While the Philistines were premiering their paladin, God was premiering his warrior, BECAUSE when the giant rises the warrior rises.
1Samuel 17: 1-54
... 4 Then a champion came out of the Philistine camp, whose name was Goliath, from Gat, and he was six cubits and a span high.
5 And he had a bronze helmet on his head, and he wore a coat of mail; and it was the weight of the five thousand bronze shekels ...
32 And David said to Saul, Let no man's heart fail because of him; your servant will go and fight against this Philistine.
33 Saul said to David: You cannot go against that Philistine to fight with him; because you are a boy, and he a man of war from his youth.
34 David answered Saul, "Your servant was a shepherd of his father's sheep; And when a lion or a bear came and took a lamb from the herd,
35 I went after him, and struck him, and delivered him out of his mouth; and if he rose up against me, I would lay hold of his jaw, and wound and kill him.
36 He was a lion, he was a bear, your servant killed him; and this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, because he has provoked the army of the living God.
37 David added, The Lord, who has delivered me from the claws of the lion and from the claws of the bear, will also deliver me from the hand of this Philistine. And Saul said to David: Go, and the Lord be with you ...
David was a warrior of God, he had prepared him for battle and had trained him with sheep, wolves, lions and bears for this day of battle with the giant Goliath, David was not afraid of the size or what was said about him because David he had his trust and eyes set on God.
We all know this story of David and the victory that God gave him when he faced Goliath, David went to the battle line and obviously he knew that his victory came from God therefore there was no giant that could defeat him.
God is unique in excellence and his power surpasses all understanding, therefore the enemy will never be able to defeat those whom God prepares for the Battle and you can become at this time that warrior that only God can train for war for the problem for him chaos
When God prepares his children for war, nothing and no one can stop them and keep in mind that a war is not just fights, a giant can be any problem that you are today looking at as impossible to overcome.
Your victory is in the hands of God blessed warrior (a)