There was such a beautiful gentleness about the morning, the light was soft, the sky almost gray. Until it broke out into a fit of sunshine. I welcome it with unfettered joy, leading me into the open arms of another day. Oh, lead me into temptation, quieting my mind, leading me astray. There is life to be lived. Today. This moment in time.
Has your heart ever been light as a feather? Fluttering about? Giddy as a schoolgirl, wanting to shout out? Life is so much better with friendship and love in it. It doesn't even have to be another person. It can be the love of nature, love of running, love of art, love of life. Embrace it, whatever you love. Love me. Love me. Love me, do.
I will not give away this moment today. The day absolutely belongs to @c0ff33a and his #SublimeSunday. Where you can post your random thoughts and dreams between the lines. Between you and him and the rest of the platform, it'll be your little secret. I thank him in advance for this opportunity to throw caution to the wind and let it flow. And today, my @c0ff33a, that makes you my hero.
Yes. Gourds. You don't even need to fuss with them, they come fully dressed for success. It is October 10th and if I don't use these by the end of the month, I can throw them in the never again files, or perhaps, let them linger until Thanksgiving.
@c0ff33a was rich and delicious today, but, the sunflower, was so anticlimatic today, the beauty starting to fade. But, there can be a certain kind of beauty in the demise of things. There must be a flower to color my world. #alwaysalower The very sight of their magnificence truly brings it home.
What a Wonderful World.Ironically, it is a #BeautifulSunday created by @Ace108, taking your day and sharing what you did. I spent the day with family, celebrating life because we should rejoice in every day we are given. They are a gift, yes? So, I am thinking back on my day and the beauty I have seen with these eyes and felt with this heart. It just cannot be helped... I just said to myself,
I just want to capture the love as it spills out from your soul. You have a way about you, Mr. Armstrong, you are so extraordinary. I choose to refocus on the positive things in my life rather than the negative. Some days, it is a little more challenging than others, but, I have to say that there is always something we can be grateful for. I am thankful for my life, for my family, for the people who touch my life in ways they don't even realize. I love you. You understand me. You get me. It is always the little things that I remember the most. I can't tell you why. They stand out, even though I appreciate the big things, always. I want to shout out to @C0ff33a for hosting #SublimeSunday where you can post any random thing you feel like and #BeautifulSunday by @Ace108, where you share what you did on your Sunday. And just that quick, this show is over. Tag me and I will visit you too! Thank you!
I promised I would try to remember to post one Christmas picture each time I posted. Just to keep the count going, there are 74 days 23 hours 40 minutes, and 16 seconds.
All I have are my words, armed in my mind, written in pen, stand by stand. Oh, yes. Still by hand. It has a different feel. Altered not by keys, backspace, and delete, I write, erase, tear it to pieces and start all over again. And again.
It’s my way. I walk out to the deep end of the page and dive right in.
The Naming of Cats is a difficult matter,
It isn’t just one of your holiday games;
You may think at first I’m as mad as a hatter
When I tell you, a cat must have THREE DIFFERENT NAMES.
TS Elliot
#TeamUSA is a growing community of quality-content people from the United States or those living here. Check us out on Discord!
Oh, lead me into temptation, quieting my mind, leading me astray. There is life to be lived. Today. This moment in time.
You come up with the coolest lines!
I'm just off to the farm to take care of some culling duties but am taking my book so...Will read some too. It's a bit naughty but if you saw the day here you'd want to also. Laying in the sunshine on a cool spring day reading a book...What's not to love!
Wow another amazing post full of insightful thoughts
I will just touch on one but so many rang so true to me
Life is so much better with friendship and love in it. It doesn't even have to be another person. It can be the love of nature, love of running, love of art, love of life.
Absolutely friendship and love come in so many ways if our eyes are open to see them
Good morning, JJ! @tatooedjay I think you sent me your overcasted sunshine! I woke up to the gray dome hanging over my house. You know I gave up my walk for the rain. :) Oh, well. Sometimes it is okay to go without, I think.
