Take the Road that Speaks to You

in ThoughtfulDailyPost3 years ago (edited)

When you come to a fork in the road, and you're not sure whether to go left or go right, just go left. ~ Yogi Berra

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My mind's made up, left it will be, directly I go to see what I see. The weather is perfect for a chilled walkabout, the path broke in probably time and again. That doesn't make it less interesting to me, there are at least 30 paths to choose from, so every day is a new way until it is not.

Have you ever been at a crossroads in life? The fork in the road is merely metaphoric, the choices you make and do, are yours to keep, As the Cheshire cat in Alice in Wonderland asked, "Where do you want to go? I don't know, she said. Then, it doesn't matter, the cat said. Truth. So take the road that speaks to you.

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When one is in a quandary about what to do, get them out, lace them up and see what nature is up to. I'm walking. It's Wednesday. #WednesdayWalk A match made in heaven! Yes, another! Mother Nature and I have a secret love affair. I have loved her forever and a day, I take it for granted that things will never change. Never take anything for granted. In my past, I have taken things and even people for granted, not on purpose, but, because I became too comfortable, forgetting the number one rule. Never take anything for granted, nor anybody. Eventually, I got it, never to forget again. Rekindling the fires once again took time and a healthy respect for things and people.

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I had to hop over this winter overflow of the water-turned baby river, to get to the other side. It was worth it in the end. Little signs of life lay before me. Greenery too. I almost forgot what it looked like, especially if it wasn't an evergreen.

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From a distance, it looked like a sandy beach, or perhaps that was wishful thinking, but at first glance, I had to look twice. Truly made me sigh, but, just for a moment. As much as I love summer, I love when winter takes its turn. I am in love with the four seasons and everybody gets their turn here. As it should be.

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I am getting close to where the forest and woods meet the edge of my neighborhood. It was a short post, but, a long walk today. My cheeks got red and my ears hot. But, I feel like a million dollars, which incidentally, someday we will be saying a million crypto instead. Oh, won't that be nice when we can push that all over the globe?

A babbling stream? Brook? Either way, the sound of tinkling water heightened my awareness, so thank you, Mother Nature. The water slowly meanders across the floor of the woods, giving shelter to many and a food source for others. I like how they all help each other out. They are good neighbors. Indeed. Are you a good neighbor?

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I want to thank @tattoodjay for hosting the #WednesdayWalk and the #MakeMeSmile challenge hosted by @elizacheng! Show me where you walked today, I want to see what you got to see. I hope you had a fabulous time and I think we should meet up here again next week! Until then, keep on smiling!! If you want to do the challenge, drop him a link on his #WedensdayWalk post so he can try to visit yours! Whatever your day looks like, it is always fun to take us along, rain or shine or even snow. You can't always have sunshine and rainbows, but, you can always have a #WednessdayWalk!

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It must be the time of year, I have never seen the abundance of fungus around here like this. Of course, it is not really so much, but, considering I hardly ever see it, it is. Perhaps this will be the year of renewal, removing what does not belong and allowing for a refresher. We really need one.

All I have are my words, armed in my mind, written in pen, stand by stand. Oh, yes. Still by hand. It has a different feel. Altered not by keys, backspace, and delete, I write, erase, tear it to pieces and start all over again. And again.

It’s my way. I walk out to the deep end of the page and dive right in.

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Blink your eyes and we are back in the neighborhood. Reindeer down!! Reindeer down! Seriously. Hello, neighbor? I think you forgot a little something when you took your decorations down. Raise your hand If you still have your decorations up. @wwweibe and @jacey.boldart, let me see a show of hands!

And just like that, this post is over! Come back tomorrow and we'll do it again! Flowers. There must always be flowers to color my world. #alwaysaflower Just for you, from me.

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The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost

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The change in the seasons is nice. I just cannot take the cold anymore. I am sure it is a sign of getting old and feeble. I am ready to add more warm and less cold. Working that way just a bit every day anyways.

I am sure that over time, that will seem cold too. I still need the change of seasons and this is the closest I get to have it all. Warm enough to not freeze and cold enough to not die of heatstroke. Any further north or south corrupts my theory.

I have thought many times about living in the islands of Greece or even popping in and out of different countries for a short while. Kids were a huge consideration, but, they are all travelers. It was the pandemic that changed my life, me, how I look at things, where I go, what I do.

It changed everything. Not out of fear, but out of recognizing different truths.

Of course. In many ways it is our Pearl Harbor moment... that has went on for ages now. I am afraid of the virus. No shame in that, in my book.

There is no shame, but, you misunderstood what I was saying. It wasn't the fear that changed how I felt but recognizing different truths about myself. Sorry for the misunderstanding.


