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RE: On Depression and Easy Cabbage Pickle

I love red cabbage... we just had a bunch of it in connection with all the Christmas food. Red cabbage is a popular veg in my native Denmark.

We can easily worry ourselves into depression... or worse. On a daily basis, I recognize — and honor — that I am "not 29 anymore." Same with my wife, who lives with almost constant pain.

Banana, huh?


Yes, banana! It's actually very clever. I'm sorry that your wife is in pain.

I downloaded this app that was about back pain management a while back, all supported by science and put together by neurologists and the like. That was one of the tips. I mean, you could choose any word. It was all about avoiding neural pathways associated with pain. Fascinating stuff which made absolute sense.

If you think that app might be helpful I can give you the link - I was very, very impressed with it, and even more so with the intent behind it which was to assist Americans and people world over avoid unnecessary surgery and health care costs when experience of pain is mostly in ones head. Arguably, of course, but there's some incredible science behind it.