I have to say that sometimes I can be attracted to things that are a little unusual. Different ways to do things, off the beaten path of life and even as simple as the color of a chrysanthemum. You have to love those soft, subtle, non-mainstream shades of pink and all of the variations within each flower.
Come closer to me
I can nearly touch your thoughts
Dressed in shades of pure delight
I hit pause and wait, wait, wait.
Meet you here, come Spring.
It's too early to see these dahlias showing off their stuff, but, a preview of what's to come never hurt anyone. On another note, I must say that today I shoutout to #MonochromeMonday where it rules supreme for a day. If you are new or looking to be inspired, I will pull a challenge of tag and run with it. It is a great way to discover communities and chances are, you will see the same people dropping a few monochromes for the day.
I went to the Shore House for one day over the weekend. It was just a drive up and a few hours there and drive home. Can you believe I didn't see the snowdrop flowers until I was looking at the pictures at home? How could I have missed the beauty she pushed out for my visit? It is the little things in life that I love ❤️ and it passed right by, but, thanks to the camera, I saw it later.
Everything within its time will be its own shade of beautiful. A flower bulb is dry and ugly, if we didn't know that it would sing a swan song after we plant it, would we buy it? Probably not. The bulb is beautiful, but, it is within and you cannot see it. Sometimes we just cannot rush things and patiently wait until its time. Only then will you be rewarded with stunning beauty. Behold. It was time this weekend. Become acquainted with the new delight of each day.
I can remember a girl in my elementary school that some people would point out, saying rather unkind things about her. Not bad things, but, more hurtful, I would say. I can honestly say that I never thought of her in that context. She always smiled and she was like a ray of sunshine. Her heart was merely a reflection of a beautiful soul. I thought of you today, Emily.
I have asked you before, but, still, I must, do your thoughts ever ramble, do your words just come out? Don't make me stand alone in this, I surely must have friends? The other night, I sat here wondering what to write, other nights I don't have time to get it all outside of my head. Is it me? I hope not. Are you scheduled and organized and have ten of them on hold? Well, there were words and flowers tonight, #alwaysaflower And just like that, this post is over! Come back tomorrow and we will do it again! Have an amazing rest of your day!. Love to you, Denise ❤️
All I have are my words, armed in my mind, written in pen, stand by stand. Oh, yes. Still by hand. It has a different feel. Altered not by keys, backspace, and delete, I write, erase, tear it to pieces and start all over again. And again.
It’s my way. I walk out to the deep end of the page and dive right in.

The Road Not Taken
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Robert Frost
#TeamUSA is a growing community of quality-content people from the United States or those living here. Check us out on Discord!

We sure dont have any flowers that I know of being 3F tonight.
Hopefully some time soon.
We only have snowdrops and some leftover ferny flowers from last year that are still blooming. I bet they died last night or maybe underneath all that snow. I was surprised to see the snowdrops, especially as the shore had tons and tons of them.
Thank you for stopping by and leaving your thoughts. :)
Have a great day.
Dahlia's are a really beautiful flower. I love the pastel colors and the intricate patterns their petals create. I think your photo is of a chrysanthemums though lol.
OMG! It is! I even know it is! Pfft!! :) You know, they don't even look alike. Thank you!
Dahlia's are beautiful, and I love both. Thanks for being on top of it. Did I write dahlia up there? Now I need to go look. :)
Edit: Fixed. Wow. Thank you.
Haha no worries. They are both very beautiful flowers
It's not that. People depend on me to identify correctly. LOL They are both beautiful, but, I just need to proofread what I write! Thanks again!
I understand. I often proof read an article a few times before posting and then a few hours later my wife will point out that she found a typo hahaha. So it even happens when you proof read 🤷♂️
Noo! Say it isn't so! 🤣
Dahlia has such a cheerful face, a reflection of the inner you Denise.
Bulbs lay dormant through winter blues, but like all quiet hidden blooms when they emerge, an untold beauty unfolds.
Jolly snowman makes my day, he looks so chilled and relaxed looking on, happy days to you ahead may your week be blessed.
(5/10) gave you LUV.
Thanks for the LUV!
It is always such a joy to watch spring arrive, it is like a surprise party, even if you know it is coming. I love how you put your words together to make every comment special and invite people to read you.
Your presence here is heartwarming and your voice is loved! We love you, Joan! @joanstewart
Thank you! Who doesn't love a little snowman! :) Frosty little guy indeed! Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words.
Each season brings change different faces appear to greet each time we see we think it must be the most beautiful forgetting the one last seen.
It is you warmth and glow that spreads like a gentle perfume on the wind, sharing kindness everywhere that always attracts one back like a bee to the pollen.
Have a wonderful day and give that snowman a big sunny South African hug, not too long though or he will be in melt-down.
A feel good post and a beautiful Robert Frost poem to top it all off. Just what I needed today. Believe me I did. Hope all is well with you and yours?! Watch the top of your head and keep your mouth shut when gazing up at those Seagulls 😆
Hehe! Will do! I was raised on the Atlantic Ocean. It's a love/hate relationship, although mostly love. I could feed them all day long, but, when I am fishing, I want them to go away instead of divebombing the fish coming up. :)
I do love that Robert Frost poem. I feel so out of step with everyone, I never get beyond my own post some days, What is up with that? It's winter and I have more time, except I don't. How are YOU? That is what I want to know! I haven't checked up on you in a long time, although when I see your name somewhere, it makes me smile. Oh, Brad! There he is!
So thank you for making my day and tell me, tell me, tell me do! How are you? @bdmillergallery
I can resonate with that last paragraph
Some days there are so many thoughts bursting to be heard
Other days, they just shy away, preferring to whisper within
I love your photographs Denise - together with your words - they are magic <33
Well, thank you for your kind words, always. I think I have more whispers into the wind than shout about. Inspiration is short these days. :) Perhaps it is the winter... it is winter, but, little to show for it. A foot of snow melted in two days as it is too warm and now the grass is extra green from the free watering.