I agree. People look to people to provided them with love and friendship, but, in fact, it comes in so many forms. We just have to be open to them. I feel like this weekend and even today is part of the fall seasonal clean that my mother used to do. I never thought I would turn into my mother, but, here it is. I took down any/all curtains and window coverings cleaned the windows and cleaned closets. I have my car loaded and ready to go to Salvation Army or Goodwill or my Church Thrift shop to donate the goods. I feel lighter.
Now, I get it. I can see why she did the twice a year seasonal cleaning.
I hope you are having a great start of your week! Hiving on! :)
Sorry I did tell the clouds and rain to move on, but I didn't tell them where and they didn't listen to me anyway and were still here this morning as well
Funnily enough my Mum did the same and the last couple of days I have been doing very similar to you, had planned to do more today but may take an easy day today
Life is so much better with friendship and love in it. It doesn't even have to be another person. It can be the love of nature, love of running, love of art, love of life.
And much more. For example love of a hobby (for example amateur radio), love of an animal (for example a hawk). I have both. There are indeed so many things to be loved.
This is really very good to hear. Nowadays I rarely meet radioamareurs on the Hive blockchain. What is/was your callsign? Mine is HA5KZO since 2012.01.16. Maybe we had one or more QSOs.
My father is HAM radio. Is that the same. I can remember when I was a kid, he would get excited hearing from someone in Cuba, where their very existence was cut off from the US.
I have a female Harris's hawk. In the USA, you have to be a licensed falconer to own one, but not in Hungary, nor in most parts of the European Union. Anyone can buy them.
I took the photo below on 2021.09.23, 18:10 CEST.
Of course amateur radio also needs an exam and a licence. I took my exam on 2011.12.23, and I received my licence on 2012.01.16.
I made a few videos since then. You can watch/listen them on my YouTube channel:
Have a nice day and have a nice week.
All the best.
She is beautiful!! How wonderful for you! What is her name? Do you let her free to fly?
I call her by whistling, so I did not named her. Most people name their birds, even when they call them by whistling.
I do not let her free to fly, because according to the local law, that would mean hunting with a predatory bird, which requires hunting and falconry exam and license, and also a hunting ticket. I currently do not have these, so if I would let her free to fly, I would break the local law.
I can understand that. I had no idea. She is beautiful. Have you posted many stories about her? That has to be fascinating, the story of how you bought here and what life is like with her.
I posted about my previous Harris's hawk in the past (that was also female, and she died), but not many people was interested in my hawk, so I decided to not post about this one. But maybe I will post one or more posts about her.
I have to keep count, as I promised I would. I have already goofed and fallen down on the job. The money post has so much in it, if I added Christmas it would have exploded.
No need for that on a weekend. Messes on the weekend? Save them for the workweek! Did you have a good weekend? I don't think I bumped into you all weekend, so we must have been busy. Really! We need to stop that !! Weekends are for rest. or wait! Is that Sunday? Either way, my rest is on expired time and I am still a little (lot) tired.
My heart has felt like that before.... but it didn't last.
Yes. Having had it is better than never-ever and you can relate. 💗
You write such whimsical, poignant lines and then this: "Between you and him and the rest of the platform, it'll be your little secret...." And that's all I see!!!
LOL Not exactly whimsical or poetic. Wait. I'll take care of it. :))
Good morning to you from here. I just got back from your place where you were serving up yumminess! (Don't you always) and it reminded me how much I love cheesecake too. I have never had it with goat's milk. Is there a big difference in taste or is it just nutritionally? I think there is a big difference in many things that I use it on.
My week is coming along swimmingly. As it is only Monday, I would say that is nothing to crow about. I will report again on Wednesday. :)) Hope you are doing well out there with those bushbabies!! Love to all of you! ❤️
Me and the bushbabies are also doing swimmingly! Spent a lot of time beside our dam watching the fish who have woken up from their winter hibernation. Did you see the beautiful birds of prey we spotted yesterday! Jaw dropping. And my little guy could identify some. Incredible. He's keeping me busy learning his ABC. But we are loving our homestead life.
