Job 5: 7
7 But as sparks rise to fly through the air,
Thus man is born to grief.
Affliction is a part of life the Bible affirms it "Man is born for affliction" and although this is not God's plan for us he allows it because it is necessary and in a way all the people of the world go through this. However our help comes from Jehovah
Christians who search the scriptures know that this is part of God's plan for man. However, everything will depend on how we look at the adversities that we have to face since our gaze must always be directed at God with the certainty that he is in control of every situation.
If we trust God with certainty, believing in his promises, really in every adverse situation, we will have peace and we will feel safe, since God is the only guarantee of happiness for man, woman, youth, in short, for all humanity.
My days are safer and happier with God submitting all will before him and recognizing that without his presence my life is summed up to nothing because his word comforts me, encourages me and fills me with joy.
The Bible says that David rejoiced in the presence of God even in difficulties because he meditated on his word in his thoughts day and night and highlighted their greatness.
Psalms 139: 17-18
17 How precious are your thoughts to me, oh God!
!!How big is their properties!
18 If I list them, they multiply more than the sand;
I wake up, and I am still with you.
King James Version (RVR1960).
Satan has always wanted to distort the truth of God in the heart of man and he has wanted to accuse God in the minds and thoughts of people to blame God for all the problems we go through in life but we know that he came to this world to that but our God is great and merciful and loves us so much that he gives us his grace and favor rest and peace so that we can feel joy even in storms.
Understanding life includes being aware of evil and the ungodly who march the world created by God, in addition to understanding that only God can give us of his peace and understand that he does not give it as the world gives it.