I finished my detox! Hooray!
Well, I shouldn't say I finished it, because for the first time (I think for the first time in my life!) I don't feel finished with it. I feel like I have just scratched the surface, and want to actually stretch this into more a lifestyle.
I feel like in the past, I've had so many goals that were time-sensitive.
Going to be on tv, going to a family reunion, going to turn a certain age, going to win a bet! hahaha All of these things aren't necessarily bad for trying to lose weight and achieve a goal. Well, they aren't bad to get a jump start - but the trick is:
How do you keep that energy and momentum to a point where you can SUSTAIN those losses?
I tend to go 1000% on everything. And 1000% is just not ever going to be sustainable. You're going to have that crash, and you're going to run to the crutches that you always find comforting.
Sex, drugs, alcohol, food, adrenaline... again - those things on their own are NOT necessarily bad in moderation (well, I guess drugs can be haha) But making them the priority instead of the seasoning in your life will always bring your focus to the wrong places.

So today, I found myself going sideways.
I woke up and started to think about my weight and my shape and ideals, and that has always been a VERY difficult thing for me to determine. I'm 5'2" but I'm very muscular and curvy. When I was growing up, I was leaner and healthy - but if you compared my body to the other girls' bodies - I was always heavier. The charts said where I should be (according to the majority) and no matter how hard I tried - I couldn't GET there. My body was never going to be waif-like. LOL I looked more like a gymnast. I look at the pictures from that time and think I was INSANE to not realize how perfectly lovely my body was! But, I was comparing myself to something that I wasn't and never would be.
The beauty standards of the day fell more towards the waif look of Kate Moss than today's beauty standards of J.Lo, Beyonce, Salma and Kim (to only name a few! LOL seems like everyone is showing off their curves now!)
But I wasn't, and so instead of feeling at home in my body, I always felt the need to change it.

I have been thinking very hard about what I want this year to be for me. I have many goals, one of which is to get back to where I felt the healthiest. But where was that? What IS that for me? This morning, I made the very bad mistake of looking to Hollywood. Why? honestly - why do we do this to ourselves?
After once again comparing myself to ideals - I just felt bad. Worse than bad. But instead of shoving down the feelings and suppressing them with familiar crutches, I decided to get up and work out.
I put on my headset, and loaded up Supernatural and it felt amazing. Normally, I work out with Coach Mark (my FAVORITE!!) but today, Coach Dwana had some cool looking songs to work out to!
Not only was it amazing music, and an INCREDIBLE workout, but her coaching shot straight out from the workout and hit its mark - right in my heart! The songs she chose were all perfect! I was ON FIRE and moving my body with every arc and drive and turn... it was like I was WILLING the change in my body and mind with every movement.

Then she was just pushing me a little further, speaking the most incredible motivation that seemed so tailor-fit to me!! At the end, sweat was pouring down my cheeks, but mixed with the tears of just fighting back years of demons. And I won.
At the end, she literally said "You might have sweat pouring down your face, maybe even some tears..." It was like she was right there in the room with me.
I wake up everyday - EXCITED to work out again. There is no drudgery, no lethargy, no resistance, no complaining. I CANNOT WAIT to workout with my Supernatural coaches!!!
I'm so excited for 2022. It's already had ups and downs and detours and questions and doubts.
But I am so excited for each day, and every day - I'm going to make it work for me.
all gifs are me working out with my SUPERNATURAL! 😊
The Oculus clip has me smiling😊😎You honestly look like you are having so much fun. Your deep dives along this whole detox journey have provided fascinating insights and it's so great to see you coming out the other side so energised and enthused and still rocking the routines. I think I may have some !LUV left today. I figure you could do with some. Keep the faith - you are doing great 💖
(6/10) gave you LUV.
H-E tools | connect | <><@samsmith1971
Love you Sam! i'm just getting to my comments - and i'm so behind hahaha
just wanted to tell you I love you and I'm praying for healing for you this week!!!
Love you too my friend. Thank you. All the healing prayers sent my way are working their magic 💗
Hello He he he 😀
Every one of your posts is so energetic and hilarious, which gives me so much joy, I haven't seen anyone exercise like this. 😂
hahahaa yes its SO fun. sorry for my very big long delay in everything on Hive!
my mom had emergency surgery and I had to fly across the country to be with her .. she is recovering now - but it's been a very exhausting week!
i'm so glad you enjoyed the video LOL its REALLY a fun exercise program. I haven't been able to use it since Im in Florida - but I will start right back up when I get home hehehe
That seriously looks like so much fun to work out to!!
I've never been one for "Hollywood Ideals," I've always thought that curvier looked better than stick-thin and have never tried to be skinny... but I'm also chubby and have been since I was 18 or so, and I do want to lose weight, and I've lost and gained weight so much over the years. My main issue is diet -- I do so much exercise, I walk a good 50km a week. 😅 But my eating really needs to improve.
I wish you all the luck in making it work for you, and reaching your personal goals!
hahaha i really have to tell myself that! but i've been living under that pressure for so long - without really realizing how much I value it - you know??
maybe value is the wrong word - but you know what i mean. haha
and yes - diet. it's my main issue too
but this detox has kinda retrained me some! well - a lot. hehehe and I'm trying to maintain it
today was day 1 OFF the detox - and I did pretty great!
and I am thinking about stepping up my exercise to 60 minutes a day because its just seriously so fun hahahaha
thank you so much for your encouragement!! :)
and.. p.s. i don't think i could ever get rid of my curves no matter how hard i tried hahahahaha so i'm gonna have to find some compromise in this year hahahahahaaha
I feel like I can relate. Some people are built of bricks and some of bones. I am built of bricks. I was always 10-20 lbs heavier than girlfriends-easy. I don't know if muscles are more dense or what? What i do know, is that when i had kids, some were built of bricks. They were just naturally heavier- dense. They didnt really look different, but when you picked them up, they were just HEAVY. It was very eye opening. I didn't know that naturally happened. GOD teaches us lessons in the best ways for us to learn them. It really helped me with myself.

