Veganuary 2025 Week Four: Vegan Baking Week / ヴェガニュアリー2025 - 4週目の記録

in Food & Culture2 months ago (edited)

As we near the end of January, Veganuary has flown by—it’s hard to believe it’s already been four weeks. By now, I’ve settled into a rhythm, and being vegan feels natural and effortless.

Veganuary 2025 | Home | The Go Vegan 31 Day Challenge

Last week, I made kimchi and enjoyed a few rice-based breakfasts. In Germany, breakfast often tends to be sweet spread with bread, but especially during the colder months, I find it comforting to have warm rice with veggies in the morning.

Vegan kimchi rice breakfast

I’ve been making kimchi using this recipe (Japanese) for years. By simply omitting the dashi pack, it becomes vegan-friendly. The best part? Although you need Shiokoji, this recipe allows you to enjoy fresh kimchi within just a few hours 👏

On a more experimental note, I baked pizza using vegan tuna paste and vegan cheese—both of which I had already tried during Veganuary and found to be excellent. For comparison, I made half of the pizza with regular cheese for my partner, who is vegetarian at home but eats everything when dining out.

Regular cheese (left) and vegan cheese (right)

Vegan tuna paste

Before baking, you could hardly tell the difference between the two.

Vegetarian pizza with zucchini (top left), vegan pizza (bottom right)

I was excited to heat up the new oven to 300°C and ... nearly burning the pizza 😅 While the vegan cheese didn’t melt when I used it as a pasta topping, it did melt in a way on the pizza, suggesting it needs a high temperature and extended baking time.

Slightly overdone but still tasty pizza 🍕

When sliced, the vegan cheese stretched a little—not nearly as much as regular cheese, but it’s a step forward. It will be better next year's Veganuary.

Vegan cheese stretching slightly

The vegan tuna paste had a good texture and left chunks giving it a satisfying, “tuna-like” feel.

Close-up of the vegan tuna paste texture

Overall, I think the vegan pizza was a success. My partner also gave it a thumbs-up!

Over the past few years, I’ve noticed a significant evolution in vegan ingredients. They’ve become more authentic in texture and taste, with simpler, less-processed ingredients now widely available. It’s an exciting time to experiment with plant-based cooking.

I tried new recipes from the books I recently bought: A New Way to Bake and An A-Z of Pasta. I baked some treats and even made pasta from scratch—something I hadn’t done after the stay home period! If you’re curious about A New Way to Bake, check out my book review post to Hive Book Club. I’ll write about An A-Z of Pasta soon—it’s another book I highly recommend.

Chocolate cookies from "A New Way to Bake"

Banana bread from "A New Way to Bake"

Maltagliati and chickpea soup from "An A-Z of Pasta"

Finally, on a sunny day, I went cycling and ended the trip with a vegan version of Currywurst (Germany’s famous curry-topped sausage) and beer with a friend. But I’ll save that story for Beer Saturday 🍻 😁

Cycling followed by vegan Currywurst and beer

With just five days left of Veganuary, why not join in for Meatless Monday today? Whether you’re trying vegetarian or vegan meals, it’s a fun way to explore new ingredients, flavors, cooking techniques and more!

Wishing everyone a great start to the week 🥕





キムチは、伊勢丹の食メディアFoodieの塩麹を使うレシピで何年も作っていて、だしパックを抜くとヴィーガンで作れます。このレシピだと数時間で完成して食べられます 👏






新しいオーブンで調子に乗って300度で焼いたら焦げかけました・・・ギリギリセーフ 😅 ヴィーガンチーズはパスタにトッピングしただけでは溶けませんでしたが、ピザでは溶けているテクスチャが出たので、高温でしばらく焼く必要がありそうです。

ちょっと焼けすぎご愛嬌なピザ 🍕







そのほかは、最近買ったヴィーガンベーキングの本『A New Way to Bake』と、パスタの本『An A-Z of Pasta』のレシピでお菓子を作ったり、久しぶりにパスタを麺から作ったりもしました。『A New Way to Bake』については先日Hive Book Clubに書評を書いたのでよかったら。近々『An A-Z of Pasta』についても書きたいです。どちらもものすごくおすすめです。

『A New Way to Bake』のチョコレートクッキー

『A New Way to Bake』のバナナブレッド

『An A-Z of Pasta』のMaltagliatiとひよこ豆のスープ

あとは、暖かい日にサイクリングに出かけて帰りに友人とドイツ名物カリーヴルスト(カレーソースのかかったソーセージ)のヴィーガン版を食べてビールを堪能したのですが・・・これはBeer Saturdayにて。

サイクリングのあとのカリーヴルストとビールは最高 🍻

Veganuaryも残すところ5日になりました。今日月曜日はMeatless Mondayでもあり、ベジタリアン・ヴィーガンを一緒に試してみませんか?

それではみなさん、よい一週間のスタートを 🥕


Interesting experiments with the pizza (and your new oven)! 😍 I'm still not sure how I feel about vegan replacements foods like cheese and butter (and tuna), but I agree the quality and convenience of vegan foods is increasing all the time. I think I will probably continue to be a 90% vegan - 10% eggs, dairy and fish.

I went to look at the Japanese kimchi recipe and found it was in ... Japanese! 😂 I bought some artisan kimchi this week from the whole food co-op, it's very nice but quite expensive. I've tried supermarket kimchi but the vegetables are always a mush, as if they have been boiled for twenty-four hours 😳.

Thank you for this series, it has been great!

Happy to read your comment. It encourages and motivates me to write the final wrap up post of my Veganuary 2025 next Monday.

Talking about vegan cheese, I will be back to regular cheese. Still I like regular one better ... It's also because of convenience as my family wants to eat regular cheese and having always two different types are too much to manage (and our fridge is small!) Quality wise, it's quite diverse. Some are result of chemical engineering, which I want to avoid but some are quite pure. I look forward to seeing the progress next year ☺️

Kimchi is expensive here too in Germany and often not spicy enough for my Asian standard 🌶️ I can buy it from Asian shops but they contain some mysterious ingredients ... So I make my own. Ingredients are cheap or they can be veg scraps and time make it for me, not too bad. I think @anttn wrote a good post about Kimchi making. He was in Paris so I guess he did it with ingredients that were easily available in Europe.

The reason the store bought kimchi is mushy probably because they were cooked for long to stop fermentation ... ??? Or I saw in some recipe, starch or rice flour is added. I don't know why ... I wish I can share mine to you!

Have a nice start of the week, Shanibeer!

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Thanks a lot! I look forward to ❤️

wow everything looks yummy😊
I love me a vegan kimchi too💕
I mix some soybased vegan seasoning on mine (i'ts the vegan alternative of fish sauce)and sprinkle some Nori Furikake.