Que Nunca Falten Las Sonrisas En Cada Entrenamiento
May there never be a lack of smiles in every training session
¡Saludos SWC!
¡Saludos SWC!
Greetings SWC!
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Hola chicos y chicas de streetworkout estamos hoy en nuevo post el cual les queria mostras fotografias de mis entrenamientos y como la disfuramos estando juntos en risas,he aprendido algo de este hermoso de deporte y es la compañia de tus compañeros atletas las risas que pueden animarte un mal dia y eso es lo que mas se aprecia ultimamente como atleta he tenido problemas emocionales y he estado muy depremido ya que ha muerto un familiar muy importante para mi me acostado superar todo esto gracias a mis compañeros que vieron mi cara larga y triste me ayudaron y me hicieron reir hasta que me doliera la panza y eso lo que agradezco a la calistenia a swc y a este hermoso deporte sin importar que he tenido a muy buenos amigos atletas lo que me acompañan en mi aprendizaje y evolucion como atleta eso siempre lo agradecere hasta no pueda seguir haciendo freestyle, aprecien la estadia con los familiares o seres queridos que mas aman y siempre recuerdenles que ustedes siempren los amaran, aprendan a amar a mama, papa y abuela, tio, tia, etc esas personas que te acompañaron en tu proceso mas horrible o mas bueno siempre agradece por esa acompañia y una ultima cosa tu que lees esto ESTOY ORGULLOSO DE TI SIGUE MEJORANDO Y PROGRESANDO.. te acompañare hasta el final!!..
Hello guys and girls from streetworkout, today we are in a new post which I wanted to show you photographs of my training and how we had fun being together laughing, I have learned something about this beautiful sport and it is the company of your fellow athletes, the laughter that can cheer you up. a bad day and that is what is most appreciated lately as an athlete I have had emotional problems and I have been very depressed since a very important family member for me has died I have been able to overcome all this thanks to my teammates who saw my long and sad face. They helped and made me laugh until my belly hurt and for that I am grateful to calisthenics to swc and to this beautiful sport regardless of the fact that I have had very good athlete friends who accompany me in my learning and evolution as an athlete I will always be grateful for that. Until you can continue doing freestyle, appreciate the stay with the family or loved ones that you love the most and always remind them that you will always love them, learn to love mom, dad and grandmother, uncle, aunt, etc. those people who accompanied you in your life. more horrible or better process, always be grateful for that company and one last thing, you who read this I AM PROUD OF YOU KEEP IMPROVING AND PROGRESSING.. I will accompany you until the end!!..

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▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░ Edward Macias░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂
▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░ Edward Macias░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂
"La Disciplina Mueve Montañas"
"La Disciplina Mueve Montañas"
Saludos @seiz-sw
Greetings @seiz-sw