I am considered obese if you look at BMI, so I also was able to have an AHA moment that that also is junk. I track my weight an d measurements and see how I feel in my clothes. I see what I can do, what I can lift, how I can keep up with my kids. That helps me.
When I found myself looking at Hollywood, I go
t feelings of negativity toward myself,so I don't do it. I look at women who I think are beautiful that have my type of body. They are strong and athletic, and they make me feel good about myself, so I follow only accounts like theirs.
Long comment, but thought I would share.
ahhhh love this - and is that you???? if so... YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
look how STRONG you are!!!! amazing!!!!! oh my gosh - i can't stop looking at that! hehehehehe its so wonderful!!!
and yes - hehehe muscle does way more than fat. so if you are muscular - you're just naturally heavier. and yep - those charts are just... i dont' know -they should just be ripped up! cuz there IS no standard. It should just be a doctor looks at you and does some other measurements according to YOUR OWN body! not a piece of paper that tries to make everyone some "standard"
That's what I was trying to do today when I went to Hollywood hehehe I tried to find some curvy stars that I could kinda compare to - but that just made me feel like crap hahahahaha
so yeah - I think I need to set myself as my own role model! hehehe and just keep pushing myself slowly and safely back to where I am the most healthy.
thank you so much for sharing your own journey!!! I so appreciate the encouragement and the motivation!!! :)
It is me. :)
I didnt mean to make my comment all about me. I just wanted to share a piece of the journey. I think you are doing great. I love it when women can come to love themselves. I still struggle, but just every now and again. It helps me, so wanted to share and tell you you are doing awesome.
no no hehehe i didn't feel like it was all about you at all!
I get very encouraged by seeing others who have similar stories and have victory! that makes me feel like I can have victory also! hehehehe
thank you for sharing! I so appreciate it - and once again....
YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!! hehehe
Curvy and muscular? That's you and me and we just have to love who we are or lose it! 😄
I'm glad you are making your detox a lifestyle and becoming confident in your skin. I look at Hollywood, admire them but I love my body more!
Those exercises look like a lot of fun. Keep doing it! ❤️
they are SO much fun Miss Kemmy!!! I wish you could put my headset on and try it out yourself hehehehehe you would LOVE it!!!!
and i love that you are so comfortable in your skin! I'm praying that this year as I get healthier - I also get more content in what I see in the reflection - you know??? that's where the real love is at!!!
love you sweetheart - i've been thinking about you and @esther-emmanuel all week long hehehe
You’ve got this 💓
And that looks like a lot of fun
hi lady!!!!!!! I've been thinking of you!! hehehehe
It really is so much fun, and i look forward to it daily -and I cannot believe how excited I am to do it!!!
I keep thinking - oh my gosh!!! I think i'm going to hit my goals this year for sure!!! finally!!!!!
I really want you to try it when you come see me heheheehe (whenever that may be!!!! LOL I'll take you whenever! hehehe) i love you sheels!
Sometimes I bemoan that I rarely notice or pay attention to celebrities. The upside of that is that I don't' find myself wanting to be like them. I have enough pressure just being me. You know, like some other folks I know struggles with. hmmm :)
That game looks entertaining and a sure workout on the shoulders! 😅 Stopped by in this community and found your post thoughtful. Enjoy your next workout! 💪
That does look awesome, fun and a great way to workout :)
Is this the motivation I need to start working out? Just maybe.
I was working out consistently for almost a year and I fell off because most exercises for me were not fun enough, maybe I need to get back into it.
Your detox finished so fast or maybe January was just running, glad you feel amazing.
I am glad you are looking forward to your 2022. There is no other person who deserves to reach their goals then you. You are inspiring and a good friend. I want to get a VR but I have so much other work to do around the house before I can even clean the room I would put my VR in. Keep crushing it girl you got this!!!
I'm so glad you are feeling better 🙌 You are so going to keep healthy from now on ❤️
This is sincerely the best way to work out because it looks like a lot of fun. I love that supernatural thing.
Being excited for each day despite its ups and down and making sure that we put in our best to actualize that which we want for ourselves is just the way to go.
I started a work towards the end of last year, I wanted to burn some belly fat, I think I did for close to 3 weeks they I stopped because it wasn't easy hehe.
Anyone who loves to work out and has this supernatural you use in working out would always look out to the break of each day so they can work out because what I'm seeing seems fun filled hehe.
Well done ma'am.
Congratulations on the Detox! While they are difficult to start, it pretty much flowed in the middle and the end was sweet! I was sure I could keep on going! It resets everything in my body.
I no longer jump on the scale. I use my clothes and how I feel to determine it. I was a gymnast when I was younger and muscle always is heavier. I walk /run at least 5 times a week and I feel good. That is the important part for me.I will never love my body, but, that is mostly because I am not a tall, lithe woman. :) While I like to keep on the lighter side, I have no want to be a bag of bones. That is just not healthy for me.
Keeping everything together takes much time. Working, family, me time, extended family time, Yikes! While I have given up trying to do it all, trying to manage it all will always be part of my life. :)
I think you are doing amazing and congrats are in order. I love the way you are kicking ass up there! Woo-hoo!
This is awesome! Keep it up. It's exciting to see that you are excited to do your workout every day. That is an awesome way to live!
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