l am still an inner child ln the heart

A lot of things don't make me feel extremely happy like when l see children's playing, sometimes l will look at how they are doing their little games and l will feels like playing with them, but can l really do that?, even lf l may do it, l do not think that is going to be everyday.

The deals is, we do not change our faces when we grow older, nothing is going to change, our heart will still be there, maybe just a little change like wrinkles will come over our face and for the men, will grow beards.

we might also have some change in diet, but for me l do not think l am going to ever dislike my favorite meal as times goes on.

Yet, there are never stages of our life that we will not feel happy when the events make us happy or feels bad about something if we did not like it, that ls because we are ourself and the things we want are what we see very much okay for us.

ln the house, there were once my nephew asked me to play games with him, unlike other days, l do not allow him to take my interest away if l wanted to do a thing, but because l was free that day and as well, l was delighted about it, so we went out to the front side of the house and we play all sorts of games.

The deal was, l enjoy the games with him and l am sure he did too, because he told me "we should be playing lt everyday, yet, l wouldn't want to do that everyday because l have some engagements l gave attention to.

But that day l felt very happy while on the game, that's because the child in me want me to do lt, and argue about foul on the game and as well celebrate as a child when l win.

Just like my nephew did, he can argue so much about who commit a foul or not, what he did ls that, once he finds out he ls going to loose the game, he will look for any reason to say that you have play wrong game so you guys should start over again.

l used to know his tactics because all he wants ls to win so that he can jubilate, but for lt not to be a bored game for us I will let him to win some times, that Is going to make him feel excited too ln the game.

But there was a day we keep a goalpost, our aim was to play the ball and it will enter into the goalpost, we were to do it ten times, but out of ten times l scored five times and my nephew scored up to eight, he won the game, the deal was, l thought he will not win, but before l realized l found out that l have loose.

l felt bad about it because i wanted to be the winner, my nephew jubilate a lot and he told people how he defeat me ln penalty shoot even today he thus remind me of that day he won me in the game.

lmage ls mine.


Best regards @repayme4568
I am very glad that the inner child in you is still alive, because of the characteristics you describe, it is jovial, playful and spoiled. It is valuable that you cultivate your inner child with love and on a regular basis, because it will make your existential journey more pleasant, with more positive emotions and feelings, which will translate into benefit and well-being.
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Cordiales saludos @repayme4568
Me alegra mucho que el niño interior que hay en ti siga vivo, por las características que describes, es jovial, juguetón y consentido. Es valioso que cultives a tu niño interior con amor y de manera regular, porque hará que tu viaje existencial sea más placentero, con más emociones y sentimientos positivos, lo que se traducirá en beneficio y bienestar.
Te agradecemos que nos acompañes semana a semana a nuestras convocatorias, disfrutamos con alegría y consideración tus aportaciones. Salud y Bienestar.

My dog chewed a hole in my shirt
We have the same taste in clothes.

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Thanks so much, I appreciate, continue to have a good time 🥰🙏

I totally relate to this! It’s great to let the child in us come out sometimes, even as adults. Those playful moments bring so much joy and remind us that it's okay to be a little childish now and then.

Yes, you are right, we needs those playful moments, they hold great excitement. Thanks so much, I appreciate 🥰🙏

 2 days ago  


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Thanks so much, I appreciate 🥰🙏

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It's not bad to be childish in life even though we are adults. I feel it takes us away for a brief moment from the struggles of adulthood.

Yes, you are right, those moments we act like a child takes away stress. Thank so much, I appreciate 🥰🙏


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