sam

People laugh about lawyers and ethics but that comment was bitter-sweet and hurt, but not in the way that you may think. You see, it made me quite sad that he was being dead serious. It was a commentary of and for our times and a sad indictment of the state of affairs in the field of law. Anyway, I didn't get offered any of the available positions that I had applied for and, as I did not want to join the public prosecutor's office, I took a job in commerce instead, in a legal department in a major bank.

I was fast-tracked and within 2 years ended up supervising a small legal administrative team.

We had a Christmas cocktail party for our external solicitors who actually did our legal work for us and I was then offered the opportunity to do my Articles of Law (Internship) by 3 partners at 3 different Law firms, "if I could be persuaded to leave the bank and to go back into law proper". Turns out ironically they all really appreciated my work ethic and general ethics and values that were evident in the professional relationships that I conducted with them.

My interest was definitely piqued! BUT, here's the rub...they couldn't afford me... I could no longer afford to take a 70% pay cut to follow what had been my passion and dream for years. 😢 @kenechukwu97 was spot on! Even with the numbers!

Anyway, 3 years later I moved to the UK with my husband, and thought, now is the time to make the change back into law. Now is my chance, as I am effectively unemployed anyway lol. So I got a job in a small start-up Telco that agreed to sponsor my Legal studies so that I could convert my degree to an English (British) qualification. This was necessary as South African law is based on Roman-Dutch law and English Law is based on ...well English Law haha.

So, I tried to go down the route of converting my law degree so that I could qualify and work as a solicitor in the UK... after 1 year at Uni part-time, whilst working a day job in the Telco's finance department, the University moved the goalposts, requiring me to study full time for the next 2 years to finish the conversion. Again...I couldn't afford to do that. Not yet having my citizenship, I either had to pay foreign rates myself or continue under company sponsorship and I couldn't work full-time and study full-time. I was stuck between a rock and a hard place and it was incredibly frustrating and demoralising.

And so, with seemingly little choice, I gave up on the dream and became an accountant as that was the field I was in at the time whilst I was studying. It brought in the maloola.

This involved a number of years of late nights, hectic studying, and lectures to pass 14 exams to obtain my ACCA qualification which is the equivalent of a Master's degree. Fast forward to the present and I am now a Certified Chartered Accountant. Is it challenging? It can be. Is it interesting? It can be. Am I passionate about it... no! Does it pay the bills? Yes. And no sooner did I qualify, and I wanted something something different. This just does not feed my soul adequately enough. And why is this? Could it be that it is because it is all about numbers (which I am damn good at by the way) and not the beautiful words that really stir me?

Now I'd like nothing better than to be able to retire earlier than originally planned and earn my living by writing. Sound familiar? I guess writing is my true passion, and I realise now, that a big part of why my original choices for University study were between Law and Psychology, revolve around my passion for the written word. The depth of intellectual discussion and debate fascinates the proverbial out of me! I love trying to fathom the workings of the mind, and to me, a life without equality and justice is not a life worth celebrating. And words...words words words...those beautiful literary collections of letters and characters that speak to passion and wonder, magic and drama...and Truth.

I wrote a lot in my youth; mostly poems and short stories. I read a lot too! Literary fiction, Shakespeare, Autobiographical and Philosophical. I have written ad-hoc during my adult years and tried my hand at a number of hobbies, pursuing a variety of interests but always wondering if I would ever identify that one thing that drove me, fired up that flame inside. That thing that I was passionate about and would love to do as my day job ... if it paid the bills. I knew I loved writing but somehow I never considered it seriously as an option. The entry barriers felt overwhelming high. Hardly anyone makes it, right? It would be well nigh impossible to earn anything as a small fish in a big pond, correct?

Then a friend of mine published a book that dealt with the subject of whether one could pursue one's passion and earn a living doing it and explored whether people were brave enough to take the plunge and jump right in with a belief construct in themselves. I wasn't quite ready, and I'm not there yet, but it did make me sit up and think about what I wanted for the rest of my life!