As far as the milktart. No it's not at all like cheesecake. I also love cheesecake .... no wait .... I LOVE cheesecake. You actually can't tell the difference between regular cow milk and goat in dishes or desserts like this. And don't worry about the health sweetener and gluten-free flour. Just use regular ;)
I don't really do anything with them. I let them dry out and then shellac them, saving them for another year. I have had a certain set probably for about five years and this year I bought another. You can eat some of them but they're very sour and they had really thick skins. I'd like to be able to tell you that I can do something amazing with them but, I'm an utter fail in that department.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words! Have an amazing day!
Thank you for sharing a thought provoking post! Has my heart ever been light as a feather? Sometimes, but mostly as a young girl-not so much nowadays! I think maybe because as a child, we are innocent and naive of the ways of the world, and as we grow older, we aren't so much anymore! I think I need to take time and go PLAY sometime soon! No schedule, no plan, no time table......just PLAY (maybe in the forest!)
Yes! Do you remember when being a kid meant from one play day to the next? Oh, to be so carefree once again, with no worries in the world, except perhaps when we would eat next?
Love and friendship are all-important and essential.
One can love beyond time and space, and so is friendship.
It makes the world wonderful!
Thank you for the sweet words, @dswigle!
Louis Armstrong has to be one of the all time greats, I love his smoky raspy voice as the soulful words mingle with his trumpet music. My mum love this man too and I still have one of her CDs from a long time gone by. Think I will put it on now and listen as Mr Armstrong fills my home.
Being kind and loving is the only way to live a happy life as this way we reap more rewards that money could ever give us. Sending love Denise and feel thankful that I read your post just now.❤️
Its very beautiful words from you and could be explained about love and emotion, the feel about heart just like a feather is amazing with few good moments. Have a nice day.
"Has your heart ever been light as a feather? Fluttering about? Giddy as a schoolgirl, wanting to shout out?"
I am not sure. If it has, it has been a very long time. Sad perhaps yet 100% true. Life has a way of making one a bit jaded.
Really? Well, I am sad. Nobody should be without that feeling. It's pretty amazing, if I must say so myself.
Are mail order brides legal???
You come up with the coolest lines!
I'm just off to the farm to take care of some culling duties but am taking my book so...Will read some too. It's a bit naughty but if you saw the day here you'd want to also. Laying in the sunshine on a cool spring day reading a book...What's not to love!
Hey you! Reading and culling? Like recieving a sacrament before saying your penance. Sounds delightfully wrong, but, you know it will feel great.
Isn't spring the best? Hope all is well and you are feeling better. No... better than that.
Have a good time. I figured I better post before the forget who I am. Come on!! Tell me where to buy more time! Enjoy!!
There's always time for reading, if one makes time for reading.
Ok, not a very sage quote or anything, but all I have right now from out here on the farm.
I hope you're well.
That is true. I am glad you have carved a little time out for you.
Carving such is an important element of life.
It is and yet, so often we forget what that machete is for.
This can be true although I'm adept at machete-usage and am not afraid to deploy with vigour.
You sublime the stars and sunshine out of this, girl:) Sigh:):):) Bliss:)
Hello, beauty! It's Sunday. I need to start my week off on a positive step.
How is it going up there? Thank you. Truly. ❤
Wow another amazing post full of insightful thoughts
I will just touch on one but so many rang so true to me
Life is so much better with friendship and love in it. It doesn't even have to be another person. It can be the love of nature, love of running, love of art, love of life.
Absolutely friendship and love come in so many ways if our eyes are open to see them
Good morning, JJ! @tatooedjay I think you sent me your overcasted sunshine! I woke up to the gray dome hanging over my house. You know I gave up my walk for the rain. :) Oh, well. Sometimes it is okay to go without, I think.
I agree. People look to people to provided them with love and friendship, but, in fact, it comes in so many forms. We just have to be open to them. I feel like this weekend and even today is part of the fall seasonal clean that my mother used to do. I never thought I would turn into my mother, but, here it is. I took down any/all curtains and window coverings cleaned the windows and cleaned closets. I have my car loaded and ready to go to Salvation Army or Goodwill or my Church Thrift shop to donate the goods. I feel lighter.
Now, I get it. I can see why she did the twice a year seasonal cleaning.
