This is one of my favorite series from a session with the Ricoh Theta Z1. It was about a year ago when I decided to do multiple axis rotations, using my office chair as one of the axis but now I had a brand new camera: the Theta Z1, an upgrade on the Theta V which I used and abused since it came out. I still get amazed at the clarity this little camera can deliver. The lights are from a slit of light escaping my desk after a black background above it is pulled down. I also used an RGB laser.
The tricky part of these multiple axis rotations is that since one of the axis is manual (my office chair) I have to time its rotation to finish where it started. That is if I want to have the lines join which I definitely wanted in these. I wanted to have my Alpha and Omega and eat it.

Wow, you took very special, beautiful pictures. This may be a higher degree of light painting. I don't understand anything from your description, but maybe it's okay. The point is that it was very spectacular and not made up of artificial intelligence or fractal software..
Thank you! Yes, I have to work on my process description skills. 😂
Really nice effect, I can stare for a long time in front of that shapes 👌👌👌
Thank you! I am guilty of doing the same. 😂
Lush! Always innovating, never stop mate!
Cheers mate! 😊
Amazing loops and results dude! !discovery light
Thanks mate :)