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RE: No more housework!!

in Home Solutions4 months ago (edited)

I was just about to taken the piss out of your mini pumpkins and this pops up!

We have had one for about 12 months. It actually sits in a vertical plane in its charger.

It's OK, especially for under the bed and sofa and it does get most bits up bu I'm not impressed with the edges or corners and it doesn't do rugs well either.
I actually prefer to just get the vac out. We only have tiled floors so it's easy and quick and does a better job.

Right, back to those pumpkins ;-)


Oi!! My mini pumpkins are cute, right lil gems 🥰

I find under the bed and drawers are really good coz that's difficult to vacuum but I think I need to give my home one good manual clean first in order for my little helper to be more be efficient.

Does your self empty as well? I was seriously getting a simpler model without the toilet, but I really couldn't be bothered to do a half job.

My lil friend says hi!

Sadly not, its an older, more basic model but the wife has her eye on the 12/12 sale for one of the Xiaomi latest model toilet ones that does. Personally, I'd rather employ a maid... :-)

I imagine employing someone in Thailand would be pretty affordable, the difficulty is finding someone who does a good job.

Some of the latest models can go for over £1k here and they're all MIC as well. Hopefully you can find a good deal in Thailand