Look beyond the words you see
Up to the nest lodged in the tree
Guard her against the world outside
Their curiosity framed with harm, not intentional
But, does it matter if they mean it or not
If all that's left is a fraction of what, it once was
And is no more

The pinecones are forming, and have been for some time now. Conifer or cone-bearing trees are plentiful in this area. I have to admit, I was never a huge fan of them. I loved the mighty oak and was a fan of all the different kinds of Maple trees. I planted a peach tree in every house I ever lived in, it was sort of my thing.
When I moved to the Washington, DC area, I was very aware of having naked trees for the winter. It happens. We all are aware the trees lose their leaves in the autumn and they won't get them back until the spring, not a day sooner! It isn't too bad because all of the trees are like this... Except for the pine tree. It remained beautiful, all year round. It did not have a vacation for the winter, it just remained loyal to the cause. It still provided shelter for God's little creatures, How could I have overlooked its value?
It took me a while, but, I soon became obsessed with the pine tree, but, not for the reason that I thought. When this house was being built, the only thing my eyes could see was the colors of spring, giving way to the summer trees, the flowers bursting forth and making the season all the more beautiful. It was perfect. I was pleased with my choices.
Autumn came and took my leaves away, leaving a hole in my landscape. That is not true, there was no hole, the entire landscape was bare. Naked. Nothing to show for landscaping. I finally took the time to really look at the landscape in the area and I noticed something I had never noticed before. Most of the landscape was anchored with some type of evergreen tree, something that didn't shed its leaves in the winter. I am in the process of reinventing my landscaping in the yard, getting more evergreens, and shifting the other trees/shrubs. I didn't put all of my landscaping in when I moved here, I like to grow into it, It works better for me that way.
I found flowers that spread everywhere you allowed them to. That is okay, it made a nice blanket of beautiful. Blooming all season, if you cut them down and deadhead, they will be with you until the frost. Sometimes, a little frost doesn't scare them. They are in for the long haul. Looking for something ferny and prolific? I will send you some Yarrow. Then you can pass some on and on until we have covered the earth with a little bit of love. That is how easy it can be, people. Don't fight it. Flowers. Always. To color my world. #alwaysaflower.
I am bringing in a picture of this tree to the nursery I go to. Surely there is something I can add, subtract or simply do to make his life a little bit nicer. He is a handsome fella, he just has had a rough life lately. The bark is like skin, a protective layer and essential to their life. It is unique to them, even if you think it looks similar, it isn't.
Thank you for running through my post! I want to give @oldguyphotos a shout-out for starting the #TreeTuesday tag and anyone can jump right in and bow down to the beauty of the tree! And just like that, this post is over! Come back tomorrow and we will do it again!
All I have are my words, armed in my mind, written in pen, stand by stand. Oh, yes. Still by hand. It has a different feel. Altered not by keys, backspace, and delete, I write, erase, tear it to pieces and start all over again. And again.
It’s my way. I walk out to the deep end of the page and dive right in.

Some days have more hours in them than others, which sounds impossible, but, it is the truth as I know it. Have you ever had a day that just won't quit on you? I am not prejudiced, good or bad, it has got to end sometime, yes? A grilled Rueben, just because I could and always because it is good. It is always the right time to have a little sanwich.

The Road Not Taken
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Robert Frost
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Funny I managed to get a tree Tuesday post up as well. I had the pics from last week but had never gotten around to making the post.
I always thought we had a lot of pines here in Michigan, so I never understood why they called the South the Land of the Pines.. However I have so many pines on my lot in VA I am having a battle getting them out before new ones take their place!
Toasted bread with melted cheese with or without a choice of meat is simply heaven.
Great! I'm sure I'll make myvway over after I post.
Thos little baby pines are pretty prolific! It's been so long since you have been there, you probably have a forest by now! I had a lot of pines in the UP, and I loved them! So, I can't figure out why I didn't plant but one here. I planted a baby one from my house up there. I love it!
Toasted cheese and anything is yummy!! Hope you are feeling better today!
Well I should be getting my 12 in, but my back is trying to talk me into Hiving for a spell.
