Let's Dance if You Want To!

There are days that I am running in conflicting directions and totally miss out on a piece of life. But today, I was fishing for it – and I caught a soft, yet engaging scent, that just added to the harmony of that moment. I was even able to ignore the little bug. Feel free to do so.

roses 3.jpg

The garden did not come easy this year, my place of peace, where tranquility was king. I felt it necessary to bring life back to as normal as I could. But, I was so out of step, with my own life. Were you? It wasn't life as I knew it, but, it became a different normal. We forget sometimes that it takes a lot of hard work up front, to change, followed by a bit of trust and the belief that despite the harsh elements, things will eventually work out. As soon as you think that it's all for naught, there is a bloom of sorts. Not always what you expect, but, then again, it never is, is it? #alwaysaflower


Geraniums. I should have known. They are predictable and I should have seen it coming.

Beauty shines abundantly for those who can't see
Cloud dappled skies moving shadows on the earth
Winds laughing as they play through the trees
Awaken, awaken or you shall miss the end


It is almost the beginning of the end. Leaves are beginning to let go, the flowers are abundant and beautiful without the humidity, but, they too are giving it their all before saying sayonara. But, the sun is shining, the birds are singing and I am free to wander about in Mother Natures' backyard. How can this not be perfect??


You can dance if you want to...There are all sorts of fun little instructions the kids put on the sidewalks. Little do they know that there are some of us who do these silly little dances. Life is too short, indulge!

People are out, some with dogs, others without. Walking to the bus stop for school, catching the light rail to downtown. If you find yourself out without a mission, put one foot in front of the other and take a walk. It is a great place to be in the morning, While we are at it, we are going to do our #WedensdayWalk with @Tattoodjay.


Boxcars. don't judge. They get me from here to there and back again. I have to be grateful because that is what I was issued.


It's green as far as I can see. Soon this too will be full of color or fallen leaves. It is hard for me to guess which it will be. The color has been a little inconsistent the last few years with the rain and lack of it. I enjoy the brief moments we have together and I commit the picture to memory. Tomorrow will be another day, but, the changes come so quickly.

There is so much to look forward to in the coming months. I was looking through some pictures from last year and I had a blazing fire in the fireplace. It was one of the coldest parts of the year. I love the warmth of a fire on a cold night. A good glass of wine. So many ways to enjoy this love that is deep inside - and not enough time in a day to use it all up...

What is it that you love?


Looking up, the time has come to make my way home judging by the sky. It has been a nice walk, thoughts running through my head, moving forward, always forward. I hope your day is steeped in sunshine and happiness. Oh, no! It is all behind me. The rain, the rain, will follow me home.


All I have are my words, armed in my mind, written in pen, stand by stand. Oh, yes. Still by hand. It has a different feel. Altered not by keys, backspace, and delete, I write, erase, tear it to pieces and start all over again. And again.

It’s my way. I walk out to the deep end of the page and dive right in.


As promised, I leave you with one Christmas picture, to spread the joy of that season, hoping to pull a bit of it into Autumn. Peace on Earth, Goodwill towards men. How can that ever be a bad thing? Just to keep up to date: The Christmas Countdown: 86 Days 00 hours and 43 minutes and 13 seconds.





The Naming of Cats

The Naming of Cats is a difficult matter,
It isn’t just one of your holiday games;
You may think at first I’m as mad as a hatter
When I tell you, a cat must have THREE DIFFERENT NAMES.

TS Elliot

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As always a post that one just gets a feel good feeling from visiting
Those sidewalk instructions are so cool I rarely see them here
Yes colors are changing with the seasons perhaps more dramatically this year which kind of fits with the crazy year it has been


I am so happy to see you! Good morning! We have these scattered around, always changing. The sprinklers take them away every day or so and it gets the kids busy making another. Aren't they fun? More fun is watching as people actually follow the instructions. :)

It's fun. And silly. I know. But, it makes me feel alive.

The colors are really starting to change in some places and not in others. How odd? I have stopped wondering about what is right or wrong, but, what is. :)

I hope you have a splendid day! Enjoy!

