Some days I just want to sit down somewhere quietly and watch the world go by. I did this a few days ago and delighted in a cup of coffee, a slice of cheesecake and some people watching.
I find it fascinating to watch people interact. The smallest movements, body language, how different people's laughing may sound.
On this occasion I had popped down to a local eatery to buy a piece of cake for a friend's birthday and I treated myself to a slice of cheesecake at the same time. They make really good cappuccino's as well so I spent an hour there observing.
It was a clear summer's day and there were people milling about all over. I watched as families and business people filled up the little café I was at, some were working remotely, some were just having a casual lunch together.
I watched the baby at the table next door excitedly greet her family members with broad toothless smiles and a lady wanting to have a cheat day was asking the waiter what their best cake was. I recommended the cheesecake I was having as it was delicious and when she had the first bite, she told me I had good taste, it was one of the best cheesecakes I've ever had! She was grateful for the recommendation.
It got me thinking about how different and yet how similar we all are. We have differences in taste, appearance, body structure like height and weight, we have different cultural beliefs and upbringings but there are so many things that we ultimately share as well. Some days I generally dislike people because I see a lot of stupid, indecent and nasty behaviour play out that shouldn't be taking place, but I also have days where I compliment people on their top that I really like or their hairstyle, the earrings that they might wear or thank them so much for giving me directions when I get turned around and need assistance.
There is a lot of bad in the world, but there's also still a lot of good, we just need to see and appreciate it when we find it. Just yesterday I had to ask someone for help with a large favour. I had to put my pride away in my pocket and explain why I needed to rely on someone close to me to help me out of a pickle. They listened attentively and agreed to help me, without loads of questions or making demands, they agreed to put their trust in my word to repay the favour which I will honour.
I don't trust people easily as I've often been let down and I know that this person has had the same experience, but they were willing to see me as a person of my word, in the knowledge that our friendship is one of mutual respect and I was able to lean on them in a time of need. I appreciated that so much.
So many of our relationships are based on that very element - mutual respect and care. It's what our lives should have their foundations built on and yet, there are so many instances that I see daily where people are abusive, rude, arrogant, illogical or just downright bitchy. How do people get by in life living that way? I don't know, but they probably alienate a lot of potential relationships with those actions.
My friend that I took the cake to was telling me about a mother and son that were at loggerheads and when something angers him, he feels it's perfectly ok behaviour to denigrate and insult his mother to the lowest form. I can't possibly imagine a more painful situation to be in and it simply makes me sad to know that that's what our world is coming to as I see it left, right and centre all the time.
I choose to watch the observations that bring me a little bit of internal joy. Family members sharing jokes, kids laughing and chasing each other around, a caring touch between husband and wife, the cackling of gossiping girlfriends. I like to watch the world and how these little moments must feel, so many of them taken totally for granted by those that are in the moment at the time, but not by me. I soak them up like the rays from the sun and I use them to fuel my somewhat dented faith in humanity and remind me that there is still good in the world, we just need to look for it sometimes.
Yeah it's rough sometimes to see all the bollocks in the world, and you see worst of it on Facebook. But you do gotta do good and just focus on the best as humans ARE capable of it and we gotta open our hearts to that! I mean if human beings are capable of cheesecake, right? PS I hate cheesecake unless it's vegan, because though I eat cheese, the thought of eating a chunk of cheese like that makes me feel a little queasy 😂
I don't use Facebook and I'm glad for it because I think it's quite full of the bad stuff. We are capable of terrible atrocities but like you say, there's so much good in the world too.
I'm sorry, I didn't know that you dislike cheesecake and don't eat it. Didn't mean to make anyone queasy with my post 😔
Oh no don't be silly, why would you think you need to apologize haha! I hope you don't think I was annoyed with you? Goodness. 💕💕
Oh yes Facebook can be terrible!!! But hey I did just see a cool pic of Orcas in the David Attenborough fan club group and found something I was looking for on marketplace so .... Like life, you need to pick and choose what you look at and engage with to save your sanity and heart 💜
You got to take these moments and cherish the power they give you to get you through the shit bits that's for sure. Looks a nice cheesecake!
We can choose to concentrate on the shite or on the good and while the shitty parts of life happen, it's always good to temper them with some nice stuff. Cheesecake was divine!
Thank you 🙂