We Don’t See What We Always See

We always encounter people in our daily lives. From grocery shopping and other chores to treating ourselves some time.

One time, I thought about what those people think and feel at that moment. Were they happy or sad? Were they celebrating a win or were they experiencing something heavy deep inside? What if it is the latter?

We don’t see what we always see.

We see someone walk into an art gallery. But we don’t see someone who seeks a companion from the abstract pieces that silently offer comfort and reassurance of emotions that words cannot reach and portray.


We see someone purchase books in a bookstore.
But we don't see someone who pays for self-help books and wishes for the pages to at least guide them on how to lead the life they live. We don’t see someone who buys fiction books so they could dive or fly into a jovial distinct universe escaping from their wretched reality.


We see someone assemble a jigsaw puzzle.
But we don’t see someone who attempts to distract their mind from the chaos and the deranged thoughts that keep on popping in every nook and corner of their sanity.


We see someone indulge in sweet desserts and sip some hot or cold coffee. But we don’t see someone who hopes to find peace of mind in every bite and gulp, and then think of what their next move in life should be.


We see someone play bowling. But we don’t see someone who throws balls of frustration because they can’t strike the life goals they set. We don’t see how they pretend to knock down all the pins of disappointments tossed from the people around them.


We see someone eat ice cream.
But we don’t see someone who tries to ease their sore throat from all the screaming and crying even though they know that it couldn’t cure what ails inside them.


We see someone climb a mountain. But we don’t see the traces of someone who pulls their feet despite the weariness they feel. We don’t see someone who ascends to alleviate the heavy backpack full of expectations that they carry every single day.


We see someone swimming on the beach. But we don’t see someone who tries to paddle in the sea to wash away the cramp of despair even though in their inner realm, they are almost drowning and hardly floating on the surface of the ocean of overwhelming burdens and responsibilities.


These are examples that possibly we don’t catch sight of from behind. And there are hundreds, perhaps a thousand more things that we can’t notice. So think of others and be kind.



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Simple things.jpg

This is some deep stuff.

I have thought about one or two similar scenarios, simply because I feel and think a lot. Most times when people are babbling away, and making fun of people I think deeper into the reasons why people do the things they do. I have always been like that.

As a child, I would collect every self-help book that I could find, even though I hated reading. I always saw value in reading them to gain knowledge and I've always wanted to improve myself... and those books pushed me in the right direction. They brought me much happiness on days when I felt sad and alone.

This was a GREAT #thoughtfuldaily post 🙌

Thank you so much for appreciating my post @millycf1976

I can tell it, you really were a great kid. There is nothing more wonderful than a child who collects books despite the hate to read. 😊

No wonder you think of the deeper reasons why people are making fun of others instead of judging them right away.

I can tell it, you really were a great kid.

🤣 That made me laugh... I've never heard anyone describe me that way as a kid 🤣

Sometimes I reflect back on my childhood days and so many things that puzzled me about my thoughts. It all falls into place every day, as I learn more about myself and who I am to the core 🙏
I think your post was really deep. Nice one!👏

PS. I just noticed that it's been a while since you were last here on Hive, so welcome back to the blogging world:)))

Yes2, I was preoccupied with work. There was a situation we can’t control. Unfortunately, things got out of hand and our team got dissolved. So here I am.
Thank you for welcoming me @millycf1976 .😊♥️

I'm sorry to hear that.
I hope things are and will continue to get better for you.
See you around the blockchain :)

 2 years ago  


Hello, dear friend. I am glad to see you are still posting wonderful content. As well as deciding to continue to post in my community. What to say here... this post speaks volumes:

"One time, I thought about what those people think and feel at that moment. Were they happy or sad? Were they celebrating a win or were they experiencing something heavy deep inside? What if it is the latter?"

Whether we have empathic abilities, or just are inclined to worry about what others are going through. You have shared some pretty deep "food for thought". There are a few things I would like to say/remind you of. Please always let your readers know what devices you are using for your awesome photos. If they are not yours, provide proper sources for your images. If you need a refresher, check this out. The other thing that bothers me...

Your Avatar

If there's one thing I would call you... or label you as? It would not be a "nobody". Please continue to share this wonderful content with us. And please know I say these things with love and respect...


@tipu curate

Thank you so much @wesphilbi.

I am glad that somehow my words are reaching out. And It gives me comfort, knowing there’s somebody out there who doesn’t want me to call myself “a nobody.”

 2 years ago  


Oh, dear friend. It's not just me thinking about this... I can guarantee. Look what @millycf1976 shared with you! There are so many other's on this Blockchain journey, that resonate with the same energy.

@snook with her constant reminder to smile. @wittyzell I know would say the same... @dreemsteem would tell you to #seekpeece, and @grindan who is still finding her footing would agree...

Plenty of people out there are so busy doubting themselves. That they will try to make you feel the same...

Don't let them!!

Well said @wesphilbin ❤️😁

@goldigolds this was a wonderful post, I enjoyed the closer look you encouraged us to take here 💕

As I said in a recent post “Own the space you occupy!” You are 100% so many things, a nobody is not one of them! Hugs to you on this wild journey of life 😁❤️

Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words @grindan. I appreciate it a lot. 😊

Hello @goldigolds this post is really good very thoughtful.

This are the exact reason why we should not judge other people with our own perspective.

And if we experience some people's misjudgements about us instead of being down we may approach him with possitivity and if it still won't work then there's nothing we can do but continue to do our best.

So think of others and be kind.

I really like this one.

Good day madam! Thank you and Continue spreading thoughtful insights and positivity! 😊

Good day @low-key103 .
Thank you so much for your kind words. Never expected that my simple words will create a ripple. 😊

Your welcome! Simple words for us but for others mean more. 😁

This is really deep, this will help people to open their minds and be sensitive to others, because we did not know what kind of crisis or circumstances currently they facing. I really love this kind of writing @goldigolds. Looking forward to read more of your future blogs!🌸

Thank you so much @breepickledoodle. when it comes to writing, most of the times I am not sure if it could help other people. Reading all of your comments here give me inspiration to write again.

What we write, we already put an impact to the readers souls and minds note that^^ goodluck on your journey @goldigolds!🍀🍀🍀

This was really beautiful to read :)

Thank you so much @plodding-along. 😊

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

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Thank you @hivebuzz .

You're welcome @goldigolds! Have a nice day 😊👍