Casserole with a Pastry Lid

What do you do with you tiny bits of leftover vegetables, meat and sometimes potatoes? Or do you just fill up the dishes a little more so there won't be any waste? I actually used to do that at one time. What is a little bit more? To be honest? More than I needed, or anyone else for that matter.It was such a bad habit. I am guessing that I come by it honestly, being from a large family with countless children. Okay, nine, but, who is counting?

Wast not, want no. That was a favorite saying of my grandparents. All of them, actually. I cannot even pin that phrase on single one of them, they all came from the era of without, so they wasted nothing. They called it frugal back then. I find it personally challenging to make something out of it, especially when the results are better than expected.

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I have small containers of vegetable and meat in my freezer. Sometimes it is steak, a piece of roast, chicken, but meat, in general. I keep the chicken seperate. I like making meat pies out of the leftovers. Sometimes I may use some barely in it, potatoes, It is always fun to get a little inventive. If it doesn't work out, I always have a fallback in the freezer. I haven't had a fail in a while, but, it does happen. When it does, I just pull out a tray of bakes spaghetti or chili that I had made and froze a family size dinner for times like this. I got it covered. Plus the fact that there will be nights that I just don't have time or feel less motivated to make dinner.It happens. Unless you tell, most people wouldn't even know it was taken out of the freezer.

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So, we are going to make a Beef Pot Pie. You remember those little premade dinner pies that Swanson and Banquet made famous? Then Maire Callender moved in and showed them how it was really done. There was no going back after dining with Marie. I had beef stew Sunday when were supposed to have snow and cold and almost freeze to death. That didn't happen. It took a left hand turn and enjoyed the coast instead. Some people get all the fun. Right? I actually forgot to show off the leftovers in their little containers. Close your eyes for a moment. Do you see them? Yes, those. We are on the same page. Now lets put it together.

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Cut everything into niblet size (better distributes the meat, in particular) Steamed more carrots, I was shy some carrots from the stew
Steamed our vacuum sealed corn from last summer
Added some frozen peas
Make a gravy
Directions: spoon of butter, spoon of flour in a pan, cook until the flour in browned
Add stock leftover from when the stew was cooked and whisk to remove any clumps
Mix in the liquid/gravy from the stew pot
Cook until somewhat thickened (will thicken more when it cools)

Like everything in these, the amount of vegetables is flexible, you can have all carrots or some carrots and peas. There is one thing for sure. I always add peas for color.More of less, it is all up to you. There is no right or wrong, it is just perfect however you do it. Now this pie crust was made, although, there is no shame in buying one. If you need to cut corners, this is one way of doing it.

My project Beef Pot Pie.jpg

Put a pie crust on the bottom of the pie dish (I put nuckle marks at the bottom, which seems to make the bottom cook better without blind baking)
Heat the meat and vegetables, put into pie
Pour gravy on top slowly, allowing time for it to sink to the bottom and get in all the nooks and crannies
Put on top pie crust and crimp
Make egge wash:crack an egg into a bowl and add 1 teaspoon of cream, or water to the egg.You can add seasoning to add a little pizzaz to the crust. Whisk together and brush on crust. I make my wash heavier than most people. I like ti that way.
Cut holes in the top to allow steam to escape
Cover edges with tin foil so they do not cook as fast

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Bake at -450F for 10-15 minutes
Remove foil and bake for another 20-30minutes, or until the pie crust turns a nice golden brown
Remove from oven and allow to sit for 10-20 minutes
Serve with a nice side salad or fresh fruit in season

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All I have are my words, armed in my mind, written in pen, stand by stand. Oh, yes. Still by hand. It has a different feel. Altered not by keys, backspace, and delete, I write, erase, tear it to pieces and start all over again. And again.

It’s my way. I walk out to the deep end of the page and dive right in.

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May there always be a flower to color your world with love. #alwaysaflower And just like that, this post is over! Come back tomorrow and we will do it again. And please, always remember that kindness counts, wherever you are, whatever you do. Have a great night! See you in the comment section! Love to you always. Denise ❤️

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The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost

#TeamUSA is a growing community of quality-content people from the United States or those living here. Check us out on Discord!

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Your pie looks really yummy, both the filling & the pastry! I often used the leftover meat from the chicken roast to make a pie but have been forgetting about that with all the nursing!

I love the chicken ones too! Thank you, Lizelle. It is a far cry from your amazing dishes. Thank you so much for taking the time to stop in...