Do you deduct all the breaks you take? I'm sure you do. You wouldn't want to cheat the boss.
I actually had a conversation about pastrami and rye today.
Lovely addition to our HIVE world:)
You had a yummy conversation! Those are the best, aren't they? I hope all is well in your world and you are enjoying the summer.
Thank you, lovely for stopping in and leaving your pastrami!❤️
I have become addicted to growing vegetables much more than flowers, of late. I have even considered obtaining about 20 yards of good soil to turn half my back yard into a garden. I could do it! And feel all the wildlife in the community, too. So... hrm.
I would grow the garden too. I have veggies at the shore and flowers. More room out there too. I would definitely look at putting one in, but, start this year so that it will be up and running next year.
Yes, all the wildlife will come to visit you! They love fresh lettuce and such.
The sandwich looks great! We used to have pine trees around my parents house when I was little. Most of the are gone now, but I kind of miss them. Mowing over the pine cones wasn't fun, but they worked great for starting fires. My wife and I had an apple tree at our old house and I have to say mowing over the apples was worse than the pine cones!
Yes! When we go camping, we always brought a few pinecones! It just always was that way, I am not sure how it started.
Growing up, we lived in a lovely sprawling piece that was a little bit away from the buzz of the city. We had a pine tree that was taller than our house 2 1/2 stories and my father put C9 bulbs on it. Tons and tons of them. Hint: He never took them off! You could see the lights for miles as we were at a high point in the town.
I loved seeing it from across the river.
We had a small apple orchard with about 20 trees in it. Whoever got to mow it would feel punished. I remember having to pick up/rake up the apples before mowing. I did love those apples though!
Hi, Jay! @bozz! Thanks for stopping by!
We'd pick up as many of the apples as we could, but eventually, it just became a losing battle. We would leave them for the deer instead.
In most places that would be considered baiting, but, I know you didn't shoot them. :)
Ditto!!! We picked up many, but, left many. Just like kids do. :)
Oh my gosh I’ve completely forgotten about #TreeTuesday! I used to post for that tag all the time. I’m so glad you reminded me.
Evergreens are amazing. Arbor vitae in its many forms grows here very well. We had to pull some overgrown ones out but we add new ones every year now. It is so wonderful how the pines and arbor vitae and other evergreens bring the landscape to life in the months when everything else is brown and dormant!
That is so smart of you! I agree and have been mending my ways, little by little!
I love #TreeTuesday! It's one of my favorite tags!
Good morning!
if you would like some colour in winter from a shrub you should try the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cornus_alba in your garden :)
It is beautiful! You aren't going to believe this, Mick... @stresskiller When I moved in, they did a small landscaping job from the builder. (a few shrubs and two trees) Four of the bushes were THAT and they all dies within two months. I think it was because it was the end of November, but, it didn't matter. I was afraid to replace it with them and to be honest, they didn't look that pretty, but, who would when they are dying?
Hindsight? They are beautiful and I wish I had known them. They would be gorgeous by now! Thank you! I had forgotten that and I may give a couple a try!
after planting you will need to water them once a week for a period of a year
Yes!!! That was my mistake the first time, but it was too cold to water. Nextvtime, spring planting. They should have waited, I think!
Thanks again!
Some trees stand guard wearing their armour all year round, others offer dainty flowers after winter season is over each has good reason through the season. Love evergreen to cheer one up during season of sleep.
Rustic sandwich yummy, after most enjoyable wander through the gardens with you Denise.
The best part of the evergreen, isn't it? I have a box on my house that a cedar tree in front of it, so you don't even know it is there. Not that it is a big deal, but, it does make great cover where needed. It offers privacy and when paired up with regular trees, offers a nice contrast through the seasons.
Thank you, always for stopping by and leaving your words. I will gladly share the sandwich, enough for both of us, even on a hungry day! ❤️
Hi, Joan! @joanstewart Mighty fine morning here!
Yes, I love evergreens 😁🤩😎 just for that reason. When the leaves 🍁 fall in the autumn 🍂 they stay green. 🥰 want to organise a nice balance in the garden we one day get.
Ferns are my favourite.
