Interesting Facts & Figures about the social media presence of Donald Trump and Kamala Devi Harris

in News & Views8 days ago

We are living in a digital world and it is only right to check the digital presence of the leaders we are going to follow. Will that make any difference? That's another question.



Following are some numbers that would interest you.

Instagram Followers:

Trump: 26.4 million followers.
Harris: 18.1 million followers on her personal account.
Harris' "VP" account: 16.9 million followers.

Facebook Followers:

Trump: 34 million followers.
Harris: 5.4 million followers.

TikTok Followers:

Trump: 10.9 million followers.
Harris: 5.1 million followers.

X (formerly Twitter) Followers:

Trump: 90.4 million followers.
Harris: 21 million followers.

YouTube Subscribers:

Trump: 3.24 million subscribers.
Harris: 472,000 subscribers.


Trump has a significant lead in social media followers across all major
platforms, indicating his strong digital presence and continued influence.

Harris, on the other hand despite her position as Vice President, has a considerably and comparatively smaller social media following, showing a notable gap in digital influence.