So, I started writing my novel as a hobby, just for me, an idea to start small and build...and for various reasons (good ones at the time!) the book went on hold. And I missed it. I missed writing but I knew I couldn't get into the novel again just yet. I knew I wanted to grow more as a writer and challenge myself more before I picked up my baby (my book) again. I wanted to do it justice. I wanted to do my characters justice. But I also knew that I needed to get back to writing regularly and stretching myself so that I could get back to my novel someday.

When I took to the internet to search for ways to prompt my writing, I actually had no intention of writing for money online hee hee. I initially joined microfiction contests that challenged me to write more tightly in my literary fiction. I did a lot of research into character arcs and story progression. I decided to try some blogging to stretch myself in a different direction... and to interact with others; to help me learn and grow as a writer. The financial capital? That just kinda happened along the way😂.

I just wanted to woman up and put myself out there! To start getting feedback on my work. To engage with like-minded people...And so when I went looking for blogging, I found PublishOx and first. I was amazed that one could earn crypto rewards for writing there, so I gave it a bash. I also joined Torum as I was finding Facebook not immensely engaging as a platform and it seemed like a good alternative with potential. I started engaging there.

Then I met someone who was also on Hive and we chatted! @jaxsonmurph helped me onto Hive, gave me a small delegation to get me started, pointed me to gift giver, and was like a guardian angel with all my questions. I am still active on the other platforms but Hive is my home and I have not looked back.

What started out as a means to an end has become an end in itself. When I am on Hive, engaging, meeting new people, stretching my writing skills, meeting new challenges head-on, I am in my element, thriving, enjoying the moments, fulfilled. I have rediscovered a passion that I always knew I had. I have met the most incredibly soulful people on this platform; kind, generous, supportive, engaging people, and friendships are being born.

I now know that one day, I will be able to write full-time. One day I will be able to give up my current day job.

My pursuit of passion has uncovered my purpose. That part has been fulfilled. One day, the tug of war between all aspects of my being (which are clinging to that purpose, to that passion), and the daily grind, will be won. Words will triumph over numbers, and the joy of writing will be allowed to overflow into the entirety of my life. In the meantime, I just have to have the courage and determination to keep showing up and to continue to enjoy myself. The rest is just details💗🙏

Thank you for reading my post. I do hope we continue to bump into each other on the blockchain; and more often than not, may it be by design😜

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Lol... Your journey is a fine tuned one and you are already seeing a blissful end where you can fully devote your time to doing what suits you the best.

I'd hope that this writing will turn out to be a very good niche for those that are interested in giving it their all.

I studied Banking and Finance. I also got to work in the sector, but I couldn't last long there. The work doesn't suit me in any way. The only good thing about the job is the corporate wears, which I honestly find to be too much of a burden while I worked in the bank.

I cancelled everything about bank works and I focused on other stuff. I recently started vlogging. That's one of the reasons why I haven't been super active on this account. I talk about alot of stuff including Finance, Banking and economics. I prefer using my knowledge of finance in that area and applying it in advisory positions as a freelancer instead of counting money in a Conventional bank.

You did a good work with the post. That's not really a surprise. Hehehe... You've come a long way in this writing journey.

Thank you Kene. Honestly, I had another post in mind for today, but then I read yours and I just had to write a reply, because well, I felt like you were telling part of my story hee hee... and then ...well that reply clearly got too big😂😂😂 !LOLZ I think I might just have rivalled @dreemsteem, @ryzeonline, and @wil.metcalfe on this one if I had left it on your post🤣 (three people whose comments I adore by the way!) But I !LUV 'ed your post, truly I did. It hit a sweet spot🙏💗 and you are too kind with your comment !PIZZA !Alive my friend

I just can't believe I forgot to go to the Gym again yesterday.
That's six years in a row now.

