Awww my dear @blackdaisyft !! Too long without knowing about each other, yes... I hope you are well. I’m fine.
I'm afraid that restless minds are more frequent than they seem. However, we each need a different strategy to calm it down. In my case I try to give him so much work that I can't with my worries, hehe, just the opposite of what yours needs.
Tu español es estupendo. 😘
Indeed! And it's amazing how I keep finding new ways to calm down and the truth is not always the same ones work. Sometimes we just have to explore and see what feels good and relaxing 😄
Te deseo una semana muy tranquila y feliz! 😘😘
Oh, yes, we must be constantly exploring ourselves and our emotions. This week it will be difficult to stay calm but we will do our best. Happy week to you. ❤️🤗