I have been thinking of you all morning, keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. ❤️

It looks effen delicious 🤤

How do you say the nicest things! LOL it actually was pretty good, especially if it 90% of it was leftovers. Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words. Have an amazing day!

It's a good idea to save up scraps like that and make a stew out if them. My wife and I love stews. We rarely make meat pies because of the extra work but they are probably one of my favorite things to eat.

Good idea!

Well, then buy a crust and it is half made, well, sort of. Once in a while, I don't mind taking the extra time it takes, and then other days, you could toss me a bagel and all is good.

I do love a good meat pie, especially when I have leftovers from a great stew! Thanks for stopping by! Have a super Sunday!

Well, then buy a crust and it is half made

That's a good point haha 😄

I found that is usually the showstopper for a lot of people, especially if you don't make crusts on a regular basis. But, there is no shame in buying one, I always have one (usually I go with Pillsbury) in the freezer just in case. They freeze great! :)

I do love pot pies mainly beef or chicken but haven’t made our own for a while but I so agree Marie makes good ones

I also like adding peas not just to pies but as a side dish fir most meals it’s always been my favorite side
My parents also used the word frugal often and made great use of leftovers

I think the reason we don’t is with mostly just cooking for the two of us we very seldom have left overs as we generally make just enough for the two of us sometimes I admit just barely or alternatively have enough to free fir a future meal

The time we do have leftovers is when I cook a meal for the family coming over and I do freeze what’s left over but have been slack with using it for meals later
Your post reminds me I should go through our freezer today and see what’s in there

I cannot believe you don't love a pie with lamb in it! I have to say that when I get New Zealand Lamb... a little lamb, carrot, potato, celery, and onion... they don't say peas, but, I put them in or to the side. Do a little slurry to thicken. Herbes basil, fennel, marjoram, parsley, rosemary, tarragon, and thyme. Or whatever and voila! Suddenly, I feel a Lamb Shepards Pie coming on. For this one, I use puff pastry, unlike the other pies.

Here is a secret I do. I picked up small pot pie-sized pie pans and make them in there. I actually make too many and put them in the freezer for lazier days.

I just went through the freezer and hence, the pots pies the other day. :)

Have a super Sunday!

Ohh lamb pies are good
But all of us love lamb especially NZ lamb and whenever I cook it whether a roast or chops it is devoured never any left overs by the end of the day lol

Ohh and lamb stew and that sometime we have leftovers hmm maybe that I could use for a pie

You absolutely could!!! That would be amazing. Indeed! I feel like a snob when I say I only eat NZ Lamb, but, it is the only one that is truly good.

Anything less is merely food. ;)

Well I used to say that mind you Argentinian and Australian is not to bad

but having not seen it in the stores I recently tried a U.S. brand grass fed Lamb chops nit expecting much but they were actually real good

Whole Foods always carries it. I have had some that have been good from Argentina, but, that was when I was down there, so I thought it was how they cooked it.

You have several Whole Foods around in Fairhaven and North Dartmouth-- just a little further, Dartmouth, South Dartmouth, and Acushnet. Just in case you want to check them out unless, of course, you already have.

I do realize it has been at least a year that I have been up North and things could have changed.

I think they consistently have NZ lamb a couple of times a year I have checked whole foods randomly sometimes they have it but not the last few times I have been there

I cannot even pin that phrase on single one of them, they all came from the era of without, so they wasted nothing.

Me too. This is why I usually do not have leftovers. I eat everything. Especially nowadays, because I live alone, but you already know all of this.

Have a nice day and have a nice weekend.
All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.

I have 9 siblings and I understand no waste, If I write things about my family, poking a little fun at our frugal ways, it is not to insult them or anyone. It is making light of the situation. I sometimes have leftovers if someone doesn't eat very much. I just like to utilize them.

Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words.

Hmmm, this looks so amazing great, I have to go and look for something to eat ;-) When I have vegetables left, they mostly turn into a soup and its always surprising how they can be mixed up, its always fine. But I really like that pie idea, will keep it in my mind. Probably also can be done with a ready to use dough I think.

Finaly I got it to stop by to one of your wonderful postings dear @dswigle :-) hope you have a great Sunday, mine is almost over now.

I mentioned that to someone who said they didn't have enough time to make it. I always keep a premade (ready to use) crust in my freezer, in case I run into that. Soup is another one of my favorites for leftovers. I usually put all the vegetables in one container in the freezer as I am saving them. I use them pretty much within the week or a few days after that.