I hope you are having a great start of your week! Hiving on! :)
Sorry I did tell the clouds and rain to move on, but I didn't tell them where and they didn't listen to me anyway and were still here this morning as well
Funnily enough my Mum did the same and the last couple of days I have been doing very similar to you, had planned to do more today but may take an easy day today
I hope your week is starting well
Isn't that funny? I have to wonder if we are supposed to do that or if it was their generation?
The week has started off well. I am vertical, so it's a go! ;)
LOL yeah that makes me think of my Great Uncle Joe who was like a grandparent to me since mIne had passed
So often he would say anyday above ground is a good day
Yes!! They were so practical in their thoughts. It's true though, isn't it? :)
And much more. For example love of a hobby (for example amateur radio), love of an animal (for example a hawk). I have both. There are indeed so many things to be loved.
I used to do amateur radio too!
This is really very good to hear. Nowadays I rarely meet radioamareurs on the Hive blockchain. What is/was your callsign? Mine is HA5KZO since 2012.01.16. Maybe we had one or more QSOs.
My father is HAM radio. Is that the same. I can remember when I was a kid, he would get excited hearing from someone in Cuba, where their very existence was cut off from the US.
Exactly! It makes life so much sweeter, doesn't it? Amateur Radio is probably fun, but the hawk? That is super cool!
You will have to get a picture someday, or write a post on it! That would be awesome!
Thanks for stopping by! Have a great week ahead!
I have a female Harris's hawk. In the USA, you have to be a licensed falconer to own one, but not in Hungary, nor in most parts of the European Union. Anyone can buy them.
I took the photo below on 2021.09.23, 18:10 CEST.

Of course amateur radio also needs an exam and a licence. I took my exam on 2011.12.23, and I received my licence on 2012.01.16.
I made a few videos since then. You can watch/listen them on my YouTube channel:
Have a nice day and have a nice week.
All the best.
She is beautiful!! How wonderful for you! What is her name? Do you let her free to fly?
Super cool on the radio and thanks for the site links!
I call her by whistling, so I did not named her. Most people name their birds, even when they call them by whistling.
I do not let her free to fly, because according to the local law, that would mean hunting with a predatory bird, which requires hunting and falconry exam and license, and also a hunting ticket. I currently do not have these, so if I would let her free to fly, I would break the local law.
I can understand that. I had no idea. She is beautiful. Have you posted many stories about her? That has to be fascinating, the story of how you bought here and what life is like with her.
I posted about my previous Harris's hawk in the past (that was also female, and she died), but not many people was interested in my hawk, so I decided to not post about this one. But maybe I will post one or more posts about her.
My heart has felt like that before.... but it didn't last. LOL !! Hey... might as well laugh ! Better for a while than never.
Pretty flowers ...
Sweet sparkly Christmas photo too.
I have to keep count, as I promised I would. I have already goofed and fallen down on the job. The money post has so much in it, if I added Christmas it would have exploded.
No need for that on a weekend. Messes on the weekend? Save them for the workweek! Did you have a good weekend? I don't think I bumped into you all weekend, so we must have been busy. Really! We need to stop that !! Weekends are for rest. or wait! Is that Sunday? Either way, my rest is on expired time and I am still a little (lot) tired.
Yes. Having had it is better than never-ever and you can relate. 💗
Come on, girl! Let's Hive on!
You write such whimsical, poignant lines and then this: "Between you and him and the rest of the platform, it'll be your little secret...." And that's all I see!!!
How is Denise this week?
LOL Not exactly whimsical or poetic. Wait. I'll take care of it. :))
Good morning to you from here. I just got back from your place where you were serving up yumminess! (Don't you always) and it reminded me how much I love cheesecake too. I have never had it with goat's milk. Is there a big difference in taste or is it just nutritionally? I think there is a big difference in many things that I use it on.
My week is coming along swimmingly. As it is only Monday, I would say that is nothing to crow about. I will report again on Wednesday. :)) Hope you are doing well out there with those bushbabies!! Love to all of you! ❤️
Me and the bushbabies are also doing swimmingly! Spent a lot of time beside our dam watching the fish who have woken up from their winter hibernation. Did you see the beautiful birds of prey we spotted yesterday! Jaw dropping. And my little guy could identify some. Incredible. He's keeping me busy learning his ABC. But we are loving our homestead life.