That was from @lolzbot 🤣 and it's on point. I planned to go out for an early morning outdoor. It's already 4:35 here and I'm wondering if I would be able to wake up by 6 so that I can do myself the honour 🤣.

Your post is spot on and I enjoyed it. I'm still in the beginning part of my journey. I quitted the bank back in the last week of February, 2021. So, reading your narratives helped to strengthen my resolve. Heheh.

Thanks for the !LUV and !Pizza and !Alive

Not sure of what I have in my Hive Engine, but it wouldn't hurt to try those Exclamations 🤣.

C'ya by daybreak ✌️


I just can't believe I forgot to go to the Gym again yesterday.
That's six years in a row now.

@kenechukwu97, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @samsmith1971
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/2)

Aw, I'm touched. And I adore and respect your (and those other two's) comments too! <3 🙏

Lovely heart felt story @samsmith1971, You sure are a damn good writer and it is wonderful to see you florish and spread your wings.

I know that struggle you speak of, "only too well", having to choose between your passion and paying the bills and it can be a tough and at times bitter pill to swallow.

I am so glad that you continued in your pursuit to learn and grow as a writer, which is evident in your writing ability.

It clearly is a passion, which will stand fast and help you achieve all your desires.

Thank you for sharing this with us and I wish you every success with your book, whenever you decide to take that bull by the horns, because I am sure it will be a wonderful read.

!LUV !PIZZA !ALIVE !LOL you made my day. Thank you, my friend. You're a damn fine writer and creative yourself🙏💗

It is so easy to compliment great penship, more so when it has been writen with such sincerity and passion, that resonates with the reader.

I am proud to call you my friend and although I might at times I might be busy on projects, I do always enjoy swinging by to converge !LOLZ

Thank you for the !LUV ly comment Jaxson. You are very much appreciated, my friend. Love the work you are doing too! !PIZZA. I'll be swinging by your posts later today too to see how the NFT creation is going.... they are looking "bangers" as my 8 year old would say 😜😍 and that is the highest compliment that he is giving to anything these days so I guess in playground rhetoric... the work you are doing is bangers my friend !LOL Keep it up, looking forward to this journey with you.

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It is my pleasure Pal and thank you and your son for the bangers compliment he he

I hear Sasquatch makes bowls out of clay
He's a hairy potter

@samsmith1971, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @jaxsonmurph
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@jaxsonmurph! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @samsmith1971. (1/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

What's the difference between a taxidermist and a tax collector?
A taxidermist takes only your skin.

@jaxsonmurph, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @samsmith1971
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (2/2)

This is my story, so weird! Same degree, same location and a similar end result (I ended up working at an Insurance company rather than a bank). My story diverges, though... I left the formal world of commerce to open my own company. As for writing, it’s simply always been a part of me, much regarded as an extension of my personality. I’ve written hundreds of short stories, poems, and a few novels. I got into computer programming and my passions were split, when I was offered a publishing contract, I choose not to take it in favor of completing some piece of software I was writing (I know, I know...). Anyway, like you, I’ve now discovered Hive. Hallelujah! I’m publishing some of my archived work and getting feedback, which is awesome.

I think that the balance of dichotomy you explore in this piece is probably valid for thousands of souls. It’s fabulous to read such clear, concise writing. It’s so difficult to get your thoughts across sometimes, but you do it with aplomb! Great post 🥂

Thank you for your wonderful and thoughtful comment @itsostylish !LUV ... so are you saying you're a SAFFA 😜 Where did you study? When did you graduate? haha you've piqued my curiosity !LOL Isn't it uncanny though. @kenechukwu97 's (Kene's) article made me do a double-take myself! I think the themes he explored were brilliant and he wrote such a great article. You are very fortunate to have found two passions in life 💗🙏and it sounds like you are able to honour both within the parameters of your current life choices, which is a true blessing. Funny hubby is a control systems engineer so spends a good portion of his day job writing software, and he also writes his own software on the side for hobby projects. I will be coming to read you later today after work. Have a great weekend @itsostylish. !PIZZA

I was at Wits in 19 voetsak! I’m still in SA, though. I’ll be reading all your posts/blogs.

