What if?

in ThoughtfulDailyPost7 months ago (edited)

What if I grew up in a home where I had everything? Would I have cared much about what that village didn’t have? Would I have cared much about the life I have lived? Would I have lived for what life is or I would have just been another human in the world? What if I grew up in such a home?


What if I had everything growing up? Would I have been this hardworking and determined? What if I had everything all figured out? Would I have been this desperate for success? What if I had my inheritance all laid out and prosperous, would I have been this passionate about what my kids will have when I die? What if…

Our circumstances in life make us who we will be. We don’t plan how we want our lives to be but circumstances and situations do. The life you are living has brought many bad and has made many opportunities pass your hand. It will inform you to be ready for whatever is coming and grab it at anything. This is what makes us vigilant and ready for a future that will be a happy ending for us.


There is a kid somewhere growing up who doesn’t know people don’t drink clean water. That kid gets to eat 3 or more makes a day. This kid isn’t bothered about what to eat. What he is bothered about might be that friend he will not see since school has vacated. On the other hand, there is another kind who battles to get one scare meant to eat. For this kid, he can’t even imagine how good the world is. For this child he can’t believe there will be a day when he can drink water from a can, he can see what is under the can. That’s how life is?

In each circumstance, these kids will grow with their priorities being different. One will be thinking about how he can grow to maybe be like his parents. The other will be more particular about where he is coming from and how he can carry everyone to a better future in their state. How can he get them clean water how can he liberate everyone to be able to have a tasty meal? How can he give any child like him a dream he never had? That’s why I ask myself. What if I had had a luxurious life, would I have ever wondered how I could make the world better?


Let’s not judge the world. Humans might have their side issues but life isn’t something we choose for ourselves. When your circumstances alter you, you need so much to move past it mentally before you can develop to attain the freedom to change what that is. Live to be an ambassador for everyone. Be a house where everyone can dumb their sorrows. Change their sorrows to smiles and help them dream. Their dreams aren’t theirs but are for those who look up to them to believe they also have a future they can dream about.

All images are mine

Life in itself is a mix of everything
I really like the part where you said "Let's not judge the world" because yeah we don't choose the circumstance we want when we come to earth

Thanks for agreeing. I keep asking myself these questions everyday. Today I decided to share 🥹

 7 months ago  


I love the message you are sending out in your post. But we require everyone that posts in our community, to source all images/content. Please let us know how you have taken your photographs so we can curate your post!


Thank you 😊

All pictures are mine


Some really deep stuff right here!

Circumstances and even our environment sure shapes us into who we will be.

Thank you for sharing this

You welcome