Is that a Symphony Playing in your Head?

Have you noticed that a lot of birds don't seem to migrate anymore? I recovered a starling this morning from the yard, not taking the migratory path and the cold just got too much, It takes time and energy to fly south and enjoy the winter, so if there is enough food, they may stay. I have had robins all winter, but, yesterday it got cold. These poor little guys are all gathered together in the freezing temperatures. I find that they hide in the cedar trees, but, come out when it is sunshiney. The red-breasted robins against the variations of red-brick with just enough white snow and green bough to frame it.

At least they are color coordinated, yes?

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My phone died last night. Wait. It did not die, it merely went to sleep for hours and hours and hours. It was in overheat mode. I say this not for pity, but to establish the fact that I didn't have a phone with me this morning. It was the very same look today, the down of their chest, all puffed up, aimed at keeping them warm. The exception is that this was from a couple of years ago. Same location and the abundance of feathered friends.

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I have a weakness for barnwood and fencepost, and I don't even live in the country. It was raining on top of the snow, making it disappear into the sunset.

You’ve become a part of each other
Pole in the hole, top, and bottom
Faithfully committed
To making boundries
For another

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I listen to the symphony that runs through my head as I imagine the poetic beauty of the rose. Something about roses... One flower that is not boasting when it proclaims itself queen. Most enchanting, even if they can be fussy divas. A little bit on the irresistible side. So tell me, do! Of all the flowers, which are some of your favorites? I know I have more than one, do you?

My friend Chris: You have a symphony in your head? I just have the Beatles in mine. Me: Yes, truly. Haydn Symphony No. 34 in d minor... tomorrow, perhaps a little Robert Palmer. We'll see.

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Perfectly beautiful isn't necessarily perfect and has nothing to do with accepting imperfection. Perhaps imperfection is the point.

We love the imperfect shapes in nature and in the works of art, look for an intentional error as a sign of the golden key and sincerity found in true mastery - Dejan Stojanovic


All I have are my words, armed in my mind, written in pen, stand by stand. Oh, yes. Still by hand. It has a different feel. Altered not by keys, backspace, and delete, I write, erase, tear it to pieces and start all over again. And again.

It’s my way. I walk out to the deep end of the page and dive right in.

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There were birds of a feather, flocked together, flowers and snow, although, do they really don't go, do they? For today they do, there is no rule, just you and I, making it up as we go along. And just like that, this post is done. Come back tomorrow and we'll do it again. There is #alwaysaflower to be had. You heard it here first.

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The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost

#TeamUSA is a growing community of quality-content people from the United States or those living here. Check us out on Discord!

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“ Have you noticed that a lot of birds don't seem to migrate anymore?”

No I hadnt noticed that. In fact we are so cold it ran all of our penguins out for warmer climes. 🙂

Sounds like you best recover your phone and order one that works. You can treat yourself you know...its not a crime. 😠

Haha! I think we have more penguins here than you do!

No, I lie, those are seals that I am thinking of. :)

My phone recovered fine. I even told you, not that you ever listen... that mouth just keeps on running. :) I let it completely cool down, then restarted and it has been working fine ever since. I do have to get another phone, but, there is no big rush.

You can treat yourself you know...its not a crime. 😠

Are you sure? LOL Actually, I am pretty sure you called me high maintenance a few times...

This is my phone silly. It works fine.

“ Have you noticed that a lot of birds don't seem to migrate anymore?”. I personally hadn’t but it’s all the talk with two people I know. What is going on???

On a positive note
I’m off to find my flower to be had 🙌

Hehe! Haha! Two people you know. :) Oh, a flower! Post it! I am off to bed. I'll be back! I am feeling like I got drug across the sidewalk today! Thanks for stopping by!!

Good night!

I remember that year the first photo was taken. There were robins literally everywhere ! I remember I was in the previous house and I looked out the window and my yard and the yards behind me had so many robins on the ground, picking around for worms, too many to count ! It was like I could almost not believe what my eyes were seeing. It was so bizarre !