I will be looking gif them more now but with the weather changing it may be next year

One of the fisherman I spoke to one morning said the colors will be weak this year because if the storms bring salt over the trees and now I am thinking he was right

Oh, that is too bad. I forgot how many strong storms there was this year. At the shore too. Very much the same with color. Go inland just a few miles and it will be good.

I must try and do that

I love those sidewalk instructions. That would be fun. I can imagine doing it and laughing myself silly. It WAS a beautiful day here. Got to get all the joy out of the ones that are left cause we know they soon will be gone !

I did!!! I laughed myself stupid and then, I looked around to see who was laughing behind me. It was the next person waiting :))

Last year, we has a long autumn. This year, i feel like it is sprinting towards the finish line. Weather is so inconsistent, isnt it? Oh! Work tomorrow.

Le sigh.

You should already be getting your beauty sleep! Sweet dreams!

I did!!! I laughed myself stupid and then, I looked around to see who was laughing behind me. It was the next person waiting :))

If I would do it, then I would not even have to look around, because the whole street would laugh. Haha. 😂

I give you some !PIZZA and !LUV.






@dswigle, you've been given LUV from @xplosive.

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@dswigle! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @xplosive.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (1/10)

Oh, don't you worry, I am pretty sure the whole street did laugh, but, it was a fun kind of laughter because it was going to be their turn next. :)

Thanks for the pizza and luv!

It's okay to be silly sometimes. :)

I'm on my way to bed !

There is no normal for the season's now. Maybe there never was, but it seemed to be. Now, it's early, it's late it's short, it's long.... no predicting !

I live in Hungary, and the seasons also became weird/unusual in the last decade. For example the winter became longer. So long that it sometimes feel like a sudden switch to summer, missing the whole autumn. The change of the seasons is probably real worldwide, and it is the effect/part of the climate change.

I give you some !PIZZA.

@jacey.boldart! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @xplosive.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at hive.pizza (2/10)

Oh yummy ! I love pizza !

Thank you .... 💛

But, at least we know that Christmas is in 86 days, or is it 85 as I write this? Yes! 85 days and 13 hours and the rest is change. :)) Have a wonderful day at work, although it is half over by now!

I know ! I'm already wanting to think on presents ! Do I want to make something to give? That sort of thing needs an early start.

Make it! It's always so much fun to get those kinds of gifts! I have started a couple of quilts and a few table runners for sisters who use them. You do not foist those kinds of things on people who don't use them! :)

Although if there is something someone likes, I have no trouble buying. I like silly things too. :)

Oh, I think I am going to try to do a birdhouse for one of my sibs.

It's not even Halloween yet and Christmas is making an appearance. I don't mind as everyone loves Christmas. Once October 31st is done all the stores put up the Christmas gear one minute past midnight. Hohoho everyone.

Well, you missed the post where I say that I will post one Christmas picture and give a countdown for how many days are left. I do it - not to rush it, but, to push towards the peace on earth, goodwill towards man, that I am looking for.

I hate the commercial side where they are trying to sell us Christmas already. You are right. :)

Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words. Have a great day!

How many more adults wouldn't peep around to see who is watching and then follow the kids sidewalk instructions!? Beautiful flowers Denise. I particularly love flowers covered with water drops. Despite the bug ;)
So true "There are days that I am running in conflicting directions and totally miss out on a piece of life..."

I watch them all the time. The sprinkler systems wash it away, so the kids put new ones up. They have become very inventive. :) I can see from when I am out walking that there are many people who do it, then, of course, laugh because we all know how silly we are.

And we love it anyway. Ah, yes. It is a bug's life, and yes, I do so love those water drops.

"There are days that I am running in conflicting directions and totally miss out on a piece of life..." I have to wonder how many people don't even realize that they are missing out on something? I try not to be too hard on myself because there is only so much you can do, but, I am very aware that there are things I miss every day.

A few days ago, I did comment on your MarketFriday. When you have time, I don't care about responding to it, I just want to make sure you can see it. Now, I have become obsessed with it. LOL

Firstly: YES!! I did see it! I will always vote so that you know I see it. The tab has actually been open all week but you wrote such a beautiful comment that I wanted to write an equally thoughtful reply.