Another thing about the pie (and soup) is I sometimes have enough left over to make several pies and freeze one for the next week or two when I am busy. That saves the trouble of doing it again. :)

Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words. I truly know how hard it is to get around! I am having a great Sunday, enjoy your evening, and good night to you.

Gute Nacht! Möge die kommende Woche wunderbar werden.

Oh how nice :-) some german words for me :-) I wish you too a great start into a wonderful new week :-)

Ah, the idea of puttin vegie rests to the freezer to keep and summon them is very good. Funny, I never thought about. Except with champignon mushrooms, those are alsways so large packages, so I take one half for cooking and the other cutting in peaces and freeze.
But I have to think to make a "veggie summon freeze box". Never had frozen dough :-) good night too

I freeze do all the time and the only thing is that you have to defrost it before you use it. It works out well. The veggie box in the freezer his an amazing tool. I use it for all different things. I like to freeze those mushrooms too because they're always too big for me!! I do them seperate from the veggies.

Oooooh! I totally do this. Especially with left over roasts. I usually add a bit of cream and white wine when I make the veggie and left over meat filling, and usually a punnet of mushrooms, especially if it's going to be a chicken pie. Mmmmmmm mmmmmmm mmmmmm <3

Yes! Yes! Yes! I also make a different gravy with cream, but put only one for ease. Thanks for mentioning it!

I did red wine in the beef stew, but you are right. A roast I would have used wine. A richer, broader taste.

I love when I can use leftovers! Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words behind. Have a great night!

This is the way to handle leftovers! I see you've got the right cookware too, a clear dish is required to see what's happening. You don't want all your hard work to not turn out properly.

No problems here with a lovely golden crust and your initial photo shows all the work was worth it. Homemade is the best made as we all know.

Absolutely on the clear dish, right? I need to see if it is cooking or sopping up the gravy!

There is just something delicious about the golden crust ... and using leftovers! :)

Absolutely on the clear dish, right? I need to see if it is cooking or sopping up the gravy!

There is just something delicious about golden crust. Yum! Thanks for stopping by!

I'm feeling the !LUV. Great to hear from you again 😀

I have no idea how you get so much done. I'm always behind!

I left you some flowers on Always a Flower just cause 😀
Have a great day

Thank you! I left you wanting the pizza I am making! :)


That's funny you mentioned pizza as I ordered one in today. An artisanal one that cost a few limbs. The mini spicy pepperoni and fennel oil makes it something to remember.

Bon Appétit on yours.

(1/1) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><@buffalobison

Thanks for the luv!

I have never tried a good homemade meat or chicken pie yet, so I do not feel very attracted by them; but this post made me regain my faith that someday I will try one like yours . It looks tasty! Have a good Sunday !

It isn't my best, but, it was what I had, so I posted it. :) I like a meat pie that I can add my own touches to, more of one vegetable or other, different potatoes mixed. I think those taste the best, in my opinion. I never liked meat pies until a few years ago, I ate them, but, they weren't my favorite. Now I like them and frequently make extra and freeze a few for an easy meal for the family on a lazy day. :)

Thanks for stopping by and have a super Sunday!

I've worked up an appetite. I think I'll bake one chicken hot pie I bought some time ago). Let me see how this one tastes.



I love Trader Joe's! You will have to tell me how this one tasted @francisaponte25 I have never had a pot pie from there.

I hope it fixed your appetite! :)

I might need to do same! I got a couple in my freezer but it won’t come close to urs 😍

I say that Marie Callender's or Trader Joe's is a good stand-in when you can't make your own!

It was tasty . It was really good ! I enjoyed it .

That is awesome! Another really good one is Marie Callendar's, the large one as the small one has no filling. You can get them at Target, WalMart or the grocery store if that is convenient. Then you will have another to compare it to!

Target or Walmart definitely are cheaper.

Ohhh.. .that is such a pretty crust. Great way to use the leftovers.

Yum !

I don't particularly love leftovers, but, if I can repurpose them, well, then we are talking turkey! There are some things that taste better the next day, if it is cookies or cake, for many days! But, not the case here.

Last night I used chicken breasts from the other day for another, you guessed it, leftover recipe. This one was even better. This is what happens when I have time on my hands and I am hungry. Although honestly, I really had a piece of Popeye's on the brain. Just the chicken. I would love to break down that recipe. Anyway, sorry for the rattle.

Have a super Sunday!

I like your rattles.

I don't mind leftovers mostly, but I am not having to make something to feed others either, so if I use leftovers for a day or two after, it is usually no big deal just for me.