I guess that is a win, right?
Tell me something exciting that you are doing! You have sun and fun over there. I am a little jelly! :)
Thank you again. You are so sweet!
A little late in the reply - sorry
We started ended the year with very bad flooding
And the last 3 days it has been super hot
And here I am thinking - oh snowwwww hehe
The grass is greener eh ;p
I am kind of in that place today. I know I need to write a post, but I can't really think of much of anything to write about. It is an uncomfortable feeling. I planted some Dahlia's this past summer in my garden to help attract the bees and they seemed to do pretty well, so I think I might plant some more next year too.
They are really forgiving and I tend to go for the smaller ones, not the giant dahlias. They have such pretty colors and last forever! I like marigolds for the same reason. :)
I try to have a small section that attracts bees and hummingbirds.
Not being inspired is truly uncomfortable and I dislike it, but, I will say, I am probably there more than being on top of it all.
Le sigh.
I have a gazillion things to say; hundreds to write, many to photo, much to design. Yet, when I sit to work on any of it, my mind is suddenly a blank slate. My notebook is filled to bursting, but when it comes time to put rubber to the road, so to speak, I've got nothing. It's incredibly frustrating.
Gosh no! I wish I had one scheduled ahead of time! I know people that do, but, that is just not me. My mind is exploding with words and ideas and I try to put them in a notebook and lately, I have failed on doing that, making it even more of a deal when I sit down.
I just need to get more organized. It must be the Covid in the air. :)
I get that, sitting and wondering what to write about. I think so many of us are in that place. I do need to build a few posts to have when the pickings are slim. Hi, Victor!
You are always an inspiration Denise.. I love your phrases my friend! Btw, it´s a pity that I can´t see the images... they are all broken, I wonder whether it has something to do with my computer?
You say the nicest things @mers! Thank you so much, truly. It might be your internet speed. Mine shows it fine on Hive and Peakd, and nobody else has said anything. Check your speed and perhaps restart the computer. When I doubt, I restart! LOL
PS... Yes, it is on your side. Sorry!
My thoughts are chaos right now. More and more people saying that it is not possible to maintain a sail with a pension-like income of approximately $250 USD, and because of this, buying one would be irresponsible. They say that I should keep in mind that I need to eat, and I also need to feed my Harris's hawk, so I would have even less than this amount for the sailboat. And they are probably right. My income is too low. So I do not know what will happen in the next winter. I do not know where I will live. I am prepared for the worst right know (being homeless again).
I think that the maintenance would be high, fees, and so on. Maybe fees to dock. Insurace. Licensing... just so much. This year is paid for, keep saving and you may be able to pay for next winter. I think it's possible to supplement your income.
Maybe that could work, if there will be no better option.
I give you some !PIZZA and some !LUV.
Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.
(1/4) gave you LUV.
I think your attitude twards saving will help you in the long plan.
The best people get the best out of everyone. You are the best kind of people. I sense you are probably going through flower withdrawal like me too. Can't wait for spring. The daffodils are perhaps and month away; then it begins:)
Yes!!! I couldn't help but to open up the closet and let a few out! I hope people dont mind. It just felt right tonight
Snow dops are wonderful??]
Oh yes ... in the forest:)
Yes! Especially in the forest!
LOVE that snowman's hat.
I got it in Germany! They have some of the coolest hats! Hello, lady! So glad to see you. It is freezing here today and I cannot believe that it is going to be like this all day and night.
Where are my long johns!
My long Janes are on !! ha ha
OMG! Hahaha! I was serious. I feel kind of miserable today, so I am sucking up to the fireplace and drinking hot tea, with lemon. Maybe I will watch Hallmark later. LOL With my long johns on. and sweatshirt.
Thanks, @wesphilbin !
You are most welcome! Like I keep saying... always behind! But love to jump on the old laptop, and see all this Positive Energy!!
Thanks so much! It is a nice tag that I enjoy using!
Thanks for the repost @pixresteemer!!
PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
(1/5) @xplosive tipped @dswigle (x1)
You can now send $PIZZA tips in Discord via tip.cc!
Thanks for the pizza!
Photographic work is very beautiful. I appreciate photos like these. Thanks for sharing
Thank you!
I love this flower because this flower is perfect to express your love, I saw this flower is often used in ceremonies 🌻
Very nice! Thank you!
And how we are all the same with thoughts in our heads; they fill mind constantly, some disappearing as soon as the come while others persistently stay to make a lovely lot of words and sentences coming though my fingers on the keyboard.
From me to you lovely Denise I bid you a good night. 🌼 Gorgeous chrysanthemums that invades the depths of the heart and soul of #alwaysaflower people.
Talking about rambling thoughts, words and stories, have you met @lilideleopolis yet and her new community called #lifeStories- which I think would be right up your alley...https://peakd.com/c/hive-156687/created
As I'm sure you would have a few stories of all kinds to tell...😀
Great write and am glad to have read through it as well
Oh, I do love magic pens. :) Yes, the writing in circles can be maddening, but, in the end, I guess most posts do okay, or at least represent me. I guess that is all that counts.
I don't know where Emily is anymore, but, I hope she gets a glimmer inside, maybe she will even know someone is thinking of her. I schedule sometimes if I want to wait an hour or so, but, otherwise, just hit post!
Paragon? Shhhh! Don't be silly. I'm lucky if it makes sense, but, thank you for the words and have a great day!
That is pretty amazing, isn't it? My thoughts always seem to ramble, so I try to catch them and keep them. :)
I hope you are having a great day. Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words.