Now I am going to have to recheck when it’s light but I am fairly certain that all our decorations are down and packed away
A couple of days ago I would have said the same but then I found one still up on Monday and put it way

What a chilly but beautiful walk
I know some dread coming across crossroads whether on a walk or in life and maybe I am weird well I know I am but I like coming across crossroads they make you stop and ponder and for some that’s a nightmare as it stops them in their tracks worried which is the right path to take and spending ages trying to analyze and decide

But not for me I generally look left look right (physically on a walk, mentally in life and give it little thought to be honest and just go with my gut and move on

Sure sometimes you may lol back and think we should have taken the other path but I find equally often or more often the path you choose opens a new adventure

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)

I almost caught you! :))
A few didn't take them down here, citing snow for the reason. The snow goes away almost the same day as we get it. It has been dropping down at night, but, the days do manage to almost touch 50. Ha! Who am I kidding? That is not warm, but, it is not Artic either. But, it doesn't allow me to walk/run in shorts anymore. Sub 55 and I turn into a whiny little girl. It used to not bother me as much, but, I used to wear leggings under the shorts if it was cold. Lately, I have been just staying in. (You know, citing the snow and ice! LOL)

It was a really nice walk and perhaps because it wasn't at the crack of dawn and there was some warmth on the earth to enjoy. You and I both enjoy the road least traveled for sure. Life has been an amazing journey so far.

Yes, there are times the path is definitely not the right way, but, we made it work. :)

Thanks for walking through my post!

Making it work

I think that’s the key and nit that hard if you have a positive attitude

There is a guy that walks down our street most days and always in shorts even during the blizzard I saw him go by in winter he has a thick jacket beanie and gloves but still in shorts
Now to me that’s crazy

Yes!! Totally crazy!

You can still say you have four seasons! For as long as I can remember I've lived in four seasons and dreamed of two. Now, when I haven't had winter yet, I realize that if I missed it I'd be miserable. Happy/unhappy!
How easily these feelings change.
Your neighborhood and surroundings are a constant surprise to me! So much nature around and I was imagining that Washington DC is full of secret service agents, not trees, rivers, ponds, and all!

It's true! I didn't appreciate it at the time, but, with less winter nowadays than I had in my youth, I like the seasons more and more.

Yes, I think the feelings change! My neighborhood is on the fringes of a Park, so it has forest and woods and big green areas. The Washington, DC area is not the huge city that Bucharest is. Even right in the District, there is a bit of wilderness in places like Rock Creek Park. which is about maybe three square miles, the park has over 32 miles of hiking trails, horseback riding, and is home to deer, coyotes, raccoons, and foxes. Right in the middle of DC. :)

I think you would be pleasantly surprised!

Oh, but that's wonderful! I'm happy for you, especially since you appreciate it too. Because, surprisingly, there are people who don't pay attention to the beauty next to them.

I think if I lived there I wouldn't need anything else but the sea. But I'm not putting my hand in the fire that it would. We, humans, have that flaw too. We want most what is as far away or as hard to reach, ignoring what we have so close.

Much walking and pleasure in your surroundings, Denise! I think spring is even more beautiful.

WoW! Those pictures are really beautiful !
What I have learned here with the four seasons is that change is always beautiful. We, nature and photography lovers, take advantage of that, the beauty of change. Because of the four seasons, the same spot will look different, unique, and breathtaking 4 times a year. And, four times a year, if we are sensitive to admire the beauty, we will sigh and rejoice in it.
Regarding the roads, don't you ever see a path or road that you don't know, and you ask yourself what will I find there? And you tell yourself I would like to go through there just for the sake of knowing what is there, just to kill my curiosity. It has always been like that with me. Thanks for such nice post.
Have a beautiful day !Here an unsolicited gift for you !


Yes! I do. Especially with my kids, when they were young, we would make an adventure out of the unknown. Once we found a beaver dam, and we didn't even know there was a pond in that place or a stream that connected it to a real lake.

I do so love the four seasons for much the same reason. I have been moved to places that have one season and it is nice - one wardrobe, knowing what to expect... but, I still always long for the change, it shakes it up and brings new joy.

Thank you! You know me so well, #alwaysaflower for me! They are beautiful! Never too many! That is so sweet of you!

Have a wonderful day!

Wow! That's so fun. This curiosity about untaken/unknown roads comes from my childhood, when we took road trips. That was so fun! Thanks, again !

I always used to get lost when I first started driving. I was always on the unknown road!!

Oh, yes! Life is a real adventure! :)

Each season holds it's own distinguished look, amazing fabulous looking into the woods and waterways around, never wish the path to end, nor the season, as life goes fast enough, walk slowly taking it all in.

Lovely walk and words, wishing you a wonderful Wednesday Denise.


So true, I never want the adventure to end, it is so hard when one is having a good time, isn't it? It seems as if the good times end so quick, slow down, you're moving too fast.