I look forward to reading yours too 19 voetsek... !LOL I graduated LLB class of '94 at University of Natal, Duban (Howard College Campus) ;-)

We’re not old ladies, simply girls with a few wrinkles. LoL (PS: read this on FB this morning. 😂)

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You are out of jokes for the day!

@samsmith1971 you can call @lolzbot a maximum of 2 per day.
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I can relate to this so much, in fact, I've written about this topic recently. I think that no matter what, we must pursue our dreams and find the things that we love doing. It might take a lot of time to get there, but I know for sure all the sacrifices would be all worth it in the end.

this is very true @humbledwriter. Hey, I'll be sure to swing by your post later and take a look at your article too !PIZZA Thank you for taking the time to stop by.

Thank you so much!!!!

This was a rather entertaining read as I've often time questioned passion or profits as I think about both of these things. I wonder is it a passion for writing or is it the reinforcement through reward vs the "hope"/possibilities that made this more of an interest for you? I only ask this because in my life I thought for the longest time that my "passion" was in trading cards, but as I'm navigating through hive I just feel that trading cards is just where my mastery is, but in reality my passions are still unknown. None the less though I think we should spend our energy and time on the things that make us most alive/fulfilling. Of course we have to be grounded in reality as well, but in well off countries like we are in we have an abundance of free time and that free time can find ways and outlets such as this to let us explore our potentials.

Also fyi @kenechukwu97 is quite active on dreemport if you'd like to "accidentally" bump into him or interact with him more often haha. There is a cool thing called pypt (which is like dreem's bloggers version of pimp my ride except with posts) which is every thursday. There are more discord groups that can build and nurture the relationships you wish to or value. Anyways enjoy !PIZZA

Thanks Infinity ;-) maybe I'll accidently on purpose bump into you on the server too 😜And to answer your question. Financial rewards are always nice to have, of course they are, but I have always loved books, loved reading, loved writing. It's ingrained in my DNA. I thought I'd made that clear in my post lol. My book is for me. If I think it's good enough in the end, I will share it with others, but there is no thought of financial reward at the moment where that is concerned. And as I said, I joined blogging platforms initially just to push myself to write regularly, explore my creativity, and practice fine-tuning my own craft, so that I could one day return to my own book. It was supposed to be a means to an end...but through the joy I derive from engagement here, it has become a separate end in itself 💗 If I was only in it for the money, I could drop any number of posts on Hive each day that were not in my mind a reflection of me or a qualitative statement or burst of creativity. Get to know me... and you will understand me 🙏 I have made so many lovely connections here on Hive; some I treasure immensely, so why would I want to give that up? Being completely honest though, because that's who I am, now that I am on Hive and blogging and investing so much time here...and earning rewards with the rest of you, I'd be a fool to give that up and go and blog somewhere that doesn't value me as an author and curator, wouldn't I ;-) If I can one day spend more of my valuable precious limited time on this Earth, writing ie: persuing my passion, instead of doing financial analysis for a living, why shouldn't I😍 And unless I was a whale btw, I'd be taking a significant cut in "salary" to rely on Hive earnings alone as an author. I do hope that you find your passions one day. It is truly magical when you are able to pursue them on a daily basis and then see the possibility opening up that maybe...just could do this one day and give up the daily grind, albeit for less monetary reward. Unfortunately, I don't have an abundance of free time as I have young children and a day job, so I have to make time for Hive in the evenings after my children are in bed. The allure of money is not what drew me in and it is not what keeps me here. It's the people. Just as at my current day job... I could resign and get a job elsewhere...but I don't...and you know why? Because of the people that I work with; they make it all worthwhile. Have a great weekend @infinitytcg😉

