I read what you wrote, but I wish people wouldn't assume that unless the person actually makes a comment on the post that they haven't read the content. On Youtube I make like zero comments and almost never upvote videos I watch. Same thing with other blogging sites. I usually never bother making a comment. I'm just lazy (lol).
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Good point. As a creator, I need to remember that.
@johnhtims I'm sorry I came across like that. And you make a good point! I didn't mean to offend. I guess I was just feeling slightly despondent having seen a few bits on other sites... and I like engaging with people I guess 😊 No hard feelings I hope. I'm going to come to your blog after I am finished responding to everyone here...warning...I am likely to engage 😂 I won't take offence if you don't reply haha. Friends?
No worries. Welcome to Hive! Just a heads up that the introduce yourself post is usually the one with the most engagement and upvotes while every post after might not get as much traction. This is very NORMAL and happens to almost EVERYONE so don't be surprised. Consider it a rite of passage (lol).
Noted 😊I will not take offence. I will just appreciate the initiation process and keep putting one foot in front of the other. Connection will come in time. Building it is the end goal.
The pattern is usually dollars in the "introduce" post and a few cents in the posts there after. It's pretty brutal, but everyone goes throught it.
I have no problem with that 😊 Thank you for the elucidation though.