I Want to Enjoy Ethical and Sustainable Wine / 人と環境にやさしいワインを楽しみたい

in Food & Culture4 days ago

Wine from Selzen where I traveled last week

Recently, I traveled to Hesse to visit a friend who owns a vineyard. It was such an enjoyable trip, and I shared the experience on Hive Blog yesterday in my post to @worldmappin.

Visiting Wine Region in Hessen, Germany

On the way back, I opened YouTube, and a video about the dark side of the French Champagne industry popped up in the recommendation list. I thought it was quite a coincidence and started watching it (excuse me, it's in Japanese language).

Curious to know more, I searched for some articles, and a few from 2023 came up. While these may not necessarily reflect the current state, it seems the problems with manual grape harvesting and unfair wages for workers haven’t changed much. Despite the lack of big price fluctuations in the wine market, these issues still persist.

'We're not slaves': Champagne's seasonal harvesters face abuse

The Champagne region is world-renowned for producing high-end sparkling wine. However, behind the glamorous image, there are serious concerns about the exploitation of migrant and seasonal workers. After learning about this, I felt disheartened, especially since I used to occasionally splurge on Champagne for small celebrations.

As a general rule, I try to buy food and drinks (also clothes) that are sustainable to people, animals, and the environment. The same should apply to what I drink. No matter how delicious or prestigious a drink is, I don’t want to support one that is built on the suffering of others.

Fortunately, there are many great wines in the world. Recently, we visited a vineyard owned by a friend, and before that, we helped harvest grapes at my partner’s relative’s vineyard. Locals were helping each other and the work environment was peaceful.

A vineyard in southern Germany

Mutual lunch after grape picking

I’d much rather buy wine that’s produced like this—where I know it’s made ethically and with care. Even if you don’t know the producer personally, organic shops also offer excellent wines.

Thinking about it, how are wines priced at €2 or €3 made? Growing, harvesting, processing, bottling, storing, distributing… there are so many steps involved, and each costs money. While I’m sure there are efforts to keep prices low, I can’t help but feel that somewhere along the way, someone must be getting squeezed.

This morning, while planting bulbs on my balcony, the wine I ordered from the winery we visited arrived. It’s a beautiful Pinot Noir, with a delightful hint of oak from the barrels. I plan to savor it slowly during the cold months ahead.

Wine production is often associated with tradition, culture, and regional pride, which is part of its charm—and why I love wine. But learning about the exploitation in the Champagne region made me realize how important it is to think about the real conditions behind the scenes. What do you think?

For me, autumn and winter are wine seasons. Similar to how I enjoy "Beer Saturday," I’d like to explore the background of the wines I drink a bit more this autumn/winter.

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Wine from Selzen where I traveled last week

先日、ワイン畑を持っている友人を訪ねてヘッセン州に旅行しました。地域のワインを堪能する楽しい旅になったことは昨日 @worldmappin に投稿しました。




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