Ah from your post it seemed that you wanted to connect with kenechukwu more haha. Also @dreemsteem yeah it is just information overload for me haha cause mind you many of you have gotten to know each other through months on end while this month-2 I've got to know quite a bit of people with a ton of pretty indepth conversations hahah. Yeah I have to reduce my time in discords down to a few groups with chaos legions coming near. I'll definitely still drop by from time to time and hang out at some pypt as it is an interesting way to get to know people. As you know voice for me is far more efficient than reading and writing due to the nature of the speed and ability that I can still multitask.

@samsmith1971 yeah at one point to be honest I had you mixed up with another individual supersmith I believe or something like that maybe because of smith and the starting s's haha. Have you guys not considered hive itself as an investment vehicle or some of the other altcoins here? I mean hive just had a recent boost so not so sure it is the best now but can still go up, but there are other many interesting projects. There is SBI, VIP (not so fond of cause I have had several bad experiences with the guy in charge of it), and I'm sure many programs that can help facilitate or move towards that dream? Vip is like $100-120 for 100 tokens which is a curation type trail process that is automated. I'm guessing that is what some people are against on this site which I feel some type of way about it also, but have no way of effectively selling out of it now. See cause for me I have plans to move to Philippines so I am trying to fully immerse myself in all this information so when I go there I can better educate them to how to create valuable posts, create meaningful relationships, and to add value to the community at large so that they can make a lifelong living for themselves while branding and pushing a much bigger social movement.

Yeah I understand it's the people haha ultimately in end of the day that is the real "value" are the relationships and people/memories we meet and make along the way. Kitty is probably one of the people I've met that has been rather amazing just in all the little details and how many servers I see her proactively/selflessly helping people in. Unfortunately my time on hive is just for enjoyment and self discovery/branding as later real life will demand a lot of my time for executions and planning of plans. But I will incorporate hive into plan for my team later and possibly torum not sure yet as if I want to take on another social media/blogging site. There are just some troubling things I've found on hive through my interaction with Neoxian, but yeah there are also a ton of amazing people as well. Well I wish you the best of luck on your journey.

hehe not a worry at all! yes - pypt is better for you since you prefer voice!!! :)

yuhp plus i can see with 3speak and all these other amazing projects that it will all be incorporated into hive at a later time or I'll have a team come in to incorporate them haha. The ability for people to just be able to absorb data at different speeds and methods is just overall a better user experience. Like ability to watch a movie/show in 1.25-1.5x speed of course thrillers/dramas/horror and some should be watched at normal speeds for the theatric effects.

noooo hee hee, the end of my post applies to everyone that reads the post. And I know that there are some of you that I actively engage with and go and look for your posts etc so I "bump" into you on purpose so to speak haha. The article started as a comment to Kene's article but morphed into more than that, which is why Kene is mentioned a couple of times. Kene was definitely the spark though; I wanted to make that clear as his article is really good. And your future plans sound wonderful. I hope we continue to see you in the discord if it suits your needs. I may have to join PYTP soon...starting to feel like I'm missing out 😜I enjoy chatting with you Infinity. :-) You'll have to keep us up to speed with how to progress with chaos legions!

Yeah for sure I can probably make a group about that and help with questions. I feel that is the least I can do after being helped so much in navigating all these communities. I just haven't written too many posts about markets/cards/splinterlands as I don't think it would be healthy for the game as it would bring up card prices faster on the directed cards making them less accessible for the general population. Actually that reminds me I need to create more than the 1 extra account for this haha just to make sure. Yeah he has some rather eye opening posts, it almost feels as if he should be a politician to a degree haha, but not in like a bad way as most society typically see them as but one to impact change. Yeah I plan to always check into the discord group randomly as I do many others but all of this feels like an insane balancing act at this current stage haha. It is PYPT (pimp your post thursday) and yeah it is a great thing I can participate in and have in the background as I am doing other stuff.