As far as the milktart. No it's not at all like cheesecake. I also love cheesecake .... no wait .... I LOVE cheesecake. You actually can't tell the difference between regular cow milk and goat in dishes or desserts like this. And don't worry about the health sweetener and gluten-free flour. Just use regular ;)
I use all different flour, almond flour, gluten-free, whole wheat flour, rice flour, noodle flour etc... and I do use regular too. :)
I will have to go back and look for the birds of prey!
Wait!!! Who said CHEESECAKE????
Every day is indeed a gift! They should definitely be cherished, particularly those ones where we can lazily sleep in.
I'm curious, do you do anything with your gourds other than decorate?
And Christmas! I was in Home Depot the other day looking for a skeleton, and all I could find was Christmas decorations!
I don't really do anything with them. I let them dry out and then shellac them, saving them for another year. I have had a certain set probably for about five years and this year I bought another. You can eat some of them but they're very sour and they had really thick skins. I'd like to be able to tell you that I can do something amazing with them but, I'm an utter fail in that department.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words! Have an amazing day!
Two words "Just Beautiful" now we have 72 days 20 hours 4 minutes, and 6 seconds and counting down 🤣 Enjoy your night @dswigle 😊
LOL You have less days than me! I want a recount! :)
Haha, we can swap if you like 😊
Thank you for sharing a thought provoking post! Has my heart ever been light as a feather? Sometimes, but mostly as a young girl-not so much nowadays! I think maybe because as a child, we are innocent and naive of the ways of the world, and as we grow older, we aren't so much anymore! I think I need to take time and go PLAY sometime soon! No schedule, no plan, no time table......just PLAY (maybe in the forest!)
Thanks for sharing @dswigle! Take care!🌻💜🤗
Yes! Do you remember when being a kid meant from one play day to the next? Oh, to be so carefree once again, with no worries in the world, except perhaps when we would eat next?
Have an amazing day!
Indeed! Thanks @dswigle; I hope your day is awesome as well!
I've always wondered how those fancy colors gourd taste like
They're small and hard-rinded and very bitter, so they're not typically eaten. Sy least not here!
I wonder how it's like compared to bitter gourd or do you call that bitter melon there.
Neither. Bitter gourd is different and looks different, I think they are only green.
Love and friendship are all-important and essential.
One can love beyond time and space, and so is friendship.
It makes the world wonderful!
Thank you for the sweet words, @dswigle!
Thank you! Good morning to you from here! I can smell the coffee from here! I hope you have an amazing day!
How did you know I was having coffee?
My order will be delivered on the 17!
I can't wait for those pans.
Good afternoon!!!
The little pans? Did you order them? :))
Oh, I did, hehe!
I was missing that in my inventory of baking stuff!
The first thing I will bake on it would be the Apple Spiced Cake!
Bravo!! That will be awesome!! Apple Carmel Cake!
With Caramel, of course!!!
Louis Armstrong has to be one of the all time greats, I love his smoky raspy voice as the soulful words mingle with his trumpet music. My mum love this man too and I still have one of her CDs from a long time gone by. Think I will put it on now and listen as Mr Armstrong fills my home.
Being kind and loving is the only way to live a happy life as this way we reap more rewards that money could ever give us. Sending love Denise and feel thankful that I read your post just now.❤️
Isn't he the best? My parents and grandparents loved him! Thank you, sweet Angie. Your presence always fills my soul with Hive Love. 💗
Very beautiful photos!
The beauty sunflower does not fade with it, it is still beautiful!
Thank you! I actually think they are, although many think they are dead! :)
Its very beautiful words from you and could be explained about love and emotion, the feel about heart just like a feather is amazing with few good moments. Have a nice day.
Thank you! You have a great day too!
Anytime I read any of your content, I really feel impressed because of the qaulity
Thank you very much for your kind and generous words.
Hive on!
Have a great day. Join people who love you. I love people who love you because they always smile and share happiness with others.
That's true. Plus, being a positive person is easier than being negative. That takes too much energy!
I hope you have a nice week ahead!
Thank you for the repost @pixresteemer! Much appreciated by me!