There were 5 siblings in our home when I was growing up and that felt large ! We didn't waste food at all by necessity, but for real, even though there was plenty for us always, there were rarely many leftovers.

Popeye's ! Delish !

I hear you. There were nine of us, so we rarely had enough. No, kidding! LOL, We sure didn't have leftovers! I actually do the pies so that I can freeze a few and have a quick meal on a busy lazy day. I do the same with a tray of lasagna, but, I also make a couple of individual servings while I am putting one together. To be honest, I rarely make lasagna anymore, I found that bakes ziti uses the same ingredients and is layered in yummy goodness without all the fuss of those wide noodles that never cut quite right.

I am truly a lazy cook!! I know it. Hello? It is definitely cold outside. It is only going to get up to 40F! That is darned near freezing!

I know ! 31 one here now, expecting high of 44 but one good thing is, it is sunny out, with blue skies. Much better than a cold AND gray day. You know I don't love cold already. No I don't !

I didn't use to be a lazy cook, but now, just for me, I rarely get motivated to do it up right just for myself. I do need to get back to a little more of that. day... or not.

My Mom said when my Dad was growing up, there were times when they may not have known where their next meal was coming from and frequently there was not enough. She thought my Dad may have always made sure the cupboards were full and there were ample meals, because he did not want any of his children to ever know that feeling. Sweet... right ?

My 2nd husband was one of 15 ! His Mom was a good cook and although times were slim now and then, she would make biscuits for every meal of every day, to make sure no one left the table hungry. Lots of potatoes going on back then too, as you can only imagine. One of my husbands brothers always ate very fast as an adult. He had said before that he had gotten in the habit of it as a kid and although he tried to make himself slow down, he seemed to keep springing back to fast eating. I asked him one time if he had eaten that fast in fear that someone would take his food away and he said that was not it. He said there was always enough for a first serving for everyone, but was never enough left for EVERYONE to have seconds, so some of them ate fast, so they could have seconds. Whoever finished the first plate of food first, got more ! ha ha... I found that a bit funny.

That was really sweet! They just don't build men like they used to, or women for that matter. Life is so different than how I grew up. Some good, some not so pleasing. Progress isn't always a move forward, is it?

For some reason, I feel like going to a thrift shop or opportunity shop or something like that. I feel like digging through some old junk stuff. Of course, I could just go through my own stuff and weed out again, but no!

The quilt!

Which means tea and something sweet to go with it. I might pop some muffins in the oven, something not quite sweet. I will have to think about that for a moment. The mailman just delivered mail to me today on Sunday. Now, I feel perfectly special. Even brought it up to my door.

Your pie is really looking tasty. Nice photography.

Thank you for stopping in and leaving your words!

how appetizing

Thank you! It didn't taste half-bad either! :) Thanks for stopping by and have a super Sunday!

Damn that's like a big old beef pot pie. Looks delicious too.

It really is and I have to admit, quite delicious. Not as pretty as usual, but, just as tasty!

Hi, @jezzle! Hope you had a super Sunday!

That is a nice recipe for leftovers looks really yummy!

Thank you! It was yummy! Thank you for taking the time to stop in!

WOW it looks yumyum:)

Thank you. It was actually pretty good. :) I hope you have a great Sunday!

I had a blissful one... Thank you

Definitely looking great. I would love to have a taste

It actually was pretty good. A bite would not have been enough, I am sure. Have a super Sunday!

Yummm Looks so delicious

Thank you!

I wish I could make a pie from leftovers!
I eat my food twice... that is, I cook for two servings only,
unless they can be portioned for one, such as steaks.
Your crust and filling looks super-delicious!

Thank you! Well, then you will just have to make it the long way and use the small individual pie tins. I bought mine years ago and I love them, even with a family. This way, I may each pie with the person in mind, adding more peas or carrots or meat, potatoes, whatever that person is fond of.

Anyway, it works for me, I thought perhaps it might work for you, and then you would have a night of no cooking, or several. :)

Oh yes!!!
Well ,oh well...
Then I shall order a couple.

Then make a half dozen or so and throw them in the freezer for quick meals!

I found these!

Metal? They look perfect!

No, is made from glazed porcelain material ... they are perfect,
and comes in four colors: this, red and blue and combo-

That's a great idea. I showed this dish to my wife. We also never throw out products. I grew up in the village and have known the price of food since childhood.

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 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

:)) It was pretty tasty, for sure. Next time. Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words.

Have a great day.