in HeartChurch5 years ago

There are people who carry very heavy burdens in their life who do not know how to get rid of them and although they are diverse there is one specifically that makes other burdens heavier and that is when a person allows that in her heart she finds resentment because
the heaviest burden a person can carry is a grudge.


The Bible exhorts us to abandon all the fruits of resentment and to forgive in order to be forgiven

Ephesians 4: 31-32
31 Abandon all bitterness, anger and anger, shouting and slander, and all forms of malice. 32 Rather, be kind and compassionate to one another, and forgive each other, just as God forgave you in Christ.
(New International Version)

When a person decides to preach it is because they have received spiritual freedom, so forgiveness is the best option to find personal peace and end one of the heaviest burdens of human beings, which is resentment.

Rancor comes from Latin and means "stale." That is, nothing that is stale can be or can bring anything good, therefore a person with a grudge, in the first place, generates more damage to himself than to others.

It is very painful when a person lives with resentment because resentment is treasured in the heart and damages all areas of the person's life, so forgiving is important to overcome resentment.

One of the secrets of a long and fruitful life is to forgive because forgiveness frees and heals all accumulated wounds of a long time.

We must find a way to be kind and forgive each other if we also want to receive God's forgiveness because just as Christ forgives us all our debts and sins, so it is also necessary that we forgive all those who offend us.

We should not feed the resentment in our heart because it really destroys the life of any person and everything that is around him the best way for someone to be free is to put the resentment aside and forgive to get rid of that heavy burden.

In life we carry many burdens that may seem heavy to us but there is no greater burden that a person can have than the one that accumulates in his heart and feeds it day by day until he becomes a prisoner of it and really resentment is that heavy load That absorbs you, imprisons you and imprisons you in a bondage which needs to be released through forgiveness.