Made for a wonderful photo for you though.

Wasn't that bizarre? I had tons of them here today. I hadn't really noticed it before or perhaps they weren't huddled because it had been 70 until the blizzard! I couldn't believe that I had so many of them and they seemed young. I didn't have any last year, or again, didn't notice but, that was because it was warm last year also, No snow, bulbs all blooming in February.


It is pretty weird! Have you seen any in the last few days? I also have more starlings than I have had all year. It is freezing tonight, this is the coldest it has been. I hope it gets a little more sunshine tomorrow for them. Hi, you! Hope you are doing well today! ❤️

Bright and sunny here, but cold !

I haven't notice the robins here yet, but maybe that is because I am stuck to my desk nearly all the daylight hours. I will be looking out the windows at lunch to see what I can see. ha

It is super cold here today and my nose didn't even stick out the door yet.

I looked out at one of the feeders and see cardinals, sparrows, two robins and no blue jays. I still find that a little weird. No blue jays.

I hope you are having a great day! I am feeling under the weather a bit. :(

I think my sister and her hubby have covid. I saw her on Sunday, but not but for a second and not close up, so I keep wondering if my throat is getting scratchy... LOL I don't usually think myself into those things, but I keep laughing at myself, because I keep wondering if something is starting to go wrong. I claim out loud that I'm not though !

Well honestly I had a big salad like I always do every day, and then they came out with the recall oh, of course after I got sick on it. So my tummy was doing flip-flops for a couple days. I'm fine just it took everything out of me. LOL I'm pretty sure that you probably did not get anything that didn't belong to you in your quick little meeting. But don't discount the fact that Omicron is everywhere and even if you go to the grocery store and have them put it in your car you are touching it when you get home. On a good note oh, it's rarely more than a cold so you probably wouldn't even know the difference. I hope you're feeling better and get some tea and honey for that scratchy throat.

I don't feel bad yet....LOL.... I just kept wondering if I was gonna.....

There sure are a lot of recalls in the last few years for veggies and stuff.....isn't there?? Good Lawd.... you never use to hear of so many. What are they changing that is causing so many issues. Cost cutting I am sure. So what if only a few people die. huh?

Truly! You are beautiful and unique in every way! "Yes, truly. Haydn Symphony No. 34 in d minor... tomorrow, perhaps a little Robert Palmer" A lady of art and creativity and passion in every sense. I was surprised. But then I was surprised that I was surprised.

Why do the birds no longer migrate do you think Denise? Seeing that photo of them is quite miserable. It is almost hopeless. It made me sad. Why would they not continue to seek out warmer climates like generations before?

Surprised? It is so hard to not love them all, for different reasons, yes? :)

It is probably in part because of the time and energy involved in migrating south, and the availability of food sources. We don't get too cold here in Washinton, DC and if they have food, they will stay. It is also warmer in the winter than it used to be.

The freak of nature was we had a late winter storm that came after the migratory birds came back and even had babies! See how little they are? Everywhere on the East Coast was littered with robins that were out of season.

It made me sad just to watch them. I fed them and put food out, it was all we could do.

Well I wouldn't say all you could do. It makes me think of the story of the starfish. Do you know it? The food you feed makes a difference to every single ONE

I was thinking the same thing just last week. I saw a bunch of Robins and said what are you still doing here. If I catch glimpse of any Barn Swallows, then I know something bad is going to happen. Lol. Love fence posts and barns as well. Or barn wood. Or just wood in general. Hehe.

Hi, Brad!!! Fancy meeting you here! ❤️ Aren't those Robins so weird at this time of year? I couldn't believe it as this had happened a couple of years ago, and here we are again!

Nooooo Barn Swallows!

There is just something comforting and inviting about wood/fence/posts and just the fact that it is wood. I caress/rub my hands along a piece of furniture that is made of wood. I love it.