And like you Denise I wouldn’t do the garden first or fully. Let it grow with you… while you settle into the house. As when time passes you notice things… and can adjust to it.
The sandwich looks delicious. Hahaha 🤣
Yes, I sooo understand. Some days look like they are longer than others, although they don’t happen often. But than I’m just busy busy and time flies to fast. But once in a while… we “notice time” it goes on and on… and those days we enjoy everything. Every little moment to the fullest. 🥰
Have a wonderful Tuesday 👋🏻☀️ May it be a good morning!
Balance is always great and sometimes hard to get. One of the reasons I take my time. I have ferns, but, only on the Northeast side of the house where the indirect light is best. I have lived in places that are too hot or dry for ferns, which is too bad. New England is pretty nice in that respect.
I always leave a little bit of growing to be done before the gardens/yard are done. Have you ever seen some plants that were planted while they were tiny, never considering the growth of ten years? They end up being too large or having to be cut down in years to come.
Tuesday has started in the best of ways. Espresso and great company. How can you beat that?
Have a wonderful rest of your day! Thanks for stopping by!
Yes balance is great but hard to maintain with ever growing plants. Hehehe 🤭
I already thought New England would be perfect for them. The ferns I mean.
I have seen people making those mistakes over and over again. It’s better to let it grow a bit and familiarise yourself with a garden. Than look what needs to be done.
That’s wonderful to hear Denise yay! Espresso and good company! Perfect 🥰
The technician came for the aircon unit. He couldn’t fix it and said it is too old, like 20+ years old hahaha the parts don’t exist anymore. He didn’t understand why the fuses didn’t trip in the electricity board. So now this time the owner needs to replace it. Last time he didn’t… hope he will now. I haven’t heard back yet from the company if he will. It’s toooo warm to do much. I keep calm 🥵🥵🥵 hope it is soon.
Thank you so much, you too, enjoy the rest of your day 🤗🤗😊
Flowers and trees. If everyone would plant one or two regularly, then it would actually make the Earth a more pleasant place, and not just/only to the eye. They would make the air clearer by producing oxygen. The trees are also providing shadows in the heat of the summer. And they could protect us from erosion too.
With co-operation and with teamwork, the Earth could be actually a much better place.
Absolutely! It is not all about the beauty, although that in itself is good for the morale! People like enjoying the beauty and with teamwork on all the other parts of making it a better place, it is a no-brainer. We should have no problem with this.
And yet...
We do.
How is that? Thanks so much for stopping by, @xplosive! I hope you have a wonderful day!
I appreciate the reminder about the ever green. I've been in New England most of my life, and I can see how the pine trees would give some comfort. I tend to !LUV the transition periods. Summer to fall, and Winter to spring are my favorites. There's something spiritual the first time I noticed birds singing in the morning. I always find myself reflecting on how I didn' notice when the stopped singing.
(2/4) gave you LUV.
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It has something to do with being so used to it, it becomes white noise I think. I work hard to notice because of that. I was born and raised in Connecticut and so I understand that comfort of the pine.
I think I took it for granted when I moved away and never noticed what was missing... until I did.
The transition is glorious!
Thanks so much for stopping by! Have a great day, @dreamingirwin !
I love the flowers, and the food...and oh, you included one of my favorite poems when I was in high school hehe..thee road not taken..seems like the weather is so good there
Thank you! One of my very favorite poems, ever. How could anyone not love it?
I'll split the sandwich with you!
It is pretty delicious!
Thanks for stopping by @jane1289 !! Have a great day!
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Cedar tree falls into this category and it is considered to have some economical importance,in some places it is known as common timber and paper-pulp tree.
Cedrus deodara. Photo by PabloEvans licensed under CC BY 2.0
Some of it's cones looks so beautiful
Male cones of Cedrus atlantica. Photo by Meneerke bloem licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
Great photography, madam Some trees stand guard wearing their armour all year round, others offer invitation flowers after winter season is over each has good reason through the season. Love Evergreen To Cheer One Up During Season of sleep. Thank you so much the great Post
Thank you for tthe kind words and forxstopping by. I hope you have a great day!