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RE: You are not the sum of the horrors endured.

I really love your mind, probably because we come to very similar conclusions about things. I agree with all of that and would add the same thing goes for addiction. This idea that once an addict, always an addict keeps people in a perpetual victim role rather than "I was once an addict and I am no longer." The fact that they beat it should be the focus, not the fact that they have a potential of backsliding. Saying "This is no longer me, the fight is won" rather than "I will always be this and it's a constant battle". Could someone slip up? Sure they could, but they're so much more likely to wake up the next day and be like "well that was stupid, and a good reminder of why I stopped" and hit the refresh button if they don't have this idea that they're not truly in control. That it's a disease rather than a choice.

I guess that's what I find to be the big problem with it, the establishment has perverted what actual empowerment and growth truly is because the establishment benefits from the backsliding and not the victory.


I will always be this and it's a constant battle

That's always bugged me too about so many addiction campaigns and activists. It's casting the addict as a perpetual victim, never really capable of rising above. What's mind-boggling is that so many poor people have been tricked into thinking this is a win, but you know, not a proper one, 'cause you're one shot away from fucking up. Yeah, well, who isn't?

Agree with what you said. 100%. Obviously, it's not you who's got to believe, but as long as you, the outsider, give up and don't believe in the addict's hopes and dreams, you're as good as pushing the needle in.

the establishment has perverted what actual empowerment and growth truly is because the establishment benefits from the backsliding and not the victory.

Unfortunately. It's also found wonderful ways to mutate addiction in all these new, exciting "non-harmful" ways. Porn is an addiction, particularly among young men. Shopping is an addiction, too, but instead of shake your head in despair, you just shrug it off -- oh well. Social media, also, is an addiction, largely because it weakens your self-confidence and leaves you hollow.

Point is, now, it's not just drugs or alcohol or nicotine. It's all these other "non-threatening" addictions that we've demoted to "bad habits" or "guilty pleasures". You wouldn't say Bill's guilty pleasure is heroin, would you?

Sorry, didn't mean to slip into a rant.