At this instant, my feelings and emotions rush wildly invading my senses, deliberately misaligning the coordination required and demanded by the occasion. It is difficult for me to write this commentary because it is about me. Life in its transcomplexity, is a coming and going of events, accidents, and incidents, which a priori may seem unconnected, outdated, and even incoherent, but that little by little are woven and threaded giving light and sense, with the facts to the existential journey.
I feel honored for the opportunity and the deference, which is given to me to be part of this valuable team. Hive and especially ThoughtfulDailyPost, has opened meritorious and invaluable contexts, which have contributed with their heterogeneous essence to my experiences, to recognize and assiduously value that life is wonderful and it is their fellow men who give importance to it.
Thank you all and I take this opportunity to cordially invite you to participate in our community and, if you prefer, to join our weekly meetings, to reflect collectively and cultivate with positive energy our life experiences. Health and Wellness !LUV !LOTUSMy respected @wesphilbin, @grindan, and @stayten who make up the leadership, and to all those who with distinction support, strengthening the viability of this prestigious community:
En este instante, mis sentimientos y emociones se precipitan desbocadamente invadiendo mis sentidos, desajustando deliberadamente la coordinación requerida y demandada por la ocasión. Me resulta difícil escribir este comentario, porque trata de mí. La vida, en su transcomplejidad, es un ir y venir de acontecimientos, accidentes e incidentes, que a priori pueden parecer inconexos, desfasados e incluso incoherentes, pero que poco a poco se van tejiendo e hilvanando, dando luz y sentido, con los hechos al recorrido existencial.
Me siento honrado por la oportunidad y la deferencia, que se me brinda de formar parte de este valioso equipo. Hive y en especial ThoughtfulDailyPost, ha abierto meritorios e invaluables contextos, que han aportado a mis vivencias heterogénea esencia, para reconocer y valorar asiduamente que la vida es maravillosa y son sus semejantes quienes le dan importancia.
Gracias a todos y aprovecho para invitarlos cordialmente a participar de nuestra comunidad y, si lo prefieren, a sumarse a nuestras reuniones semanales, para reflexionar colectivamente y cultivar con energía positiva nuestras experiencias de vida. Salud y Bienestar.Mis respetados @wesphilbin, @grindan y @stayten que conforman la dirigencia y a todos aquellos que con distinción apoyan, fortaleciendo la viabilidad de esta prestigiosa comunidad:
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