You know it's true Denise - sadly so - but most do miss out. Not just the beauty in the small and simple but I find even the slap-in-the face big. No matter how busy I am, the magnificence of our mountainside home with wide open spaces, beautiful blue sky and warm (okay HOT) sunshine and the Q.U.I.E.T. Never. Ever cease to leave me gobsmacked.

As it should be! Yes!!! I saw the vote, but, only after I wrote this. Don't worry about the reply silly. I know your heart. All I care is that you know I saw it and now I know I didn't as last night, something else was glitching. Some of my comments disappeared for hours and hours. Big, long, thought-out ones! Wah!!! But, hours later, they came back. Ha. So, I have stopped trying to figure it out. :)

I appreciate the vote/message to me. I leave tabs open too, but, like I said. Take that time and spend it with the kids or quiet time. LOL I know you and your heart. Good enough for me.

And never, ever lose that wonder.

Quiet time is only really quiet when the kiddos are asleep ;) But then I have so much on my mind while I continue to work that my thoughts kind of drown out the silence

Yes. Exactly. There is no quiet time, it is all a ruse! :)❤️

Some beautiful words with the nature description and the open green field is so much pretty, life is beautiful and we have to find it where is our comfortably fit with others along with trust, believe and love. Finally we will live with a peace and celebrate with our journey.

I am not sure why you are getting downvoted. Have you checked it out?

May be same blog posted in steemit and hive, i don't check it yet. Thanks for noticed that.

You need to get that all straightened out.

You always have the nicest, most positive posts, and they're always fun to visit. I wish I knew how to dance (I have no rhythm), and I would. Everywhere. All the time.

With comments like that, how could I not want to make a post that is a little fun! Thank you so much oh, I never know how my posts will be taken. It's insanely easy to dance, Victor! One Foot In Front of the other and shake it shake it shake it. You just have to pretend that the whole world isn't watching. Truly you will be able to do that. Once you decide that it doesn't matter oh, you will be dancing in the streets. I promise you. I live in the neighborhood of people that walk / run everyday and we find great Delight I'm coming across these chalk pieces of fun. I came across to another one today. I actually had to wait in line to do it. I hope that you are having an amazing day oh, mine is that little bit of throbbing here and there.

I say we play gin rummy today!

Things aren't the same here as well.. its been an effort to get my garden going.
We have the sun all year around.. no autumn colors.. no change on the ground.
Just the grass and trees around, warmth always abounds.

It is always a bad sign for me when I cannot get the garden going in the early spring. It is usually pretty easy, but, if all the efforts are being fought against, it is usually a hardship year.

I have to admit that I love the change of seasons, one of the reasons that I like this part of the country. I am not sure I could live in warm all the time as I tend to get warm myself, but, perhaps I would acclimate? Not sure. When I have lived in warm climates, I am good for a while, but, then am always hot. :) Perhaps because I was not born into it. :)

But, that means growing season all year. There is a great bonus!

Hmm the change of season is awesome.
Summer all year has its advantages, but the heat can get oppressive.
Although we do have crops/veggies growing all year round
That is such a blessing.
I can always find something to cook from my garden.

Exactly! That is why the tradeoff has so many plusses!

What is it that you love?

All forms of art. From dancing to singing to photography, name it.

Finding what one truly loves take time.

That is true and it sometimes changes as we grow older, wiser, and learn to appreciate things. All forms of art - me too. I am right up there with you. Art = Life.

What is not to love?

Art is truly life. It has a way of rejuvenating and uplifting one.

There really nothing there to hate about art.

I agree!

I'm glad you do

That reminds me of a folk jumping game in Vietnam. There are 7 or 8 rows, and in each row we do a different jumping and dancing style.

I love some of the folk games they have in different parts of Asia! Seven or eight rows?! Wow! I think the longest one I have seen here is 6 rows and I have no doubt the girls are Asian. :) That is so cool! Any more cool ones? I might need to add another one to the suggestion box for the kids!

Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving your words.

It's always nice to read your post!
Photos are gorgeous, roses are just super!

Thank you! You leave me such kind thoughts!

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I love your photography very much you are very good photography and i love flowers very much

Thank you so much. As a suggestion, you probably need a translator to change your response on posts. You keep writing the same thing and it will probably get you downvoted.

 3 years ago  


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 76 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

Thanks for the repost a pixresteemer! Much appreciated!