@infinitytcg! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @samsmith1971. (5/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

hehehe Sam and Kene are both in the DreemPort project - part of the Dreem Teem - they work together hahahaa but thank you for sharing the word!

also... PYPT isn't my dreem ;) it's @shadowspub creation - she just hosts that show on our server!

sam is in the server under sa_sam1971 - you can find her there!

I think maybe I should change my name in the Dreemport discord server lols

hahahahahaha you can!!! if it makes it easier for people to find you

or wait..
maybe you don't wanna be found! hahahahahaha super spy! ;)

ha ha no I meant so people can more easily id me hee hee...although some of the names lols

Hi @samsmith1971

This is an interesting post. I guess that many of us end up doing things in our careers that we didn't set out to do. I know I certainly did, I never imagined ending up what I am doing now. So wasn't my dream job but it more than pays the bills, so I have nothing to complain about and I do enjoy it.

I love trying to fathom the workings of the mind, and to me, a life without equality and justice is not a life worth celebrating.

I too love trying to work out the mind and what makes people tick. People are so diverse and fascinating. Of course, we need equality. I love this sentence you wrote - it really resonated with me.

I am glad you have found your passion in writing and what better place, than right here on HIve!

Posted via

Hey @awah. Thanks for dropping by! 🙏I'm happy my piece connected with you in some way. It's crazy how many people end up in the same situation, isn't it? And then we expect our children to make decisions about their financial futures and careers at such a young age. I tell my kids that they can pursue anything they want to in life and that what they want at age 10 may differ completely at age 18, age 27, 35... and so on. We should always be prepared to adjust to our changing needs as we evolve over time.

Exactly, I tell my kids the same. Although one of them has always wanted to be a dentist since a young age and is now at Birmingham uni doing dentistry. So she is rare, she knew her dream and went and made it happen.

I was working with another young guy the other day who had his whole career mapped out in his mind. He had a number of stepping stones he felt he needed to hop on so that he could pursue his career over the next 10 years or so. I admired his drive and energy but thought to myself, life just doesn't work like that. He could change his mind within the next couple of years and go in a completely different direction. Plus, fate already seems to have a plan for us.

So as you say, we should always be prepared to adjust our life plans.

Cheers !wine

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👆This! Exactly 🙏Fantastic that your daughter innately knew what she wanted from life though. It happens...and when it does, it's special.

 3 years ago  


Thank you Wes, much appreciated 💗🙏

I can fully relate to this story. The ultimate goal for me is to find what gives you Joy and at the same time serves your pocket.

This is a path that will hopefully bring you much joy. Have you ever read "how to be Buddhist Millionaire" by Matt Jardine. It speaks to exactly this. Inspiring with interviews with people from all walks of life. !PIZZA !ALIVE

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What started out as a means to an end has become an end in itself. When I am on Hive, engaging, meeting new people, stretching my writing skills, meeting new challenges head-on, I am in my element, thriving, enjoying the moments, fulfilled. I have rediscovered a passion that I always knew I had. I have met the most incredibly soulful people on this platform; kind, generous, supportive, engaging people, and friendships are being born.

And we adore having you here Sam 💚💛❤️

aw, thank you hee hee. I'm pleased I discovered you too😊

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 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

Aw, I'm so pleased if me writing my thoughts down has nudged you to explore more with your own writing. It is so important that we open ourselves up to possibility and follow the path that leads to joy in our lives. So, if writing is a passion for you, don't leave it, believe me, just absorb yourself in it's loveliness and have fun. I do 😉💗 It challenges me daily, in a good way. If you want to get into the habit of writing regularly and challenging yourself in different genres, then the inkwell has lots of good writing prompts and @scholaris word of the week contest is a fabulous challenge 🙏 !PIZZA !ALIVE !LUV

@nigerian-yogagal! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @samsmith1971. (1/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.