Can We Have A Rational Conversation About The Uvalde Texas School Shooting?

in News & Views2 years ago

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it’s a sad and dark day for Americans as they have just suffered a horrific school shooting in Texas that left 21 dead, 19 of them being children from a 4th grade class. A mobile morgue arrived at the scene and before the bodies were even cold a number of people were already using this event to confirm their own political bias.

Politicians like Hillary Clinton for example are already all over this politicizing the issue to be all about gun control and the use of automatic weapons in the hands of civilians.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth shows why this is in fact a mental health issue and not an issue about guns as the powers that ought not be attempt to use this event to further their own political agenda when it comes to gaining a tighter grip of control over our lives!

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Wow. Great work. The perspective these facts create together are pretty telling. A lot of this information, I already knew, but when you put it together and give it a timeline, it's pretty powerful.

Yeah why isn't there a requirement for teachers to be armed...

In Israel, they tried to Target children and ended up having all teachers armed with assault rifles. Attacks shifted away from children and Israeli kids are not considered a target.

I began firearms training of my sons at three. From the age of six they attended an educational program that availed them access to firearms at all times. There was one event that caused them to lock and load and take defensive positions, but the threat dematerialized, and no shots were fired.

Another time a helicopter with what appeared to be armed men in military garb in it hovered very close over the property (<50 feet), and when my sons grabbed firearms the helicopter immediately flew away and never came back.

The instructors at the school were all armed at all times, too. Homeschooling FTW.


I only wish I had started my kids sooner. It wasn't until recently that I found out there were places you could go to take classes. If I'd only known...