Oh, yes. Addicted to wood.

Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words! @bdmillergallery

I'll have to get to work on a fence painting of some sort.. hmmmm. I have been painting Chickadees lately. Birds and animals are NOT my strong suit. So I thought why not try painting a few until I get the hang of it. They haven't come out too bad. I want to write a post on these paintings soon, but because your so cool and a good friend... I will let you have a sneak peek. Don't tell anyone! 😆😁


Oh!! I love it!! Did you do a step by step?? Maybe I can copy!

Thanks, Brad! It's a beauty!

I did but the step by step is not so detailing. You may be able to follow along but a video would have been better. I am still considering filming this stuff but for now my video and editing skills are lacking any real professionalism. hahaha

I once did a video and it was terrible. I was painting palm trees but the camera angle was TERRIBLE! Check it out here... (fyi the website at end I no long have lol)

I thought this was fine! The only thing I see is you dodging the camera. :)) Other than that, it didn't look bad at all! I think you should do it again.

I won't try to copy, I am so far off from an artist. I just admire your work and I always wonder how you can make something out of nothing.

Hi, Brad!

Hi Denise! Yes I will try again some time and do better at showing off my ugly mug. lol

My something out of nothing needs a lot of work yet, but that's the fun part and no pressure because it is only a hobby.

I haven't really noticed that about the birds, but you could be right. I was over to my parents the other day and they have several feeders. They keep them close and well fed. We get some sparrows in our tree out front, but they usually come and go with the seasons.

Beautiful shots!

I have three bird feeders and yes, close and always topped off. The cardinals especially are abundant here, something I wasn't used to living in other places. They are mainstream birds here, and I have no bluejays! I wasn't used to one without the other. I was just reading that bluejays migrate. Now I feel a little better.

And thank you!

I was just going through your post again and realized what I think you meant by the title of it. The birds look like notes on the musical bars of the steps.

Ha! Yes! Don't they? It is the music man in you that saw that!

I listen to the symphony that runs through my head as I imagine the poetic beauty of the rose. Something about roses... One flower that is not boasting when it proclaims itself queen.

While many people had crowns in the middle age, but most of them were not kings.

My friend Chris: You have a symphony in your head? I just have the Beatles in mine. Me: Yes, truly. Haydn Symphony No. 34 in d minor... tomorrow, perhaps a little Robert Palmer. We'll see.

Or Liszt Ferenc (Franz Liszt in western name order). He was Hungarian. By the way, I love any/every music. The same is true for flowers.

Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.

I like Liszt! I know he was Hungarian. I dated a Hungarian, Emery and he played classical, especially Liszt. I love all music also, but, was making a point just for the story. :)

You know I love all flowers, right?

I actually didn't know that you loved them all! That is awesome! I hope you are having a great morning and enjoy the rest of your day! Thanks for stopping by!

 3 years ago  


Thanks so much, @wesphilbin !

I laughed reading this sentence:
"My phone died last night. Wait. It did not die, it merely went to sleep for hours and hours and hours. It was in overheat mode".

Your posts are of extraordinary quality, especially when viewed by someone who is in love.

especially when viewed by someone who is in love.

That colors the world a different shade, always. Thanks for stopping by! Have a great day!

I have requested friendship on some of your social media. I hope we can have communication there Forward

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You're welcome @dswigle, that's with pleasure! We wish you a nice day 😊🌹

That's a great capture and those birds all look the same. It's true the bird of the same feathers flock together.

Hehe! So much the truth, isn't it? Birds, humans... it seems to ring true. :)

So Nice photos
what a focus and what a nature

Thank you for your words. Have nice day.

You have nice ideas. I like your writing.😊

Thank you. Very kind words.

Nicely done and very creative boss and as for me I can't remember the first year of taking pictures on my own

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 88 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Thank you for the repost @pixresteemer! Much appreciated!

(5/10) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><

Thanks for the LUV!

Best regards! And thank you for the words!