Why Sin Against God

in HeartChurch4 years ago

But your iniquities have separated you from your God;
And your sins have hidden His face from you,
So that He will not hear.
Isaiah 59:2 NIV

My heart ask a questions!
Is it the same God whose arms has shielded us from toils and dangers that we accuses everyday not been mindful of us?
Or is it the same God that has provided in times of need that we accuses everyday of not been sufficient?
I guess we need to go back to the drawing board!
Listen carefully-
Our hands that were purely made to lend arms to the armless is the same hands we have used to rob and kill the armless.
We have stained our hands with blood and make our fingers to be fill with guilt verses 3.
Our lips were made to speak the truth, to proclaim the living word of God to the mute and the lost generation but we have used it for selfish interest and testify evil against righteous people.
Our conscience to deliver justice to the poor, less privilege and widows is long dead and we exchange justice for money.
We rely on empty arguments and testify lies and wickedness.
We preach light but act darkness in our judgment.
Yet we call on God.
Then, I ask, why must sin against my God? Why accusing a righteous God?
Sin has separated us from a holy God and he no longer hear us because of our unrepentant altitude.
Jesus desire to have us back to his father, our father.
He desires to give peace to the world.
He desires to heal the world but can we allow him to do so and stop our wickedness?
We need to go back to God with a repented heart and seek for help.
praise the Lord!


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