Success- A subjective thing?

como estas everyone? I hope you all are perfectly fine.

We all are success driven people, aren't we? Everyone wants to be successful and puts efforts to his/her optimum potential to maximize their success. To me, Success is very subjective. To some, it is getting a dream job and to some, it is earning a lot and to some, it mental peace. It varies from person to person.

In different phases of our life, our priorities change, we want different things at different stages so we divert our attention in that direction. This somehow narrates that success also varies in these phases. For example, for a student in college or in university success will be getting good grades but for the same student in his practical life, success will be getting a good job.

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Bien. Y tu?
You indicated that being happy is being successful, but as the definition of success varies from person to person, so does the definition of happiness. IT CAN BE ANYTHING. Either way, there's an inevitability of the struggle, the cost one has to pay for everything, he/she wants and oftentimes, happiness and success can also be daunting.
Have a good day and life ahead! Much love.

your brain needs some rest, Sir. :p

 3 years ago  