Thank you so much, Joan @jaonstewart. Your words are soothing and lovely. I hope you have a wonderful day.

Thanks for the LUV!

Life only going on a go-slow when you allow it, keep exploring and having fun!

!BEER It's hot here, sweltering so cheers to you and enjoy!

Hey @dswigle, here is a little bit of BEER from @joanstewart for you. Enjoy it!

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Why left, I wonder? That poem of Robert Frost is my favourite - the road less travelled. That is always the preferable one to take. And it looks like the one you took yesterday was a very special one! Those wintery wanders that get you all fired up are the best!

It called out to me, and it was the one less travelled. It was interestingand I hadn't been down it in the snow this season. Winter wanderings are the best, at least for me.

This week, I spied some winter blooms making their way! Good morning from here!

Then I best keep an eye out for your winter blooms! I remember those delicate snowdrops and bluebells peeping through the melting snow. Such a hopeful little flower

Awesome shots! It looks like a really beautiful place to take a walk in. I likely would have taken the less paved path too. I just looks more fun as long as it isn't super muddy. I've made that mistake before :P

Haha! I'm with you there. I love the path least likely. It is more adventurous and usually well worth it. I have backed out of it a time or three, but, you know if you never risk...

Thanks so much for taking a walk through the post today. I truly appreciate your support and hopefully will get more time to do the same. I seem to work too much lately and have less free time, but, hello! I love my hive~

Thanks again!


Yep ! Some of my Christmas decor is still out. I have slowly started to box some things. The aluminum tree is in it's box, but the artificial green tree on the table is still up. A few other things are boxed too, but many are still hanging around.

Good thing there is not a penalty, right?

I am making a boxed pile of the things I used this year, but before they go back in the Christmas closet, the things I didn't use will be dragged out and gone through once again, to see if any of it can GO ! It's not like it hasn't been done before, but each time something no longer makes the cut and has to go.

My heart is not in putting it all away. I will do it though, soonish.....

Love your Wednesday Winter Walk photos.

I knew you would. If I lived alone, I probably would not take my down either. Why not let the happy vibes flow!?

I keep boxing and going through things and I think it is a done deal now. If they don't want to take them now, I will wait and bring them back in October. Most things that I went through earlier in the season (October) I donnated so that people could have some new Christmas this year.

Thank you for taking a walk through my pictures.

I love going to the thrift stores and finding good Christmas stuff any time of year.

I'm Christmas koo koo though....

They don't put out too much unless they get random things in the summer. At least that is my experience. It is then that I see the random things. Private thrift shops have no filter! It is fa-la-la-la-la all year long!

Viva la Christmas!

Have you ever been on a path that never seems to end? Those are the worst. Forks in the road are meant to be taken!

I love forks - and spoons. I do.

As for forks, the thing about them is that Denise gets lost out in the wilderness. Still, it is an adventure. Isn't that what it is all about? :))

Thanks for stopping by @wwwiebe! Victor!

This was deeply captivating. Thank you for the beautiful sights.

Thank you! Which part did you like best? Hi, there! I just went over to your profile to check you out! Congratulations on getting your degree! Well done! Like me, you take the long way home!

Good neighbors are simply the ones who help each other out. Love how you highlighted that with the water meandering across the floor of the woods.
Your attention to details and how you render their emotions with words is just insane. You have a beautiful relationship with words and it’s obvious.

All I have are my words, armed in my mind, written in pen, stand by stand. Oh, yes. Still by hand. It has a different feel. Altered not by keys, backspace, and delete, I write, erase, tear it to pieces and start all over again. And again.
It’s my way. I walk out to the deep end of the page and dive right in.

Thank you! Yes, the road that speaks to me is often the long way home

Beautiful written post as always.
Never take anything or anyone for granted - this is the rule we all should be living under.

If we all took that seriously, how much better all of our lives would be. I hope you are doing well and winter is treating you nicely! :)

We will be having almost 60 degrees tomorrow and Friday, then cold again! Up or down - I don't care which, but, back and forth! :) No thanks ~

Thanks for stopping by!

Hmmm this is motivating @dswigle anyway am not surprise because your magical hands keep bringing special things to the table and am not tired 😪 of reading your contents am so lucky to meet such special gifted friend 💋

Thanks so much, Toby! @tobywalter I appreciate your words, as always. Which part did you like best?

The write up and the beautiful picture @dswigle

Thank you.

What a nice place to walk ❤️ I can't tell what the things above the flower are though???

Reindeer down!! Reindeer down! Haha! It was someone's Christmas decorations. I guess I wasn't clear when I wrote it. It is February and they were still up.

The HOA frowns on that. LOL

Thanks for stopping by! Have a great day!

