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RE: In Pursuit of Passion... the tug of war prevails.

This is my story, so weird! Same degree, same location and a similar end result (I ended up working at an Insurance company rather than a bank). My story diverges, though... I left the formal world of commerce to open my own company. As for writing, it’s simply always been a part of me, much regarded as an extension of my personality. I’ve written hundreds of short stories, poems, and a few novels. I got into computer programming and my passions were split, when I was offered a publishing contract, I choose not to take it in favor of completing some piece of software I was writing (I know, I know...). Anyway, like you, I’ve now discovered Hive. Hallelujah! I’m publishing some of my archived work and getting feedback, which is awesome.

I think that the balance of dichotomy you explore in this piece is probably valid for thousands of souls. It’s fabulous to read such clear, concise writing. It’s so difficult to get your thoughts across sometimes, but you do it with aplomb! Great post 🥂


Thank you for your wonderful and thoughtful comment @itsostylish !LUV ... so are you saying you're a SAFFA 😜 Where did you study? When did you graduate? haha you've piqued my curiosity !LOL Isn't it uncanny though. @kenechukwu97 's (Kene's) article made me do a double-take myself! I think the themes he explored were brilliant and he wrote such a great article. You are very fortunate to have found two passions in life 💗🙏and it sounds like you are able to honour both within the parameters of your current life choices, which is a true blessing. Funny hubby is a control systems engineer so spends a good portion of his day job writing software, and he also writes his own software on the side for hobby projects. I will be coming to read you later today after work. Have a great weekend @itsostylish. !PIZZA

I was at Wits in 19 voetsak! I’m still in SA, though. I’ll be reading all your posts/blogs.

I look forward to reading yours too 19 voetsek... !LOL I graduated LLB class of '94 at University of Natal, Duban (Howard College Campus) ;-)

We’re not old ladies, simply girls with a few wrinkles. LoL (PS: read this on FB this morning. 😂)

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