We can deal with stressful situations ourselves.

in ThoughtfulDailyPost11 months ago
My greetings to all my friends. Friends, sometimes in our daily lives, we suddenly have to face stress and anxiety. The reason could be anything. It could be anything family-related, personal, or social. Sometimes nothing happens. Or there could be a very minor reason. But there is one thing: it appears very big to the one who has it. If you look at him from the front, you will think that he is crazy for so many reasons, but to the person who has it, he looks very big. Friends, this is what happens, and whatever he feels is true. Some people adopt the right method to come out of this, motivate themselves, and come out after some time.

Image by DanaTentis from Pixabay

But not everyone finds this easy, some resort to drugs. And get more entangled. But friends, the way to come out of this is very easy. In this situation, you have only one cure, and that is time. Friends, time is such magic that we can use it. You should know how to look at that situation, separate yourself, and see what is happening. Time is not going to stop, it will pass. You have to wait a little. The situation corrects itself as time passes. You may have also experienced this in situations of minor stress. You get caught up in stress, and everything goes wrong. This must not be allowed to happen. You look at it a little differently. The situation starts improving on its own. I can give you only advice. Everyone preaches at that time. But this can heal on its own. This happens in today's modern, busy world. In today's virtual era, there may be a lack of love and understanding towards each other, as before. If we look at the reasons for this, there could be some major reasons behind it. Friends, some people preach, do meditation, read spiritual thoughts, etc. But are there any tablet for meditation, etc? I took it and it was done. One has to make his own routine and practice it for years.

Image by Zol Tan from Pixabay

If you feel stressed, then let's go. And it is done, brother; it is not like that. First come out of this, then make your daily routine, only then can something happen. I am not saying it is not useful, it is very useful. But it will happen only if you learn its method and understand it. It happens, it definitely happens. Let us look at some reasons for this situation. Friends, due to this stress, many people and youth become addicted to drugs. This is a first step, if one does not come out of it, then people move towards drug addiction to get rid of it.
People whose financial condition is very good. Their parents have earned a lot of money. Has earned a lot of fame. There is a lot of money. There is no need for children to do anything. There is more wealth. So there is no hope for those children. There is nothing to do. Like children of stars, people are not as successful as their mothers or fathers. Because you don't have to work hard to earn something. For them, there is nothing left to do. Everything is ready. In pursuit of some different pleasure, these people become stressed and start taking drugs. We often see that children of big people, if they are not given good understanding and attention, get spoiled. Therefore, some expectations should be left for them, it is important to have some goals in front of them.

Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Disappointment :
Nowadays, families have become smaller. If there are no elders in the house, then the younger ones do not get guidance. Both parents work, there is no one to impart values to them. Nowadays, the youth immediately get disappointed. There is no job, you lose the job, you fail the exam, a breakup happens, and these days it happens more often. They become stressed due to any small problem. And, due to the presence of social media, it has become difficult to get direct knowledge these days. They get stressed over small things and get disappointed immediately. Nowadays, we hear news of boys and girls in grades 10th and 12th committing suicide. The reason for this is disappointment.

Image by 3938030 from Pixabay

Friend circle:
When we find good friends in times of stress, we feel very relieved. The friend helps us a lot. But if these friends are not found in the right way, then they can be ruined. Bad company ruins. It starts with “Yaar beer toh hai, ye wine thode hai.”. And who knows what happens later? "What happens after smoking a cigar once?" This also happens. So, friends, these were some things that I shared with you; if you like them, then please comment. Thank you.
User Name@mulik369
LocationPanvel New Mumbai , Maharashtra India
TranslateTranslated via Google Translator, The content is original.
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Wes & Grindan

Thank you very much.🙏

Hmm, just let go of the stress

Well said, thank you.👍