😂 We should be able to keep them up as long as we want!

You have a great day too 🙌


@dswigle! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @wrestlingdesires. (5/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Of course, but, when you build here, you agree to some rules to keep the neighborhood its best, and voted for it, so obviously it is something they wanted.

I agree! I have some Christmas up on the inside in some place in the house.

What happens if you keep some up outside??? Do they remove them?


I don't know. Nobody has ever had to worry about it. These are beyond time and they pretty much look like they are still there.

It reminds me of the movie where the neighbors want to force someone to put Frosty on the roof 🤣


Thanks for the pizza and tolens!

My pleasure ❤️

I'm back for the 2nd time because Hive has notified me 7 times that you mentioned me here....LOL... How many comments to you want ???

Did it really? Ha! Well, it must think you are a slacker that doesn't read the mentions. Seven times? Must be a glitch. :)

How funny. How come I didn't get seven comments? Be careful what you wish for, Denise!

If you really want them.... I can come back. LOL

Haha! You are good. I was just being silly. :)

Opps... I answered MY answer instead of YOUR answer. Just clocked out of work and I'm brain dead....LOLOLOL.... QUACK !!

I did a better comment first, before Hive started brow beating me....LOL


It truly has a bad habit of that! The browbeating. LOL Fight back! Put up your dukes!

This is so captivating and motivational. Deep words here. Thank you.

Hello, @mrenglish for your thoughtful words today. I hope you are doing well! Have a great day and keep those awesome comments coming.

Interesting content! Thanks for sharing us!

ខ្ញុំ​រីករាយ​ណាស់​ដែល​អ្នក​បាន​ឈប់​នៅ​ក្បែរ​ហើយ​បន្សល់​ទុក​ពាក្យ​របស់​អ្នក​។ ខ្ញុំបានចូលទៅប្រវត្តិរូបរបស់អ្នក ដើម្បីមើលថាអ្នកជានរណា។ សូមស្វាគមន៍មកកាន់ Hive! មានអារម្មណ៍សេរីដើម្បីសួរថាតើអ្នកត្រូវការជំនួយជាមួយអ្វីមួយ។ នេះគឺជាសហគមន៍ដ៏ល្អមួយនៅទីនេះ ហើយវានឹងជួយឱ្យអ្នករកប្រាក់បាន និងមានភាពសប្បាយរីករាយក្នុងពេលតែមួយ។ សំណាងល្អ!

Heart On A Course (L).png

Thank you for your words! I went to your profile and read your introduction post! I loved the class picture you showed and was interested in how the Cambodian school system works? What age do they start and then when do they graduate?

People are always very interested in just regular life, whatever that is for you. I find it is easiest to post about. It is good you are out and commenting, but, don't forget to post every once in a while to give me something to upvote when I come to check you out. :)

Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words. Have a great day!

reminds me of Robert Frost’s poem , the road not taken. Sometimes we should follow what works for us and not what we feel it’s normal for us to do just because everyone Or others are doing it in that certain way .

Amiga, thank you for the flower, your tour was certainly very beautiful to be inspired.

Thank you! I am glad you enjoyed yourself! Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Nicest words and good pictures

Thank you so much. Have a great day!

You have always spoken very deeply and every day you have written something new and presented the pictures in a wonderful way. Full of natural scenery. Be happy and share the joy

Thank you so much for your words. I am glad that you are happy with my words. I appreciate you stopping in and leaving your words.

Have a nice night.

Sharing ur experience abt ur tour is amazing, lovely pics and inspiring


Thank you. I hope you are having a good day


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Of course, it was supposed to. :) I agree with you! My exact words were * So take the road that speaks to you.* I really do agree with you. Thanks for stopping by and leaving your thoughts.

Have a great night! @typebox

I love the picture with the ice. Did you break it? I used to come across puddles with a thin layer of ice in them and then sound of the cracking and the pattern of the broken ice was like art to my eyes and ears.

Also, I love the quotes and poems that you have in here. Both are equally poignant. I need to tell my kids the Alice in Wonderland more often and also read to them the Robert Frost poem. It makes an impression on me, but I need to make sure that I expose it to them as well and give it a chance to make an imprint on their minds/souls/hearts.

Loved it! That Cheshire cat is wise indeed💖I thought your piece on gratitude hit the mark. We all forget from time to time that we might be taking the people and things in our lives for granted, their presence, their friendships, their staying power. Everything needs to be a freeflow of energy, an ebb and flow, a constant exchange of energy or things become imbalanced very quickly. Gratitude is something we should all learn to practice daily🙏Loved your walk; makes me want to get out this weekend as much as possible. As soon as I am feeling better (under the weather at the mo) I'd like to go walking in the hills again.

 3 years ago  


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 91 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

Thank you for reposting @pixresteemer! Much appreciated!